Lightroom Classic 12.1 adds a "segmented" slider layout in the masking panel.
I understand that it is desirable to make Lightroom Classic more beginner friendly, and also prepare the UI somehow for the arrival of local Tone Curve adjustments... but, having used the software since 2007, I really do not need the extra labels there. They are not useful, I'm sorry. I know that "Texture" and "Clarity" etc. fall under the "Presence" section, simply by looking at their position in the "Basic" panel.
Worse though, these segments and their headers consume an ENORMOUS amount of valuable screen real estate.
I'm using a 27" 5k display, but with this new layout, I need to scroll to see what a local adjustment does when I have only two active masks in an image — and I very often have more*.
The segments also make it much harder to get a quick glance at the various combinations of adjustments that have been used in a mask.
I'm sorry to say it but this UI change doesn't improve things, it only gets in the way.
Long story short: I VASTLY prefer the "big stack of sliders" without any labels.
At the very least, please add an option to switch between a compact "stack of sliders" and the new "segmented" view. Or give us an option to change the layout and contents of this UI ourselves, just like it is possible with the Metadata panel.
*) I know that one can "undock" the masking panel but it covers a part of the image, and with the way I use the brush with many single clicks, a nervous mess. (if the ENTIRE masking panel, WITH the sliders, could be a second column that does not cover a part of the image it would be different, but that's not what we have.)