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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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@toddw40199643: "The new one delivers a consistently lower resolution result than the beta version."
I don't think the resolution of the replacement patches has changed -- Adobe Firefly has always returned 2048 x 2048 replacement patches. Something else might be going on, and it would be good to identify what and possibly file a bug report. To help, please select the "good" image, do the command Metadata > Save Metadata To File, and upload it and its .xmp sidecar (if it's raw) to Wetransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive, or some other free service and post the sharing link here.
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I find that generative deletion works pretty well on backgrounds or clearly defined objects... but there's still one big point to be dealt with: dust in light areas on old photos (slides or film) scanned or retaken with a digital camera.
Why do we still have to deal with these dusts or defects individually when we can easily highlight the defects? Why can't we select all the dusts in a photo by selecting just a few? This seems to me to be much simpler than these generative deletions. If you can solve this problem or if you have another solution to suggest, I'd love to hear from you.
Best regards, Patrick
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@Montpat: "Why do we still have to deal with these dusts or defects individually when we can easily highlight the defects?"
Please add your upvote and constructive opinion to this feature request;
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I am trying to select the cable to remove it. but after releasing the mouse, I find some other area is selected. Extremely frustrating. Lightroom Classic: 14.0.1 Release with Camera Raw 17.0
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@DhandaNot: "I am trying to select the cable to remove it. but after releasing the mouse, I find some other area is selected."
Uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos.
Also, see this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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With all due respect, this new remove feature does not work. How do I get back to the original functionallity, which was much easier and efficient?
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@midroz: "this new remove feature does not work."
First, uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos. If that doesn't help, then see this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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No drastic changes have been done to Geerative Remove behavior or algorithms compared to spring 2024
It's is nearly the same as before.
What changed is that:
1. UI has been redesigned for and now there is a dedicated section for the creation AND a secrion for the currently selected Remove.
Alas in this redesign the "Opacity" slider has been removed form the creation section...this is a regression to what we had before (and was duly reported).
2. Detect Objects Remove now "Auto Expands" by 500 pixles around the actual selection.
Again this supposedly is to include a bigger area and increase the Gen Remove success rate BUT in reality it only leads to selecting unwanted part of the image that we must "Subtract" ourselves.
A good intention, not really prorpely implemented.
As @johnrellis says is best to disable and never use that mode until Adobe fixes it.
So overall Genrative Remove is basically the same as before with slightly new UI.
.The high failure rate is mostly due to the total lack of explanation of how to use the tool.
The article that John has linked will help.
Until we have text prompts Genrative Remove will always fail more than in Phothsop were users can instruct and describe what they want to generate.
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So very disappointed with the way regenertive ai is working tongiht. I don't get what happened to it. When taking out an eye sore builing in the background of the same set of photos- in the same exact background and foreground it did soooo good last month. Now it keep replacing it with new buildings no matter what i do and i hit refresh like 50x . .it adds in ugly buildings, and random people and structures. Total waste of 30 minutes of my time and now the couple were looking forward to the other images having the ugly building out of the sunset photos like it previously did and guess it cant be done as i am not spending another few hours waiting for it to be intelligent again.
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Uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos. If that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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I have to be honest, I think the generative remove on LRC is more accurate than on Photoshop. It gives me way better options, especially with nature-related asks.
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@hopeful_Dewdrop4822: "I think the generative remove on LRC is more accurate than on Photoshop. It gives me way better options, especially with nature-related asks."
Can you please post a couple examples here, so we can see in detail where Remove doesn't do as well? Attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot).
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I have had some really good results with Generative Remove. People and spots, birs, and so on, have vanished, but it really struggles with power or phone lines.
For some reason, it does not seem to find them to select, and rarely produces a seemless replacement, often leaving the powerline in place, or merely displacing it.
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@Stoneybroke: "it does not seem to find them to select, and rarely produces a seemless replacement, often leaving the powerline in place, or merely displacing it."
Removing objects along the edge of a photo requires a little extra care. First, uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos. Second, undo any Crop, Lens Correction, and Transform, apply Remove, then reapply those commands. Remove tries to match the unselected cropped-out pixels.
If that doesn't help, then see this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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I think the powerlines sit with the 'skinny objects' as, even though it passes across the whole picture, LR picks a block of sky which includes the wire, even though the wire is clear, then it just seems to shuffle the clouds a little, sometimes blurring the powerline, but not removing it.
I have just tried to get it to do a bad example on a powerline for a photo, but you cannot see the difference!
I shall keep trying.
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@Stoneybroke, I was able to quickly remove the power lines, using separate applications of Remove for each segment of line, with Detect Objects turned off:
1. Did you undo any previous Crop, Lens Correction, and Transform before applying Remove?
2. Is the original photo raw? If so, what's the exact make and model of the camera? (That matters for objects touching the edges.)
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Thank you for your advice, I have some interesting observations following some more experimentation when I have had time, this afternoon.
