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Is there anyway to update Lightroom 6.0 to 6.14 I have tried everything I can think of. Or am I just to late.
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1 Correct answer
For anyone using Lightroom 6 and needing to download the installer, please see this page:
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Adobe makes it very hard to download more than the last two major versions (shame on them). You can still download LR CC 2015 / 6.14 from here (be sure to read "Very Important Instructions" above the table):
Make sure you save the download, since it's very likely you won't be able to download it in the future.
I think that download is for the free trial of the subscription Lightroom CC 2015.14. To convert it to the perpetually licensed Lightroom 6.14, see this archived help article (which has apparently been deleted from, double shame on them):
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Thank you
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hi I have just purchased a Nikon D7500 i require to upgrade from LR6 standalone to 6.14
Realise to late i should have upgraded last year as cant find a link for the patch/upgrade now. At the time didnt upgrade as program working fine and follow the principle if its not broken dont mess with it.
Its not good that Adobe have taken the support away; I realise it was not going to be supported in the future but to take away feature/service that was out in the public domain is just mean of them.
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I was looking at your answer to installing Lightroom 6.14. I was trying to install on my new PC and was able to get 6.0 to install and it did one update. I didn't notice which version it said the update was but it would not read the Canon CR2 files newer than 2018 as 6.14 did on my old PC. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling but then it did not do any updates and still says 6.0 and will not read the new CR2 files. Adobe Creative Cloud say it is up to date. I did go the the link and downloaded the installer. Should I uninstall before trying the new installer?
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"Should I uninstall before trying the new installer?"
No, the 6.14 installer will update any existing LR 6 installation.
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Thanks that worked.
I was able to import my catalog and all is working. Now I need to look my other problem. I had to signout/deactivate the version on my laptop even though it wasn't running. I'm not sure why as I had un-installed on my old PC before trying to install in my new PC. I probably needed to signout/deactivate before un-installing on my old PC. I couldn't see in my account that my old PC is listed as active. I hadn't run into that problem before when I originally installed on my old PC & laptop. Do you think I need to reinstall on my old PC then signout/deactivate or is there an easier way to keep the license active on my new PC as well as my laptop? So installed on both but not running on both at the same time which is allowed by Lightroom.
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If you think your old PC is still activated, you'll need to contact Adobe support, unfortunately. They'll usually tell you they don't support LR 6, but insist that you have an activation issue and aren't looking for product support. You may have to end the chat and try someone else (perhaps a couple times), but you'll eventually get one who can help you with the deactivation.
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Quote from Edward
“ I was able to import my catalog and all is working. Now I need to look my other problem. I had to signout/deactivate the version on my laptop even though it wasn't running. I'm not sure why as I had un-installed on my old PC before trying to install in my new PC.“
Lightroom 6, license key application had a unique registration procedure, which was not used in earlier versions 1-5, it was mandated that you had to register and activate with the license key.
Two units could be activated at any point in time, exiting or closing the application did not deactivate.
To deactivate a unit you had to sign in to your Adobe a/c via the Internet. If a unit crashed, got lost, sold or stolen it would still show as activated in your Adobe a/c and it would necessitate contacting Adobe to deactivate.
If you are going to uninstall a unit you need to deactivate first as it will still show as activated in your a/c if has not been deactivated.
It is possible to have multiple installations of Lr 6 but only two concurrent activations.
Adobe discontinued official support around the end of 2019 and the last update to the application was December 2017.
Just some general info.
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Thank you, that worked for me. Adobe is becoming a restricted space aimed and an ivasive permanent subscription plan even if you have already purchased their product. I really wish there was an alternative.
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Try using Lightroom to move photos to separate folders and switch to another editing package. I use DxO which is excellent.
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You can download Lightroom 6.14 from
While I can't say if Adobe will leave this in place for a few years (even though I think they should), the advice of saving a copy of the downloaded installer file is a good one that everyone should follow.
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I did that. The installer works but Lightroom does not. Just avoid Adobe products in future. If enough people jump ship perhaps Adobe will change their policy and sell their software and provide better support. If sufficient customers move to alternative suppliers Adobe will either give up their coersive tactics or go bust.
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Is it possible that your computer operating system cannot run the application? What error message if any do you get?
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Agreed, it depends on the operating system. Lightroom 6 will still install and run on the O/S versions it was built for.
LR6 will not install on macOS Catalina or newer due to changes Apple (not Adobe) made to remove all support for 32-bit software.
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I did that. The installer works but Lightroom does not. Just avoid Adobe products in future.
By christopherm96496547
I think that should say: just avoid old and unsupported Adobe products in the future. Other Adobe products work fine.
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Except it's pretty sucky when the only option is to go to a subscription-based software. I'd like to actually own and use the software I purchased. It's not old and unsupported by nature, they decided to stop supporting it so that your option is to subscribe instead of purchase.
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"You can download Lightroom 6.14 from"
Note that page only gives instructions about how to check your Adobe account, where the download may be available if you purchased the perpetual-licensed version directly from Adobe. If you purchased it elsewhere, it tells you to contact support otherwise (which has been a fruitless exercise for many people). The help page links to another page that used to provide a direct download of LR 6 but, as of recently, no longer does:
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its an old post, it des not work today !!!
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I just tested the instructions in the reply marked correct above:
and they still work for me. What precisely happens when you follow those instructions?
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"hi I have just purchased a Nikon D7500 i require to upgrade from LR6 standalone to 6.14
Realise to late i should have upgraded last year as cant find a link for the patch/upgrade now."
See this post:
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Update as of Sep 2020: I can confirm that Adobe chat works great. I was going through the process of changing computers and my perpetual product was fine on the old comptuer with Version 6.14, Camera Raw 10.1. But, when loading my CD to new computer I was of course back to 6.0 and then found that my camera RAW files were not recognized. Chat provided me a link and now all is back to normal. Thanks for your input!!
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... can you give me an advice how to come to Adobe chat or the provided link?
I have exactla the same problem.... my 6.0 is working finde with D7200 - so I never hat the idea to update.
Three weeks ago I purchised a D500 - and the program doesn't reas the data. And I am unhappy....
I would be very pleased about help1
Thanks a lot!
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Yes the D500 needs v6.5 or higher. ! SUPPORTED CAMERAS
See the advice from John Ellis!
If you go for a Chat with ADobe- ! CONTACT CUSTOMER SUPPORT Click on the chat icon on the bottom right, and type AGENT to talk to a person and ask for a 'Download linkfor v6.14'.
Your other options are-
1) Convert the D500 NEF files to DNG raw Digital Negative (DNG) , or
2) Subscribe to the Photography Plan for us$9.99/m and have the 'much improved' v9.4 of Lr-Classic.
"And I am unhappy...."- You should not be!! you have had a pretty good run of years out of v6.0 (released 2015), and no one should expect software companies to update 'End of Life' software. Besides Adobe offer the DNG legacy support for free!
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Thanks a lot! Your tip was not only very fast but working and I got the download without problems.