Community Beginner
Community Beginner
Nov 12, 2024
07:39 AM
So i shoot some fine art nude, not pornographic in any way, but it is nudity. The first time i tried using the AI tool on these images it refused to work. But on some newly taken images it works just fine. I then thought AHA, they have now changed this insane limit on nudity and i can now make some AI adjustements to the first images i tried this a long time ago.. but no, those images are still "flagged" somehow by the system. Since the newly taken images are ok, have they changed the limitations on nudity? If so, why doesnt the tool work on the older filea?
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Aug 27, 2023
05:09 AM
Did i not write MP, that usually means megapixels right?? I am ofcourse fully aware exactely what a jpg and a raw file is... but there are share settings in LR that let me decide to output a JPG with MAXIMUM FILE SETTINGS. So if the sensor is 26 megapixels then the output should be 26 megapixels, this works just fine in LR but NOT when choosing share with border.
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Aug 27, 2023
01:51 AM
No, if you set to output maximum available size you will get a 26 megapixel jpg from a 26 megapixel sensor, this 3 mp images are scaled down in dimensions....
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Aug 26, 2023
09:35 AM
I have set the share to settings to output maximum size, in this case 26mp. But when i use the "add border and share" it always outputs just 3mp images, nomatter what i have the setting to...
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Jul 07, 2023
09:46 AM
I have also connected my Canon 6d mk2 directly through the dongle and imported to lightroom, now i bought a used Sony a6000 and will NOT connect to my ipad, not even the pc. Can someone please help me?
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Feb 04, 2023
01:36 AM
1 Upvote
I just cant seem to find any info or videos anywhere on this topic. Is it possible to shoot 48 mp raw from the iphone 14 pro directly within the mobile app? Its really mindboggling that there are no videos for ex on YT on this topic...
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Dec 11, 2022
03:39 AM
I have imported a few presets into the mobile app. I created the presets and it says "stored in user presets". But WHERE is the user presets? Cant find it anywhere. I if i google it this it seems that many have the same issue. WHERE is it?
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Aug 05, 2022
12:46 AM
Yes i have 237 sync issues!! I cant sit and manually pick out these images and reimport. This has to be solved somehow. And this is certainly NOT the first time this happens, this happens EVERY time i am travelling and using cellular data, although i have a very fast connection. I really have to start setting up a private NAS solution because your services are just not working properly, i see that many other customers also have the same problems over and over again. We pay for your services to work, and this is what we get.... HOW can you fix this?
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Aug 04, 2022
10:15 AM
I am out on the road taking photos as i go. At night i usually connect my Canon 6d MkII via cable to my Ipad Pro M1. The Ipad is connected to internet via hotspot through my Iphone. I have a very good connectionspeed, always on 4g with high speeds. As things are this very moment : 292 photos waiting. 8% uploaded!!! What the ##### is happening here? What kind of a internet connection do you need to be able to upload any photos to your servers???? This ofcourse also means that the cachefile on the Ipad is getting very large and pretty soon i wont be able to transfer any more photos from my camera...
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Sep 15, 2020
02:04 PM
I am using LR och my Ipad pro with IpadOS. The searchfunction has stopped working, well, it works, it finds results only i cant show them.. only empty thumbnails. Any fix on this? How can there be SO many issues with this platform? This is supposed to be a proffesional tool right? But the all so important functions keeps bugging and bugging.
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Jul 11, 2020
12:12 PM
1 Upvote
I have been using this software for many years, from my experience there is always always always some issue, either you cant upload, you cant download, cant export, cant reach your originals, cant this , cant that! Today i cannot upload directly from my cameraunit! Thid id software meant for proffesionals, who NEED working and reliably software, i am getting REALLY fed up with this crap to be honest! I expect more!!! To say the least ! This is my last month subscribing to this crap! I have had it with all the issues!
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Jul 11, 2020
11:56 AM
Well this has always worked fine, until now. Using IpadOS on an Ipad pro. Importing from my Canon 6dMK2. , its now impossible to import directly from the camera. Frankly, im am getting SICK and tired of all the sh1t bugs with this software!!!! There is always some sort of CRAP issue, is this supposed to be proffesional.?.
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Dec 07, 2019
09:38 AM
When using the brush to create an adjustment, my flow seems to be like 5% or something like that, i have to paint ober an area a 1000 times .. and i find NO way to adjust the flow, only the feathering.. Going crazy over this, have ZERO use of the brush. How do i set the flow???
