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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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Please bring back the option to toggle between photos when the remove tool is clicked and ther is nothing selected. It takes away from editing speed.
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Hold Alt/Option modifier and use arrow left/right to move the next or previous image when either Remove Panel or Masking Panel is open.
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You also have to use Alt/Opt Left/Right when other panels are active: Crop, Red Eye, White Balance, Tone Curve.
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Its mindblowing that Lr cannot remove this simple distracting light on the edge of the frame.
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@Min E: "Lr cannot remove this simple distracting light on the edge of the frame."
Remove quickly removed it from your screenshot:
1. Uncheck Detect Objects before selecting the object. It doesn't work very well, especially with objects near an edge of the photo.
2. If you've applied Crop, Transform, or Lens Corrections, temporarily undo them, do the Remove, then reapply them. Remove tries to match the unselected, cropped-out pixels.
3. If you haven't applied one of those cropping commands and you're editing a raw, let us know the precise make and model of the camera and I can provide a simple technique.
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I tried to remove some electricity lines, but LR went quite bezerk. I selected with shift and select, but it did not select the line, but something in between (line nothing line nothing). the resulting removl did not take place, as it should.
Maybe a different department, but if i try to remove the lines 'normally' a white line remains. I expected a blue sky, like you get when removing a spot. The blacker/darker the spot or line the whiter the resulting spot/line becomes.
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@Donaldm2: " I selected with shift and select, but it did not select the line, but something in between (line nothing line nothing)."
It sounds like you've got Detect Objects selected. Uncheck it -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and near the photo edges.
"if i try to remove the lines 'normally' a white line remains. I expected a blue sky, like you get when removing a spot."
You're probably applying Remove on top of an AI mask, e.g. a Sky mask. Do Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the mask.
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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yes, I probably used a mask. I didn't know that mattered... I'll check and report back.
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It would be cool if there was a one-click option to do AI removal actions that people might typically do. For instance, a button for "remove pedestrians" or "clean up telephone wires."
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See my reply here for how to provide constructive feedback about this:
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no me sirve elemento de quitar en lightroom con la Ia
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it fails every attempt i get a fail message it doent work
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@Devon33609098zidk: "it fails every attempt i get a fail message it doent work"
Please post a full-resolution screenshot (not a phone pic) of the error message, and we can advise how to fix the issue.
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Estoy teniendo problemas con la eliminación generativa, no puedo usarla, cada vea que la uso me sale este mensaje "Eliminación generativa a fallado"
¿Como puedo solucionarlo?
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@Manuel38407307rqw1: "I'm having problems with generative elimination, I can't use it, every time I use it I get this message"
That error corresponds to this LR English error message:
"$$$/Clio/StatusCode/HTTP/Forbidden=We've encountered an issue and can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later."
Sometimes firewalls and anti-malware / anti-virus utilities incorrectly block some network requests from LR. Try these troubleshooting steps:
- Temporarily disable all the firewall / anti-malware on your computer. If that solves the problem, then add a specific exclusion for LR to the firewall's rules.
- Connect to another network, preferably one serviced by a different ISP. E.g. a Wifi connection of a neighbor, a coffee shop, work, or your phone's hotspot. Sometimes the routers in these networks block LR's requests, especially in authoritarian countries like China.
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Hi, I was so happy to see that adobe included AI to correct imperfections on photographies. Unfortunately, it doesn't work at all for me and it's worse than before the update. I just try to delete a very little thing on the top of my photography and the result give me a bigger imperfection than before...
Very disappointing when you see that a google smartphone can do better...
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@Diebold Photographie: "I just try to delete a very little thing on the top of my [photograph] and the result give me a bigger imperfection than before"
Removing objects along the edge of a photo requires a little extra care. First, uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos. Second, undo any Crop, Lens Correction, and Transform, apply Remove, then reapply those commands. Remove tries to match the unselected cropped-out pixels.
For more details, see this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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im finding the AI Remove tool very frustrating lately. when i try to remove an object, it always seems to replace it with a different variation of the object im trying to remove. also,im finding that unless the object is clear of anything else, it struggles. it claimes it removes from complex images but i find this not to be the case most of the time.Ai is of couse in its infancy,but of late it sem to be getting worse not better.
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@Darren25519603zxa6: "when i try to remove an object, it always seems to replace it with a different variation of the object im trying to remove. also,im finding that unless the object is clear of anything else, it struggles."
First, uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos. If that doesn't help, then see this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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So i shoot some fine art nude, not pornographic in any way, but it is nudity. The first time i tried using the AI tool on these images it refused to work. But on some newly taken images it works just fine. I then thought AHA, they have now changed this insane limit on nudity and i can now make some AI adjustements to the first images i tried this a long time ago.. but no, those images are still "flagged" somehow by the system.
Since the newly taken images are ok, have they changed the limitations on nudity? If so, why doesnt the tool work on the older filea?
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@björnr38703033: "Since the newly taken images are ok, have they changed the limitations on nudity? If so, why doesnt the tool work on the older files?"
Adobe Firefly's "safety" filters, like all such AI filters (including Google Gemini), are imperfect. It's pretty clear that Adobe and the other platforms would rather have too many false positives than false negatives, for legal and political reasons. So it could very possibly be coincidence that some of your older photos still get flagged and some of the newer ones don't. We'd need to test a larger test set to know confidently.
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Would be really cool if we could just put a ribbon, black square , red square, censorship button or something to denote censorship of nudity and graphic images, right in lightroom without going to photoshop. I'm talking about something super simple, just for social media, nothing too detialed or complicated - would be cool if instagram actually let you apply censorship labels ontop of photos in app. but I think you guys should think about adding a VERY SIMPLE feature like this for lightroom classic and the mobile app.
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You can censor images by apllying a radial filter with 0 Feather and Exposure -4 and Amount 200 in case
Export or publish with the censorish THEN hide the Correction used for censorship OR delete it.
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Just tried the remove after the latest update. Fortuneately I had carried out some demanding removal of a car from this image using the previous version and I was pretty happy with the result. The new one delivers a consistently lower resolution result than the beta version. I have attached the best offering. If you compare the railings and the paving, the older is always sharper.