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P: Generative Remove Feedback (Lr Classic & Lr Eco)

Employé Adobe ,
Aug 13, 2024 Aug 13, 2024

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This post applies to Lightroom Classic and the Lightroom Ecosystem products.
Camera Raw feedback can be found here.
Generative Remove makes it easier to remove unwanted objects and distractions with a simple gesture, even on complex backgrounds. For more accurate results, be sure to include the object's shadow in your selection and/or expand its size. 
Detect Objects uses AI to find the objects underneath a brushed area. The masked areas will now appear larger than the Early Access version of this feature. You can also circle objects for quicker selection now. 
We have also updated the spot selection experience to make it easier to manage variations, switch the fill type, refine the selection area, or re-generate as needed. 
Batch updating is also now supported for Generative Remove spots. 
Try out the latest updates and share your feedback with us here. Please also include the following details in your post: 
  • App version
  • System details
  • Example image(s) if you wish to share

Our team continually monitors this thread to track issues for future improvement. Thanks!
Lisa Ngo: Lightroom Product Manager


Posted by:

Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org
macOS , Windows




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correct answers 1 réponse épinglée

Employé Adobe , Dec 12, 2024 Dec 12, 2024

Update (Dec 2024):  With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping. 


Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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@arek_dofuture: " I keep getting some glow of the object"


Are you applying Remove on top of an AI mask (e.g. Sky or Background)?  If so, do Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the AI mask; or delete the mask, do Remove, then reapply the mask. 


If this doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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Thank you for the Early Access to Generative Remove. I am a professional photographer, both action sports and portraits. I am enjoying using this feature. There are many times, though, when it doesn't really remove the item circled, such as acne blemishes on high school seniors. That is my only suggestion. So far, it is very easy to use and I will use it often!  Thank you!




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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@loyalt: "There are many times, though, when it doesn't really remove the item circled, such as acne blemishes on high school seniors."


Adobe recommends using the other remove tools for small spots: Remove mode with Generative AI unchecked (the old content-aware), Heal mode, or Clone mode.




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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I have 2 observations to share: (a) The white line bordering the AI Remove area makes it hard to see how smoothly the AI action blends with the rest of the photograph.. You have to accept a change to get this white line to disappear, then blow up the area to see the blend, and then redo if the blend isn't smooth. It would be useful to have a toggle to hide that line before selecting one of the 3 changes generated; (b) If 2 areas are selected that do not have the same level of light or shadow density, the AI Remove will get one right and the other wrong. I have to work with separate masks.




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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@philchavanne: "The white line bordering the AI Remove area makes it hard to see how smoothly the AI action blends with the rest of the photograph"


Set Tool Overlay to Auto:



When you move the mouse out of the photo proper, the overlay will disappear.


"If 2 areas are selected that do not have the same level of light or shadow density, the AI Remove will get one right and the other wrong."


Please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so Adobe can see the issue in detail. Call out the areas giving the problem.




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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My first impression is that it is flat-out horrible. I have tried it many times, and it just does not remove unwanted objects. What is seen in the video on the old West set is something I cannot duplicate. My latest attempt was an image of a white tablecloth upon which is part of a fork and a keychain. I try to remove the fork part, but all I get are different versions of a fork. Back to PS it is.




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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@stevefry77: "My latest attempt was an image of a white tablecloth upon which is part of a fork and a keychain. I try to remove the fork part, but all I get are different versions of a fork."


See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:

Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.




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Explorateur ,
Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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Most of the time, the remove tool is comically bad. It's better in Photoshop, but in Lightroom its unusable, I export everything to photoshop. Lightroom is becoming an organisational tool, not much more.




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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I find this comment to be a tad ridiculous and quite inaccurate. Lightroom
is fantastic as an editing tool, much more user friendly than PS and so
much more than just "an organizational tool." I am a professional sports
and portrait photographer and use Lightroom exclusively.




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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@newplasticmachine: "the remove tool is comically bad."


See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:

Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.




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Explorateur ,
Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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Here's a good example of something that should have been easy to remove.

I have a big black pole obscuring the building.

Generative remove went a little haywire.

While this might be OK for some of the commenters here 🙂 I'ts too far form the intended result for me.




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Employé Adobe ,
Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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It seems to work fine for me: 

Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 9.58.28 AM.png

All three variations were acceptable.  A screenshot showing your actual brush stroke might be helpful in troubleshooting.

Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org




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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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My brush stroke was precisely like yours, but the generative remove automatically made it 3 times the width, which the article seemed to imply was the proper way to do things.




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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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I had "detect objects" clicked on.




