Hi there,
I would like to suggest an app improvement for Lr Classic which would consist in "photo harmonazition" and, as the name itself suggests, could help harmonizing automaticaly a group of photos based on one single edited photo.
Sometimes syncronizing the same editing settings throughout a group of photos, which a photographer aims to have a similar look at the end, does not work properly because, even if all the pictures come out from the same shoot but for some reason were taken in slightly different lighting conditions, some settings such as whitebalance, exposure, curves, color grading, calibration and so on have to be applied in different proportions in order to achive the same final look.
For that reason, instead of just "Syncronize" Lr Classic could also provide a "Photo Harmonazition" tool and in this case the software would calculate by itself what percentage of each setting needed to be applied, in each selected photo, in order to get the same aperance of the picture chosen as reference.
Does it make any sense?
For me it would represent a massive improvement and would save me hours regarding the amount of editing I have to do on my daily bases at work.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Best Regards.