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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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@Rolf5C3D: "Almost useless and with lot of errors this AI-Remove-tool. Remove-functions were much better before that."
1. Uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos.
2. After clicking Remove, check that the Opacity slider is 100 -- LR infrequently changes it to something else.
3. See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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thanks for your feedback. As I have learned here, some of the problems don´t occur when the removing-tool is NOT applied over a masked area of the pic - helpfull information so far.
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@Rolf5C3D: "some of the problems don´t occur when the removing-tool is NOT applied over a masked area of the pic"
If you do apply Remove to an AI mask and see the ghosts, just do the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the mask. Often it's a more convenient to apply Remove late in the workflow when you see which objects are important to remove.
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Just updated, and the new remove is less effective than last version. Looks like I'll be using PS still.
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@dominickl36263238: "Just updated, and the new remove is less effective than last version. Looks like I'll be using PS still."
See my reply from just a few minutes ago:
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Using Mac OS Sequoia 15.1.1, Lightroom Classic 14.0.1
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@taylory63314032: " the texture of the stone walkway that is used to fill the removed space clearly has a different texture than the actual stone around it."
The replacement patch supplied by Adobe Firefly has a maximum size of 2048 x 2048 pixels. If the selected area in the photo is larger than that, then the replacement patch gets upscaled (and blurry). Your screenshot indicates you're probably replacing an area larger than 2048 x 2048.
There's a related issue with grain (which doesn't seem to be the problem here). See this post for how to ameliorate the problem with grain:
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I'm having issues removing with High ISO Noise pictures, for example in a picture that has a plain background and there's a microphone that I want to delete, Remove will work perfectly with exception of the noise generated by the AI, that's not anything similar to the previouse noise, so the selection of the removal will be noticeable.
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@luquibro: "exception of the noise generated by the AI, that's not anything similar to the previouse noise"
Remove doesn't do well matching noise/grain. See this post for how to ameliorate the problem with grain:
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While I generally like "Generative Remove (GR)", I am often frustrated with it's decision. In particular, when I select "remove" I want the selected object removed. Too often GR instead offers something very similar to what I'm trying to eliminate. In other words, instead of "remove", it's giving me "replace with similar". For example, someone has photo-bombed my photo. I want the protuding head/body/face to go away. I try GR and it offers me three new/different heads/bodies/faces!!! So that means it's sampling the object I'm removing when it should instead by sampling the surroundings and figuring a way to extend those surrounds into the area vacated by the removed object.
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@geoffrey_1503: "Too often GR instead offers something very similar to what I'm trying to eliminate."
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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I will try it like that. Thank You 🙂
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Hello, I have an error problem: generative elimination has failed. We have detected a problem and we cannot complete your request at this time. Please try again later.
And it does not come out from there. This is from LR because it works fine from PS. I await your response on how to solve it. Thank you.
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@Joan5C5C: " I have an error problem: generative elimination has failed. We have detected a problem and we cannot complete your request at this time. Please try again later."
See my reply to your other post here:
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Since the new update, the AI remove tool doesn't seem to be doing to work seamlessly. I attach two photos so you can see.
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@teodora.velikov: "Since the new update, the AI remove tool doesn't seem to be doing to work seamlessly."
Generative Remove has always had occasional issues with matching the tone of uniform backgrounds like sky -- it's not new to LR 14:
You can often ameliorate this by using the Heal tool on top of the Generative Remove, e.g.
There are other issues with replacement patches large than 2048 x 2048 and with matching grain.
If this doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot). With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to remove the desired objects.
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Remove Tool has trouble removing telephone lines. This seems to be a common item editors wish to remove, but I'm not alone in this. From a user standpoint, it seems like a program of this caliber should be able to remove thin lines with ease. Is there any plan to improve this aspect? Removing a thin line takes multiple tries and usually removes content I wish to keep. Please help with tips if I can change the Remove options on my end for easier removal of these types of objects.
Thank you,
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@MarkHop777: "Remove Tool has trouble removing telephone lines. ... Removing a thin line takes multiple tries and usually removes content I wish to keep.
Generative Remove will usually do a good job with telephone lines. Some tips:
1. Uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos.
2. Make sure you select the entire line in one selection -- if you don't, Remove will try to match the unselected pieces.
But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Bardzo pogorszyła się jakość usuwania przedmiotów za pomocą sztucznej inteligencji w Lightrrom Classic, w Lightroom mobilnym funkacja nadal działa bardzo dobrze. W Classic często zamiast usuwanego przedmiotu pozostaje jego poświata lub zupełnie inny losowo wstawiony element zamiast tła. Stempel również nie zawsze działa jak należy, nawet w przypadku ustawienia krycia na 100% prześwitują pod nim elementy, które chcę zakryć, wcześniej tego problemu nie było.
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@paulina_amox: "In Classic, instead of the removed object, its glow often remains, or a completely different randomly inserted element instead of the background. The stamp also does not always work properly, even when the opacity is set to 100%, the elements I want to cover show through"
It sounds like you're applying Remove on top of an AI mask, such as Sky or Background, which can leave a "ghost" image behind -- this has always been the case, even before Generative Remove was introduced. Do the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the mask.
If this doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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I'm still having consistent issues with the tool doing a poor job at matching background noise/pattern (e.g. wall, sky). Standard remove does a great job with this. (I use it when possible.)
In the below example, a person's head was partially obscuring the bookshelves; I wanted the bookshelves and a blank wall. AI remove does a decent job with the removal, and I'm happy enough with the variations given. Except, it's just pretty obvious that something has been done to the wall. See screenshots below that have the area outline turned off and on. The border is clear even with the outline turned off.
If I go through an incredible number of variations, I might get something half-decent, but never great—and then I'm stuck with whatever else the variation is. Sky is a huge issue too.
Anyone have tips?
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@umlautnord: "I'm still having consistent issues with the tool doing a poor job at matching background noise/pattern"
There are three separable issues:
1. Adobe Firefly returns replacement patches no larger than 2048 x 2048 pixels. So if the area to be replaced is larger, LR upscales the patch, making it blurrier.
2. Generative Remove often doesn't match the tone of a uniform background (e.g. sky) and the different tone of the replacement is quite noticeable, with a sharp boundary. You can often use the Heal tool on top of the Generative Remove replacement to do a better job blending.
3. Generative Remove often doesn't do well with detailed grain/noise, as in your photo. See here for how to use Effects > Grain to sometimes ameliorate the problem:
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Appreciate the assistance, @johnrellis. Firefly patch restriction not an issue here, but good to know! (OT: Does this include Photoshop too?)
Re #2 - Noted!
Re #3 - I'm not 100% sure what the specific steps are there recommended there... can you confirm this? Here's what worked for me:
1) Globally, adjust the grain sliders so that there's a match between removed/non removed areas. Leave that applied.
2) Create a full-image mask with the negative amount of grain to counteracts that. Image returns to looking exactly the same. (There are perhaps miniscule differences in the noise, but nothing of concern to me, at least—it's still basically the same original image grain).
3) Remove (using Brush or Object or whatever) the Gen AI Remove area from the full-image mask.
For whatever reason, simply determining globally, removing globally, then adding that grain in a single mask over the remove area doesn't do the trick. I've never entirely been sure how sliders like grain and noise reduction work +/- in masks depending on the global state, but this is one that seems to work out!