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Since just now, I've been experiencing a weird bug / crash in Lightroom Classic (on a Mac), where ALL my photos suddenly are fully covered in artefacts in the Develop module.
(Screengrab from the Develop module in Lightroom Classic)
When I check the linked RAW + JPEG source files in Finder, they all seem ok (they don't look corrupted, nor show any artefacts here), meaning the issue is within Lightroom.
(Screengrab from the RAW source file in Finder)
When I export images out of Lightroom (with any setting, edited or even not edited), the artefacts are also present on the export files.
(Screengrab from the exported JPG image)
This problem started occuring soon after I applied the new AI noise reduction feature on just ONE (1) photo.
I already tried:
Any help would be greatly appreciated, because this makes the whole software unusable....
Thank you!
We've investigated an issue with the macOS 14.4.1 update that affects systems running AMD series GPUs.
The issue manifests as garbling of/artifacts in images in Develop/Edit views and similar artifacts in Exported images. The problem can afflict Camera Raw (16.2.1), Lightroom Classic (13.2) and Lightroom Desktop (7.2). Restarting the application should restore your Develop/Edit view and return you to the expected Export results.
The hardware manufacturer's will need to identify the cause
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Im in develop mode- Ill be working along for an hour or so and all of sudden there will be pixelation. I can go into library and it will dissapear but then I go back to Develop it comes back. Its streaks of color not really pixilation.
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Most likely you're on an older Intel Mac with an AMD Radeon 5000-series graphics processor. You can verify by doing the LR menu command Help > System Info. Apple released a buggy graphics driver in LR 14.6.1 that's caused grief for many, many people:
What has helped most people:
1. Upgrade to Mac OS 15. There have been several reports that this fixes problems and a couple reports that it doesn't.
2. Restart your computer when this happens.
3. Set Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off.
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Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with the FAQ:
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@Aline_Alves1963 Please give us detailed informations about your system.
Please provide a copy of your 'System Info'. This can be get from the LrC Help > System Info menu item. There's a copy button in the System Info dialog. Press this button and paste the info into your next forum post.
Without these infos we can't say more.
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Aline, assim como muitos que postaram aqui nesse tópico, você deve estar usando umMacbook Pro de 2019.
Eu resolvi atualizando o sistema operacional para o Sequoia.
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When I use AI noise reduction I get strange white or coloured squares on my processed picture. Any idea how to get this problem fixed please ?
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As a first troubleshooting step, please do the LR menu command Help > System Info and copy/paste the entire contents here so we can see exactly which versions of hardware and software LR thinks you're running and important LR options that are set.
There are known problems with some older Macs, but we need to see the System Info first.
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"Besturingssysteem: Mac OS 14
Versie: 14.6.1 [23G93]
Metal: AMD Radeon Pro 5500 XT"
Apple released buggy graphics drivers for the AMD Radeon 5000-series GPUs, causing problems for many LR users. You can work around issues displaying photos in Develop and Library and exporting them by setting Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off. But unfortunately, Adobe in its wisdom refuses to have the AI commands like masking, Remove, Denoise, and Lens Blur obey that setting (and Denoise would take 10 minutes or more per photo).
Many have reported that upgrading to Mac OS 15 solves the problem, but some have reported that it doesn't.
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Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography: please merge with the existing bug report:
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So, ich tingel jetzt schon gut ein viertel Jahr mit diesem Problem rum und finde keine Lösung.
Seit dem Update auf Mac OS Sequoia habe ich im Bearbeitungsfenster bei aktivierter GPU Beschleunigung total falsche farben. Das Bild ist deutlich dunkler und hat einen gelb/grünstich, während die Vorschau links oben ganz normal dargestellt wird. Das ganze ist übrigens in Photoshop unter ACR genauso. Nur arbeite ich damit nicht, also ists für mich nicht so dramatisch. Wenn ich bei der Hardwarebeschleunigung alle Häkchen wegnehme ist alles in Ordnung.
Das ganze war auch unter Lightroom Classic 13.X (halt die Version die mit Erscheinen von MacOS Sequioa aktuell war) auch schon so. Es kam direkt mit dem Mac Update. Ich hatte Hoffnung dass es mit Lightroom 14 und weiteren Mac OS Updates behoben wird, aber Fehlanzeige.