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Nov 10, 2019
04:27 AM
Now even a reinstall doesnt work! What is going on here!!!???, this means i no longer have access to some of my own images, its really really bad.... it is beginning to be just too many bugs to be worth paying for this service. See attached logfile
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Nov 10, 2019
04:00 AM
Sometimes when trying to export a photo to cameraroll i get an errrormessage, its in swedish "fotot kunde inte hämtas" wich means something like the photo could not be loaded (from cloud), and nothing is exported. The only thing that had helped with this is to completely remove the app and reinstall, this shouldnt be necessary, is there a fix for this? i have emailed a logfile.
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Nov 02, 2019
11:23 AM
There is no albums stored locally. This Ipad has only been used with LR for 2 days, its a real hassle to reinstall every 2-3 days.... myn entite cloud storage is only around 80gb so far..
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Nov 02, 2019
04:29 AM
My Ipad Pro is only 64gb version, and lightroom takes up more and more space. Currently it is using more than 11gb locally although i have cleared the cache.
When looking under local storage within the app it says that 5,13gb is currently used locally. All imports from my camera into the cameraroll is always deleted after uploading to LR.
I have set LR to use only smart previews and NOT autoupload from the cameraroll.
Why is LR taking up so much space? Isnt the whole idea of cloud services to NOT take up local storage?
is there a fix for this?
{Moved from Lightroom Cloud to Lightroom Mobile Forum by Moderator}
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Jun 03, 2019
10:57 PM
Lightroom cloud based. I have a project ongoing and need to sync about 500 raw photos, i have alot of free space on my computer, ssd disc, high graphics card, very high bandwith... Left the syncprocess on the entire night, synced around 50 photos, this morning still syncing, every photo takes about a half hour to sync!!! Funny thing is that the syncprocess takes up ALL, absolutely ALL of my bandwith, but NOTHING happens, well almost nothing. Seeing this issue all over the forums but still NO solution. If i cant resolve this issue then lightroom has to go, sadly this is just not OK, when working i have to have something reliable, and this is NOT reliable at all! Very frustrated, need help please.
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Jan 16, 2019
12:42 AM
I have the monthly subscription för LR CC
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Jan 14, 2019
09:28 AM
I have the ipad pro 10,5, this happens now and then, earlier the only solution was to unistall the app and then reinstall once again on the ipad. But this doesnt help anymore. Problem is: Some photos in my catalogue CAN NOT be edited and can not be exported either, ”error loading file”... This happens to photos that has been in the same place a long time, and has been edited before without any problems at all. They are all in raw format.. I can view them only as the smart previews but they cant be edited or exported no matter what i do..
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Dec 11, 2018
10:44 AM
1 Upvote
Well, i am getting PRETTY TIRED of this crap now. I am running Lr on my ipad pro, it has worked just fine, but recently it refuses to sync with my ipad, previously the ONLY solution has been to uninstall and reinstall the program on the Ipad, but that doesnt work anymore...
It just WILL NOT SYNC nomatter what i try, WTF adobe???? Here we are paying good money for a ”professioonal” product and it is just impossible to get it to work properly..
This latest issue is between Lr on my Android device and syncing to my Ipad pro.
I need a soultion for this asap, otherwise adobe sure will loose not only i but alot of customers pretty soon.
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Jun 06, 2018
10:34 PM
I am not using LR classic.
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Jun 06, 2018
10:33 PM
Sure, but keeping all rawfiles takes up alot of space. With many albums i dont need to keep the rawfiles, i just want finished jpegs backed up into the Cloud...
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Jun 05, 2018
11:25 AM
Hi i just cannot get used to the workflow in LR on the IPad, let me just run my workflow up to now. 1: import photos from Camera into the iPads cameraroll. 2: import the rawfiles from the cameraroll into an album in LR 3: Do my editing in LR 4: export the finished files onto the iPads cameraroll. 5: Do another import or the finished Jpegs from the cameraroll into an album in LR 6: Delete both jpegs and raw,s from the iPads cameraroll. 7: IF i dont need the RAW files anymore also delete these from LR ”all photos” These are SO MANY steps it would be nice if the workflow would be just like the filesystem on a regular computer, why cant it be like that? for example: import straight from camera into LR cloud, then do all editing, then export STRAIGHT into LR cloud in a subfolder just like the computer? it drives me insane to have to go through all these steps when working on the ipad. And another thing, on LR with the ipad i cannot find any smooth way to export a batch of photos at once like you do on the computer, WHY is that??
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May 13, 2018
01:08 AM
There used to be a raw symbol displaying wich photos are raw on my iPad, this is gone now, i can see that it is a raw photo ONLY by viewing each photo individually and press ”info” This is VERY annoying, how do i get the raw symbol back...??
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