Hi, For keywording, my typical first step would be to have a look at the standard photo categories (Example given below taken form www.shutterstock.com homepage) to enter as "generic keywords" before entering the "photo specific keywords". For the generic keywords, the only asssistance I have in LR is "Keyword Set". But I find the no. of cells it has only 09 which is limited. According to the below list, if I have at least 30 cells I could easily visit the relevant Keyword Set and then select the appropriate categories from it at once.Is there any way I could increase that or how do I make a request to Adobe regarding this? The standard categories I found in Shutterstock.com: AbstractAnimals/WildlifeThe ArtsBackgrounds/TexturesBeauty/FashionBuildings/LandmarksBusiness/FinanceCelebritiesEditorialEducationFood and DrinkHealthcare/MedicalHolidaysIllustrations/Clip-ArtIndustrialInteriorsMiscellaneousModel Released OnlyNatureObjectsParks/OutdoorPeopleReligionScienceSigns/SymbolsSports/RecreationTechnologyTransportationVectorsVintageThanksDhammika Heenpella