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Creative Cloud Storage full even though photos haven't uploaded yet

New Here ,
Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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About a year ago, I started the migration process from Classic to CC but gave up after a while because the upload of my 2TB library would take about a month.


Since then, I got better internet and decided to continue uploading the migration. Since then, I deleted the partition that Lightroom was using to "copy originals", and the migration failed because it could no longer find the original files. To get around this, I exported my Classic library and imported it as a new migration in CC. Although the original import failed, it looks like Creative Cloud is counting that original migration (2TB) towards my storage even though only 4,000 of my 75,000 photos actually got uploaded. 


As a workaround, I changed my plan to have 3TB of storage and continued uploading the new migration. I was hoping Lightroom would merge the failed uploads with the same images in the new migration, but I've hit the 3TB limit with most of my library left to upload. 


The folder of all original photos from my Classic library is 2.18TB, well below the 3TB of storage I'm paying for. 


Has anyone else run into this? How can I remove all the photos imported from that original migration? Thanks!





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Enthusiast , Jul 30, 2021 Jul 30, 2021

Here is what I would do:

  1. Verify you are doing a "migration" not a "sync" inside Classic.
  2. Verify you have good local backups of everything that is Lr Classic.
  3. In Classic, write all meta-data to all images. (I found for me atleast, migration went faster if I had the meta-data on the image files first)
  4. Make sure both apps are closed.
  5. Delete the local data for Lr. In Windows this is "%suername%\AppData\Local\Adobe\Lightroom CC" and "%username%\AppData\Local\Adobe\Lightroom CC Helper"
  6. Log into the web fron


Community Expert ,
Jul 30, 2021 Jul 30, 2021

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Are you sure that you have all your photos safely on your own hard drives? If so, maybe the cleanest solution would be to start over again? In Classic LR's Preferences, the Delete all Synced Data button would achieve this. It does wipe out whatever is upload, so I should repeat the warning to make sure you have local copies of all your pictures.

Also, remember that LR content is only one way to use Creative Cloud Storage. Anything in the Creative Cloud Files would also count, for example, and https://assets.adobe.com/ lists others.




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New Here ,
Jul 30, 2021 Jul 30, 2021

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Thank you for the reply! I currently have my Classic library and my migrated library on two separate drives, so I know I have at least two copies of all my photos. Looking in Assets is a good idea, but I don't have anything in there.


I didn't see that option originally, I think I will start fresh and re-migrate my original library. Fingers crossed that does the job for me!




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 30, 2021 Jul 30, 2021

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Here is what I would do:

  1. Verify you are doing a "migration" not a "sync" inside Classic.
  2. Verify you have good local backups of everything that is Lr Classic.
  3. In Classic, write all meta-data to all images. (I found for me atleast, migration went faster if I had the meta-data on the image files first)
  4. Make sure both apps are closed.
  5. Delete the local data for Lr. In Windows this is "%suername%\AppData\Local\Adobe\Lightroom CC" and "%username%\AppData\Local\Adobe\Lightroom CC Helper"
  6. Log into the web front end for Lr. https://lightroom.adobe.com
  7. Delete all images there. This will take a while, you can only delete about 5K at a time and the browser sometimes freezes while working. There is an option for delete or permantely delete. Coose the second one.
  8. Delete all folders/albums.
  9. Make sure all sync errors are deleted
  10. Go into the trash bin, use the "..." menu on the top right to permantely delete all images
  11. Wait a couple hours (I found if I started the migration right after doing this, I often had problems).
  12. Restart the migration. you will be able to use your original Classic catalog. the "one time only" admonitionment is based on keeping track locally on the computer. By deleting the local cache files, this issue is worked around.






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New Here ,
Jul 31, 2021 Jul 31, 2021

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Thank you, Tim! This is the correct answer to completely restart the migration. A tip, if you use the Lightroom mobile app you can "Select all" and "Delete" at one time instead of manually selecting them on the web. 




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 31, 2021 Jul 31, 2021

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Nice tip. My phone is too slow 🙂

No way would I want to try and select 24K images on it.






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