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Hola, tras la nueva actualizacion a Lightroom Classic 12.0, el botón "HECHO" que se encontraba en la esquina inferior derecha para dar el OK luego de añadir nuevas mascaras, recortes y algunos ajustyes locale.....pues ese botón ha desaparecido de mi programa LrC 12.0,,,,,no se que ha pasado, tengo que dar ENTER en mi teclado o bien doble click fuera de la imagen para aplicar cambios,,,,,,me pueden decir si esta nueva actualizacion se ha cargado ese botón o es que hay alguna forma de activarlo...??... antes se encontraba en este sitio, adjunto imagen de referencia.
The [Done] button is no longer in the Tool Bar ([ T ]) for the Crop, Mask, Target Adjustment Tools (TAT), White Balance and the Guided Upright tools. It is replaced by the [Return to Edit] button to the left of the Crop tool under the Histogram. The button now applies and exits the active tool.
Note: There is more than one way to commit each of these tools.
Example: Crop Tool
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Adobe has done away with the "Done" button in most of Lightroom in the most recent updates. Instead, the Editing Panel has its own button now. You just click on that button to get back to the editing panel. It does take some getting used to, but I've found I like the update pretty well.
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Have you actually read many of the posts in this forum thread?
The [Done] button has been removed! (Although, not in every UI screen)
It has been replaced by an (in-appropriately named) [Edit] button on the Tool Bar-
The new [Edit] button 'accepts' your adjustments with the Tool and returns you to the normal Develop screen.
Or, you can simply press the [Return/Enter] key,
Or, you can simply [Click] again on the active Tool (eg. Crop icon)
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Ridiculous change to remove the "Done" button. There's room for it on the toolbar. Even if it was going to be a redundant function to the "Edit" feature.
Please put ut back!
Fred Lingen
Patchogue, NY
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I want the DONE button back!
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Buon pomeriggio, con l'ultimo aggiornamento di Lightroom Classic alla versione 12 su piattaforma Windows 11 è di fatto scomparso il tasto "CHIUDI" presente nei vari moduli di sviluppo come da foto allegata.
Si tratta di un problema del mio PC o è una caratteristica ?
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No è un innovazione di questa versione. C'è molta gente a cui dispiace, me includa ! Ci sonno molte domande per il suo ritorno. You can add your voice there :
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je ne retrouve plus le bouton "terminé dans la barre de taches après une éventuelle modif de la photo.
merci pour votre aide.
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The "Done" button has been removed with the latest release.
To finish, simply select a different tool or the same tool again to terminate its usage. Hitting "d" is also a way
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This is the 'new' [DONE] button, by another name!
It is conveniently located right next to the other Tool icons.
You do not have to run the mouse all over the screen to find [Done] on the Tool Bar. (If the Tool Bar is hidden- where is [Done]?)
The new [Edit] icon saves your tool adjustments and returns you to the normal edit functions.
And there are several ways to invoke 'Done' as in the Correct Answer!
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Yes, the Edit is the new "Done" button, but it does not save anything and neither did the old "Done" button. Edit simply closes the currently active tool panel, just as the old "Done" button did.
Please stop reinforcing the misconception that Edit saves changes. It doesn't.
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LrC automatically writes every edit immediately to the Catalog file. So there is no need to do anything the finalize a function.
If you exit/quit LrC while in a edit function without exiting the particular function e.g. Crop. When you boot LrC again you will be returned to the same location in the Develop Module and the crop would have been finalized.
It's possible that some users are familiar with working with Camera Raw if you do not save or click the Done button then your edits would not be retained. Camera Raw has to save info to the file, LrC saves automatically to the Catalog.
Just a thought.
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What is the intended way to go back to the main editing panels after adjusting a mask or making a heal change? I used to rely on the "Done" button in the bottom right. Easy and straight forward. Why remove the done button?
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A lot of users did rely on the Done button. However, all that's necessary is to click on the icon used to activate the mask or the healing brush. If you are using the crop tool, just press enter.
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I am posting this as a thought as to why there is a widespread objection to Adobe removing the "Done" button from many functions in Lightroom Classic.
Many adopters to LrC are former users of Bridge / Camera raw plug-in and when working with a raw image in Camera Raw when opening a raw image in Photoshop it opened in the Camera Raw plug-in and it was necessary to select the Done button to send the adjustments to the file or select the Save button to send the info to the file and pass the rendered image to Photoshop for further edits.
If you select Cancel the adjustments you did in the plug-in were discarded.
In Lightroom the adjustments you make are saved to the Catalog file as you work and are already stored in the Catalog when you move to another function.
Having to select a done button in LrC was never necessary.
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The "Done" button has disappeared in the latest update from the cropping menu, which is obviously a hassle. It should be a simple bug fix though
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It's as designed. Just press R again or Escape.
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As poorly designed - What a terrible UI change, I've been editing with it for as long as I can remember. Wish I could roll back to the last version when the software worked. Hopefully they fix this with the next update...
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As they've progressively removed it throughout this update, I wouldn't be as optimistic as you. You're more than welcome to roll back. In Creative Cloud, go to Lightroom Classic. Click on the 3 dots and choose Other Versions.
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Adobe has given no real reason to be optimistic about their products since they moved toward a greedy subscription model, sadly. Thanks for the heads up, I'll do exactly that
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I doubt that the Done button is ever coming back, although it really hasn't gone at all.
You do have choices:
Adobe Camera Raw never had a Done button. Lightroom (Desktop) never had a Done button. No one complained about these missing a Done button. Abode is slowly aligning the UI's across the ACR/LrC/Lr products and effectively moving LrC's Done button to below the Histogram, transforming it to an icon and renaming it Edit is part of that alignment.
I cannot understand how such a small change can be so difficult for users to accept. I'm sure that there will be benefits in the future.
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And to repeat the Correct advice from Rikk Flohr (in case any havn't read it)
Do we really need a [Done] button with these options?.
There is more than one way to commit each of these tools.
Example: Crop Tool
Similar situations exist for the other tools for which the [Done] button was relocated.
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Yes, we do.
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Yeah I picked up Capture One a few days ago, Adobe has lost me due to their awful business practice and nonsensical 'updates.' I'd rather just learn a piece of software and stick with it rather than go with a company that is going to change fundamentals in my workflow for no reason. Too many anti-consumer practices from Adobe to stick around anymore when Resolve and Capture One replace 100% of my workflow, which is quite sad given the decade I have using Adobe apps and addons to those apps. But I need to run a business, and Adobe has shown they can't meet the basic needs I have.
This is about LrC, not ACR or Lr
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I'd rather just learn a piece of software and stick with it rather than go with a company that is going to change fundamentals in my workflow for no reason.
What was your workflow?
Click top icon to open X panel > then click Done button at the bottom to close it.
Now you can:
Click top icon to open X panel > click top icon again to close the same panel.