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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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"There was no indication whatsoever that the area auto selected was not enough. Not tips or tricks to help."
Agreed. Object Detect isn't smart enough to know about shadows and reflections but the actual removal is. That difference causes lots of problems for users.
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@efficient_dancer5CC7: " instead of removing a car, it propose te replace by another car ! When I try to generate again, it still propose another car to replace !! "
See this article for more information on how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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I tried out the new option for remove objects. And it took out half of the subjects face. No worries, I turned it off again.
But now it is stuck on no matter what option the toggle switch is set to.
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It looks like the AI tool is mistakenly flagging my request to remove the dog leash from the photo as a ‘prompt violation.’ I’m not sure why it’s reading this simple photo edit as a rule-breaking request—it’s just a standard edit in pet photography, nothing harmful or inappropriate.
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Now I'm waiting for someone to tell you to include the shadow and expand the selection you're making in order to fix this lol
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@Patrick22616748c1sx: "I'm waiting for someone to tell you to include the shadow"
Obviously not applicable here. But I did just point out a shadow issue a few hours ago:
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@Joshyi3: "the AI tool is mistakenly flagging my request to remove the dog leash from the photo as a ‘prompt violation.’ "
Could you please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so Adobe and others can see the particular problem? There were a few reports in the beta ("early access") thread about Remove incorrectly flagging a photo as violating the Adobe Firefly "guidelines".
The AI platforms are paranoid about being accused of hosting and generating "harmful" and "unsafe" content, for both marketing and legal reasons. I think they deliberately err on the side of false positives rather than false negatives. I see the same issue with Google's Gemini AI service -- out of a catalog of 40K photos, it incorrectly blocked access to about 300 photos as being "harmful", even though they were innocent pics of children and animals.
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Buenos días. Si bien la eliminación con IA resulta útil, en algunos casos funciona de maravillas, por ejemplo, con personas u objetos (bicicleta, estatuas), que se vean pequeños en relación al encuadre de la fotografía, pero en el caso de un automóvil en primer plano, se dificulta, ya que cambia de forma el objeto o sencillamente lo reemplaza por otro objeto similar. Un pequeño dolor de cabeza. Sé que es dificil aplicar este tipo de filtros, pero sería deseable su ajuste más fino. Muchas Gracias.
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@h�ctor_5348: "in the case of a car in the foreground, it is difficult, as it changes the shape of the object or simply replaces it with another similar object."
Make sure you select all of the car and any reflections or shadows of the car. See here for an example of what happens when you don't select shadows and reflections:
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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It would be nice to have select subject, background etc. in the remove. Thanks.
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Sério!? Essa PORCARIA não remove nada no LR, pelo contrário, só substitui objetos indesejados na cena por outro ainda pior. Não consigo entender por que no PS funciona bem e no LR não. Chamar isso de BOSTA é um elogio.
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Sometimes this is great.
Often it just substitutes a smaller version of the object or something with similar color. My favorite is when I mask something like a spotlight and it removes the wires and fixture but I have a bright circle, the bulb, left. I've also had it change the color of people's pants in the edit zone.
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Doesn't seem to work like I expect. Tried removing limb from river scene and it replaced it with a bigger limb. I tried again on a smaller part of the limb and it left kind of a gray hole instead.
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I must be doing something wrong because I get absolutley no change when I try to use this function. The only change is a possible darkening of the area that I highlighted.
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@Sergio Novelli, @neilh55354168, @DZRhino, @cathyb81757029:
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Generative AI just replaced the car. Lol. Something fancier would have been appreciated.
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@smyleseh: "Generative AI just replaced the car."
Your second screenshot shows that you didn't select the entire car (including the disconnected bits).
When you select the entire car (with or without Detect Objects), Remove does a good job of removing it. Here's the selection, followed by the first and third variants:
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
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It is so painful to use that I've decided to roll back to v.13.5
It doesn't detect the object, the brush size doesn't reflect my choice.
Don't ask us to test it for you, the release date imposed by the MAX has caused a few incredible issues already...
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Seit dem letzten Update funktioniert das KI Entfernen Tool nicht mehr, wenn ich zuvor etwas in einer Maske Bearbeitet habe. Z.B. habe ich den Himmel Optimiert und will jetzt noch einen Teil von Meinem Blitz Reflektor ausschneiden. Da nimmt dann das Entfernen Tool der KI einen Ausschnitt vom unbearbeitetn himmel und setzt eine komplette Linie. Das geht GAR NICHT und muss sofort behoben werden.
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@Tobias28833591mb33: "Since the last update, the AI removal tool no longer works if I have previously edited something in a mask. For example, I have optimized the sky and now want to cut out part of my flash reflector."
This is not new to LR 14 -- LR 13 behaved the same way. These ghosts appear when you apply Remove on top of an AI mask. To fix the ghost, recompute the AI mask by doing the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings.
LR warns you that you need to update the mask by putting a red dot under the Masking button and, when you select the mask, showing a warning message and the Update button:
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WHAT HAPPENED???!??!!! A month or so ago this was working suberbly for me. Now, it doesn't remove anything. I try to remove a simple line in a photo and all it does is replace the line in almost exactly the same place. A month or so ago, I removed all kinds of telephone wires from a photo with excellent results. Now this is USELESS to me! Put it back the way it was a month ago, PLEASE!
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And now just wait for the support team to tell you to read the "article" on how to use it.
Like they broken it and try to put the blame on you!
I reverted back to the 13.5 - OMG what a shamble of release!
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How do you revert back to a previous version of Li... - Adobe Community - 13735036
Follow the steps above but be sure to do it in the right sequence 🙂
1) remove the current version
2) zip the new catalogue (you never know...)
3) unzip the v13 catalogue and put it back into the main catalogue folder
4) install the previous version
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@andreapenna: "I reverted back to the 13.5"
Of the people who have reported that LR 14 broke Remove and submitted a sample photo here, with all but one we were able to show how to remove the object easily using the techniques in that help article. With the other sample photo (where Remove sometimes doesn't match a uniform graduated background well), the issue also existed in LR 13.
No one has yet submitted an example that behaves badly in LR 14 compared to LR 13. Without such examples, Adobe isn't likely to pay any attention.
Normally, when a release breaks or changes a key feature, there are very quickly many posts with details about how to reproduce the problem, but not (yet) with LR 14 Generative AI Remove. If you have such an example, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we can file a bug report.
(I don't work for Adobe, and I'm responsible for more bug reports filed from this forum than any other single person.)