Es kann ja nicht sein, dass mein 4 Jahre alter Intel 27" iMac mit der Radeon Pro 5700 XT bereits zum alten Eisen gehört?
Im Anhang mal meine Systeminformationen aus Lightroom
Lightroom Classic-Version: 14.1.1 [ 202412150940-551fb044 ]
Lizenz: Creative Cloud
Spracheinstellung: de-DE
Betriebssystem: Mac OS 15
Version: 15.2.0 [24C101]
Anwendungsarchitektur: x64
Anzahl logischer Prozessoren: 20
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 3,6GHz
SQLite-Version: 3.36.0
Integrierter Speicher: 131.072,0 MB
Dedizierter GPU-Speicher, der von Lightroom verwendet wird: 4.649,5MB / 16.368,0MB (28%)
Für Lightroom verfügbarer phys. Speicher: 131.072,0 MB
Von Lightroom verwendeter phys. Speicher: 3.677,6 MB (2,8%)
Von Lightroom verwendeter virtueller Speicher: 50.995,2 MB
Cache-Speichergröße: 93,6MB
Interne Camera Raw-Version: 17.1 [ 2098 ]
Maximale Anzahl Threads, die Camera Raw verwendet: 5
Camera Raw SIMD-Optimierung: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Virtueller Speicher in Camera Raw: 411MB / 65535MB (0%)
Physischer Speicher in Camera Raw: 495MB / 131072MB (0%)
Final1- RAM:371,0MB, VRAM:3.080,0MB, IMG_1244.CR3
NT- RAM:371,0MB, VRAM:3.080,0MB, Combined:3.451,0MB
m:93,6MB, n:352,3MB
U-main: 82,0MB
Standardvorschaugröße: 5120 Pixel
Monitore/Anzeigegeräte: 1) 5120x2880
Informationen zum Grafikprozessor:
Metal: AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT
Anfangsstatus: GPU zum Exportieren wird standardmäßig unterstützt
Benutzerpräferenz: GPU zum Exportieren aktiviert
HDR in Bibliothek aktivieren: AUS
Anwendungsordner: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic
Bibliothekspfad: /Users/Dennis/Pictures/Lightroom Katalog/Lightroom CC Catalog-v14.lrcat
Einstellungen-Ordner: /Users/Dennis/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom
Installierte Zusatzmodule:
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Mir fehlt noch eine Angabe dazu, wie Du dein Display kalibriert hast.
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"Es kann ja nicht sein, dass mein 4 Jahre alter Intel 27" iMac mit der Radeon Pro 5700 XT bereits zum alten Eisen gehört?"
You can read all over this thread that the problem is your Radeon Pro GPU card. Apple introduced a buggy GPU driver for this in one of the last system updates that trips up graphics display in GPU heavy programs like Lightroom. The only remedy is reverting to an older operating system (really hard so not recommended you try) or to disable GPU acceleration for everything but "GPU zur anzeige verwenden". So disable the other two options.
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@Dennis_Siebert: "Since the update to Mac OS Sequoia, I have completely wrong colors in the editing window when GPU acceleration is activated. The image is much darker and has a yellow/green tint, while the preview in the top left is displayed completely normally."
While it's likely your problems are caused by Apple/AMD's buggy driver for the Radeon 5000-series GPUs, the symptoms seen in the attached photo are different than those reported by most people. You might have a color profile assigned to your display that's incompatible with LR. Quickly test that following these steps:
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It works!!!
I never thought it could have something to do with a color profile. Especially because it worked perfectly with hardware acceleration turned off. Then the software on my X-Rite i1 Display Pro might have a problem.
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@Dennis_Siebert: "Especially because it worked perfectly with hardware acceleration turned off. Then the software on my X-Rite i1 Display Pro might have a problem."
LR uses different code for displaying with and without the GPU enabled. Try recalibrating, selecting the option to generate v2 profiles rather than v4. LR has often stumbled on v4 profiles. (I don't know the particular Xrite option for that.)
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@kumard30512702, Apple released buggy graphics drivers for the AMD Radeon 5000-series GPUs, causing problems for many LR users. Many have reported that upgrading to Mac OS 15 solves the problem, but some have reported that it doesn't. If upgrading doesn't solve the issue, you can work around issues displaying photos in Develop and Library and exporting them by setting Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off.