But first, the original image is a Canon DNG Raw file from Canon EOS 20D (not mine) and the above example had been processed before I attempted the removal.
I created a virtual copy and cleared all processing – this is just a segment of the original photo for ease - See image 1.
The below photos show my efforts after your advice.
#2. The powerlines appear to have been treated and gone using the settings you recommended.
#3. I then applied some processing in Develop Module - Lens Profile, Basic - Auto Tone, Preset - Storm Clouds, then some additional darkening of the masked sky. Sadly, the processing created artefacts, and the editing of the powerlines is now visible, with the bit between the chimneys coming back…
Since you said you had no problems getting the powerlines to vanish on the jpgs, I then exported my original, proceed version, as a jpg, and reimported it to LR14.
#4. is the result – nearly perfect (considering I did this quickly – mouse only).
On the same picture from which #4 is cropped, I used the AI Gen remove on various other objects, post processing of the clouds, etc., and gulls and rain spots vanished, as did two people standing by a wall, so it seems it is the powerline type of object causing an issue in a RAW file, but the AI can cope with the same issues in a jpg.
That may be the way forward to avoid to weird artefacts, and instead, remove the last troublesome intrusions from a high-quality jpg.
I hope my observations are of assistance – it is a great feature.
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Interesting, I'm seeing some issues with pushing the sky after applying Remove, but not the same as you are. So I don't think we're fully understanding yet what's really going on.
In your "3 Developed after Gen AI", you can see the wires themselves:
But when I use a Sky mask to push the sky after applying Generative AI to the cables, the wires don't appear, though the replacement patches become quite noticeable:
So two questions:
1. Click on one of the existing Remove replacement icons where there wires are showing. Is the Opacity slider something other than 100? A bug in the LR UI sometimes sets the slider other than 100.
2. Can you share the edited photo with all of your Develop settings? That will make explicit the precise settings and how they are interacting, more efficient than playing 20 questions. To do that, make sure Catalog Settings > Metadata > Include Develop Settings In Metadata is checked, and then in Export, set Metadata > Include: All Metadata.
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A general problem with Generative Remove is that it's replacement patches don't always blend well with backgrounds, most noticeably skies and uniform gradients. This sometimes becomes much more noticeable if you really push the background behind the Remove with a mask, as I did with the sky above.
You can sometimes work around that by selecting much larger portions of the sky, or all of the sky, and then doing Remove on the entire sky. Or you can export and reimport the photo, as you did.
The interaction between masks and Remove creates complications in LR that takes a little learning to master. It's sometimes simpler simply to export the edited photo as a TIFF or JPEG, reimport and then apply Remove. This is why so many people erroneously conclude that Photoshop's Remove algorithm is so much better. It's not the algorithm, but rather the interaction between LR's masks and Remove, that's causing issues. When you edit in Photoshop or apply LR Remove to a photo that's been exported and reimported, you're working a photo with all the previous edits "baked in" to the array of pixels.
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A finally, LR's old Content Aware removal is still there, and often works just fine on small objects and wires. Just uncheck both Detect Objects and Use Generative AI (the UI is very confusing here).
Here I've used Content Aware and pushed the sky very hard, and the replacement patches blend perfectly:
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I was trying to remove a zebra whose head was poking into the bottom of my image. I watched a few videos to make sure I was doing it right... this was the original:
This was the result...
I tried various options, including "detect objects".. but it just made things worse than before the remove.
Maybe Zebras are tricky because of their stripes.
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@Africadunc: "I was trying to remove a zebra whose head was poking into the bottom of my image."
I was able to quickly remove the head from the screenshot, with Detect Objects turned off.
Removing objects along the edge of a photo requires a little extra care. Undo any Crop, Lens Correction, and Transform, apply Remove, then reapply those commands. Remove tries to match the unselected cropped-out pixels.
If that doesn't help, and you're working with a raw photo, then brush extra wide along the edge, as described in detail here:
And if that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Thanks I will give it a try.
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I looked at the original again and it was cropped. When I uncropped it and removed the zebra from the original it worked perfectly, then I re-cropped it. Thanks for the tip!
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Ao tentar utilizar a ferramenta de remoção, apresenta esse erro, após selecionar a área de remoção. ALguém sabe resover o problema? o programa ja está atualizado com a versão 14.
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@positive_Mercury5F8B: "When trying to use the removal tool, this error appears"
That error corresponds to this LR English error message:
"$$$/Clio/StatusCode/HTTP/Forbidden=We've encountered an issue and can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later."
Sometimes firewalls and anti-malware / anti-virus utilities incorrectly block some network requests from LR. Try these troubleshooting steps:
- Temporarily disable all the firewall / anti-malware on your computer. If that solves the problem, then add a specific exclusion for LR to the firewall's rules.
- Connect to another network, preferably one serviced by a different ISP. E.g. a Wifi connection of a neighbor, a coffee shop, work, or your phone's hotspot. Sometimes the routers in these networks block LR's requests, especially in authoritarian countries like China.