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If I right-click on a photo in New Lightroom CC, I can choose to copy it. However, the copy gets the same name as the original. How do I change the file name?
Thanks, Jim
You can vote for the feature request here;
P: ability to change file name | Photoshop Family Customer Community
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You can't rename photos in LRCC.
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I'll stop trying then!
I have discovered a work-around though. If you right-click and Save Original, you can then rename the saved file using the usual operating system methods and then import the renamed file into Lightroom CC. It's a bit long winded, but it works.
I'm one step nearer to moving back to Lightroom Classic...
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Yes, but doesn't that just add more images to your library? Do you really want "duplicate" images?
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Are you kidding me?!?
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No, life's too short for joking.
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You can vote for the feature request here;
P: ability to change file name | Photoshop Family Customer Community
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So stupid... Why on earth remove features that are so commonly used? Following in Apple's footsteps it seems.
Back to the old version of Lightroom, where I get more than two export settings. Sorry... I mean 'Save to' settings.
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Aloooo. Adobe, please, may we have RENAME FILES in LRCC or are you going towards the money making monster?
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You can't - Adobe wants you to buy and thus pay for both versions - LightroomCC and Classic - there are no intentions to change this. It is an intentional setup as confirmed by their helpdesk
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Not being able to rename files is beyond dumb.
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Really makes Lightroom kind of useless. I need to be able to rename and batch rename easily.The names need to stick for exporting.
I think I will go back to iphoto as it is easier to do this. Makes me wonder why people bother inventing these programs without some very basic features like renaming and batch renaming. It is a pity because otherwise Lightroom CC is quite nice to use......
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I realized I now have to use Bridge CC
You can export and rename all the files that way but because I edited my gallery out of order, even when I sort them by capture time before the export, once I open the export window it shows them in the order I edited them which doesn't work at all. So, alas, I end up having to use Bridge CC and it works like a charm
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Strange how Adobe cannot implement this simple feature in Lightroom mobile. I have tried to contact them via email and made recommendations etc but to no avail. It is really puzzling why a big company like this will not listen to its' customers. Is there some way some member of this support community could make an appeal to ADOBE. Please implement BATCH RENAME in LIGHTROOM MOBILE A.S.A P. THANK YOU!!!!!
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Here we are in 2023. We have AI, but my stupid ass camera nor Lightroom can add the date to the filename.