smart collection with only AI features included
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(How) can I create a smart collection containing only the photos that have AI features included? I am having some issues with AI-features non updating (AI remove and AI masks). So gathering the impacted photos in a smart collection would help.
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There are two relevant smart-collection criteria: Develop > Has AI Mask and Develop > Has AI Remove. For example:
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"I am having some issues with AI-features non updating (AI remove and AI masks). "
If you describe the issue in more detail, we may well have workarounds that have helped others with similar symptoms.
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the best description is the one from another community thread:
"Some Remove Settings need to be updated" error occurs repeatedly.
I tried the solution you proposed on July 26 in that thread, but it
doesn't seem to work as the "red dots" remain in the Develop mode,
both for Remove and Mask, after I restarted LRC.
The text "Some remove settings..." remains in the Remove tool and for
the AI masks "Update AI Masks" is active.
Note that some pictures have:
- Only the Remove issue
- Both Remove and Mask issue
(I don't seem to have Mask issues without Remove issues anymore)
For the pictures having both issues, when updating the masks I get a
pop-up Warning:
Skipped (a number) Generative Remove spots
I hope this description is detailed enough to allow you to help.
Many thanks
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"it doesn't seem to work as the "red dots" remain in the Develop mode, both for Remove and Mask, after I restarted LRC."
Referring to that post:
Did you do step 5 after restarting, which usually makes the red dots go away?
"5. In Library, select all photos and do Photo > Develop Settings > Update AI Settings. That will recompute all the AI masks, which could take a while. But it won't update Generative Removes, so you'll have to go to each photo with Remove, click on Remove, and then Update."
You wrote: "(I don't seem to have Mask issues without Remove issues anymore) For the pictures having both issues, when updating the masks I get a pop-up Warning: Skipped (a number) Generative Remove spots"
That message is LR's very weak, confusing attempt at telling you that the Update AI Settings command doesn't currently work with Generative Remove, which is a beta ("early access") feature. So as described in step 5, you have to go to each photo with Remove, click on Remove, then Update All:
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I retried the complete (step 1-5) procedure on all the pictures and
indeed the red dots disappeared.
Thereafter I exit LRC and perform the Catalog Back-up (as proposed).
When reopening LRC the red dots reappear.
I must be doing something wrong somewhere if the process works for the
other members?
Kind regards,
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It looks like something is happening in your installation that's stopping LR from writing the AI masks to the <catalog>.lrcat-data file. Please do the LR menu command Help > System Info and copy/paste the entire contents here so we can see exactly which versions of hardware and software LR thinks you're running and important LR options that are set.
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as requested hereby the information.
Side note: in the LR Catalog Folder
- there is a subfolder called "Corrupt Catalogs" dated 1 year ago.
- there is also the Folder with all the Backups
The content of the Lightroom Catalog Folder is attached as screenshots
to this mail
Kind regards, Mark
Lightroom Classic version: 13.5.1 [ 202408271704-d15d09cd ]
License: Creative Cloud
Language setting: en
Operating system: Windows 11 - Home Premium Edition
Version: 11.0.22631
Application architecture: x64
System architecture: x64
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Graphics Processor Info:
DirectX: AMD Radeon RX 6800 (32.0.11037.4004)
Init State: GPU for Export supported by default
User Preference: Auto
Enable HDR in Library: OFF
Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic
Library Path: D:\Lightroom Catalog\Lightroom Catalog-2-v13-3.lrcat
Settings Folder: C:\Users\mcrah\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom
Installed Plugins:
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2) Flickr
3) Nikon Tether Plugin
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GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile
GL_KHR_shader_subgroup GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier
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The attachment didn't make it (email attachments are ignored). You need to come back to the thread in a web browser and add it there.
I don't see anything unusual in the System Info. Is the folder containing the catalog (D:\Lightroom Catalog) synced with Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, or a similar file-sharing service?
You might consider completely disabling temporarily whatever anti-malware you're running (e.g. Microsoft Defender) to see if that's interfering with LR. If it is, you can investigate the proper exclusion you need to add to the anti-malware service.
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The D: driver containing the folder is a Samsung SSD T7 Shield, so only local.
