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Desde hace un día que ya no puedo utilizar la IA en Ligthroom ya que al ocupar la herramienta me aparece el mensaje " Eliminacion generativa ha fallado "
tengo un pc window i7 de 9 generacion
32 gb de Ram
Nvidia gtx 1050
Cabe destacar que podia utilizar el programa sin problema y de la nada comenzó aparecerme el mensaje
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Hey, @Isaac30979644w3m3. Welcome to the Lightroom Community. I'll help you figure this out.
Has this started to happen since a recent update to Lightroom or Windows?
The GTX 1050 (released in 2016) does not meet the system requirements & in general, this is related to GPU. Please head here to troubleshoot most GPU issues on Windows:
Let me know how it goes. Thanks!
Sameer K
(Type '@' and type my name to mention me when you reply)