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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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When "Detect Objects" is deselected, I still get unsatisfactory results. I tried both the original RAW and the JPG. And when I use the settings in your photo, I get an entirely different behavior (red regions) the only way I can come close to replicating this is to use a brish size of 11 with Detect off, but still not satisfactory. This is truly strange IMHO. ALso included is the same proceedure I did in photoshop.




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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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@newplasticmachine, I may be missing something -- what's unsatisfactory about the first and third screenshots?  They look like Rikk's results.


In general Detect Objects doesn't work well with long skinny things like poles and power lines, and I often find myself unchecking it.  It results in selections that are too wide or disconnected or both, as seen in your second screenshot:







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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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The third example is perfect, but done in Photoshop.

The first example created some bizarre distortions. Look at the building above the V in the sign.

That's probably acceptable for family snapshots but not for photography.

The strange thing is how wildly different these results are on the same image and same settings but on different computers.

RIkk's version HAD "detect objects" selected and appears to have no issue.

When I had "detect objects" selected (on raw as well as jog), it behaved entirely differently.


I don't know why it's so different for me Lightroom vs Photoshop, but it is. 





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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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@newplasticmachine: "The third example is perfect, but done in Photoshop. The first example created some bizarre distortions."


Got it, thanks.


It seems that the Remove tools in both PS and LR are quite sensitive to the width and placement of the selection over the pole.  On the left is a fair bit of distortion from my first attempt in PS, and on the right is an example from LR that looks much better:


JohnREllis_0-1730169958523.png JohnREllis_1-1730170395244.png


Regarding Rikk's screenshot, I'm skeptical that the selection shown in white outline was made with Detect Objects. I've never seen it make a selection like that with a perfectly rounded bottom -- that's the outline of a brush stroke made without Detect Objects. My experience with Detect Objects on lines and poles is that it always make a too-wide selection, often in disconnected pieces, just as you're experiencing.


Rikk, can you show us the red outline of the selection you made with Detect Objects?







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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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I guess it's kind of a random thing. I wonder how much a computer and possibly internet connection, influences the results.


FWIW I do baseline color correction in LRC, then export to PS to take advantage of all the tools in that program, then return to RC for the final minor tweaks.


One thing that I do wish could be done simply in Lightroom is to create custom borders. I put all of my photos in a white square, and I believe it can be done in the print module, but it's far easier to use the crop tool in PS.




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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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Good morning

Same comment as already read below: I was rtying to remove a leaf on a sold color sky and it was replaced by a smaller leaf (all three versions) . Sad result when one consider that previous version (yet called "testing version") was working perfectly well.




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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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@patrice26925415ukla: "I was rtying to remove a leaf on a sold color sky and it was replaced by a smaller leaf (all three versions) ."


See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:

Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, including people who think that Remove has changed for the worse in LR 14, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.




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Oct 27, 2024 Oct 27, 2024

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When I try to remove something with the AI remove function of lightroom, instead of removing, all the proposals are to remplace. For example : instead of removing a car, it propose te replace by another car ! When I try to generate again, it still propose another car to replace !! It's a bug or to I have to modify a parameter ?




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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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@efficient_dancer5CC7 you can't do much about it.

I want to make an example:
Original photo

Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 13.30.00.png

I refreshed and I got 0 success rate upon several tries.

Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 13.31.26.pngScreenshot 2024-10-28 at 13.31.31.pngScreenshot 2024-10-28 at 13.31.47.png

I open the image in Photoshop and entered instruction "Street"
Failure again, I was no specific enough so Ai "thought" that "street" could have a car (makes sense tbh)

Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 13.33.37.png

But in Photoshop I can add more instructions to guide the AI

So I wrote "Street, no cars"
Success !

Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 13.34.15.png
One of the 3 versions works.

The other ones are silly, I got giant walking furry creatures.


Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 13.42.07.png



• BUT in Photoshop at least one can guide the AI so at last we are not at total mercy of what AI "thinks" will work.

One way to have higher success rate would be to have instructions.





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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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This is a great working example. The car is casting a shadow that extends down to the bottom edge, and when you don't select the shadow too, Remove generates a replacement that tries to match the remaining shadow.  Using the screenshot with the generated car, here's what happens when you don't select the shadow:



When you include the shadow, the first variant has replaced the car with matching buildings, wall, yellow curb, and street and even generated a reflection for the pole:







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Oct 28, 2024 Oct 28, 2024

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@johnrellis but with instructions users could paint smaller holes AND have results.

Instructions help a lot.


Also this is another example of why having tips would help.


I used Object Detect and the tool very basically expanded the "real selection" by about 500 pixels...the tool didn't search for other meaningful/connected areas that should have been included in the selectio for the optimal result.


I did what any new user would have done using the tool the first time: I trusted the tool.


There was no indication whatsoever that the area auto selected was not enough.

Not tips or tricks to help.







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