Kind Regards,
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Nothing stands out as unusual. In addition to disabling anti-malware temporarily, another troubleshooting step would be to move catalog folder to your Desktop folder and try opening it from there. These steps are just to see if we can narrow down the cause or identify a workaround.
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just to make it more "worrying"...
Just being persistent, I re-did the exercise (as I did 2 days ago) and
- 29 of the 69 photos now are OK (no more red dots)
- 40 still have the dots in red (they are either only Remove issues of
Remove and Mask issues)
Side note: all 69 are .jpg files (not sure if that could be relevant).
Kind regards and many thanks for continued support!
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After reprocessing the 5 steps (but not the manual part of step 5 on purpose) of the said of the other thread, I decided to go through all the photos in my catalog (using the "has AI feature" smart collection feature). The stats are:
I have 206 photos with an AI feature and with issues:
- 112 in the "with AI Mask" collection
- 133 in the "with AI Remove" collection
- 39 in the "with AI Mask and AI Remove" collection (the intersection)
However: 6 of these photos that are classed as having an AI Mask, actually dont have one?
I also did the exercise the other way around:
I have 153 photos with AI and no issues:
- 94 in the "with AI Mask" collection
- 85 in the "with AI Remove" collection
- 26 in the "with AI Mask and AI Remove" collection (the intersection)
However: 3 of these photos that are classed as having an AI Mask, actually dont have it?
Not sure if that would lead to a potential root cause?
Question relating to the said solution of the other thread:
Instead of selecting "all pictures" in the Library to do Photo > Develop Settings > Update AI Settings, would it make sense to only select the 206 that have issues?
Next step will then be to manually go through the "206" pictures to do the manual updates.
I suppose that the Remove update needs to be perfomed before the Mask update?
Kind regards,
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"Instead of selecting "all pictures" in the Library to do Photo > Develop Settings > Update AI Settings, would it make sense to only select the 206 that have issues?"
If your LR were operating normally, it wouldn't matter -- Update AI Settings skips over photos with masks that don't need updating. But who knows with your LR...
"I suppose that the Remove update needs to be perfomed before the Mask update?"
That seems right.
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the reason for only selecting the photos with an issue to do the update AI settings is that I would avoid LRC to perform any action on the 153 photos with AI features but no issues.
Any idea about what could lead to the false allocation of having an AI mask?
An the crucial question: what would happen if I decide to completely reset the 206 affected photos and redevelop them from start?
Kind regards,
Kind regards,
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Hello John,
I only selected the 206 photos with issues to perform the AI update. It started OK with the progress pop-up window, but after a few minutes (and progress on 16 photos) another pop-up appeared stating: "Could not update AI settings on 206 photos"
And moreover the 153 photos that had no issues (no red dots) now have the red dots (both on AI Mask as on AI Remove). So definitely the AI update is not doing what it should do...
Not sure where this is rooted? Should I uninstall/reinstall LRC?
Kind regards, Mark
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Here are some steps to narrow down where the problem might be. The first two were recommended above but you didn't report back if they helped:
1. Disable anti-malware/anti-virus to see if it's interfering (rarely some packages do trip up LR).
2. Place a copy of the current catalog folder on your Desktop, delete the copy's .lrcat-data file, and open the copy in LR.
3. Create a new test catalog on your Desktop and see if the problem occurs with it.
4. Do a clean uninstall/reinstall using the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool. I doubt this would fix the issue though.
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Hello John,
on 1. : there is no anti-malware or antivirus on that computer
on 2. : I am not sure what you mean with "open the copy in LR"
Thank you for clarifying.
on 3. : could you provide me some guidelines / directions on how to create a test catalog
Sorry if I am asking stupid questions, but I am not that expert with Catalog handling.
Kind regards,
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up to now, unfortunately nothing resolved the issue. I also tried the following:
- uninstalled and reinstalled LRC
- removed all the edits of the affected photo's and restarted from the original import (no reset, but "remove all above this line" (the only way to not have the issue is to not apply AI generated removes or masks...)
- changed the catalog name
So I am bit blocked for the moment...
Kind regards,
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 Here above the content of my Catalog Folder. If of any help to locate the issue.
Kind regards,