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Cloud based architecture and Local Files

Community Beginner ,
May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024

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I would like to take advantage of local files in a number of ways, but I am not exactly sure how local files and the clould based architecture interact. I tend to take a lot of pictures and then come home and wade through them at the end of the day, deleting photos that I don't want to keep. There are usually only a few that are really worth saving. I'd also like to limit the amount of space I pay for in the cloud and have an additional backup just in case the cloud somehow fails.


This is what I am thinking in terms of process to achieve the above goals:


1) Upload all my images to a local directory and then weed out the bad ones. Land these files in a local directory called "New Photos"

2) For files I want to keep, move them to a new local directory called "All Photos". As a result "New Photos" should remain empty most of the time. 

3) Add GPS coordinates to photos if they don't exist. Update Location and Title meta-data. I used these Info fileds as search fields.

4) Upload the chosen photos to the Cloud.

5) I'm assuming that City, State, Country fields will update in the Cloud at time of upload via the supplied GPS coordinates

6) Copyright should also populate, since I have that turned on at Import in the Cloud.



A) Will this process do what I am trying to accomplish?

B) When I upload a photo to the Cloud, is a copy kept in the cloud or is it somehow referenced back to my local directory? Said another way, will I have 2 seperate physical copies?

C) If I move a photo (that has been copied to the cloud) from local directory A to local directory B. Does that impact the cloud copy in any way? Do I need to copy it up to the Cloud again to correct the reference? Is only the file name itself sent to the cloud?


If there is any sort of reference doc available could you point me towrds it. Anything else I should consider?


Thanks in advance











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Community Expert ,
May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024

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A) Will this process do what I am trying to accomplish?


I think so.


B) When I upload a photo to the Cloud, is a copy kept in the cloud or is it somehow referenced back to my local directory? Said another way, will I have 2 seperate physical copies?




C) If I move a photo (that has been copied to the cloud) from local directory A to local directory B. Does that impact the cloud copy in any way? Do I need to copy it up to the Cloud again to correct the reference? Is only the file name itself sent to the cloud?


No, it has no impact at all.


If there is any sort of reference doc available could you point me towrds it. Anything else I should consider?

By @Nick WN


Maybe check the Lightroom Queen, but this Local feature is very new and needs time to settle down.





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