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Odd, this week LR CC started importing photos taken on my iPhone (without my help). This morning I opened the iPhone camera app and took four pictures. This afternoon I opened LR CC on my MacBook Pro. The four pictures have automagically appeared in LR CC?
I suspect this is happening on my iPhone. But it may be happening on my Mac. The iPhone Photos App is syncing with my Mac's Photo App. LR CC on my Mac, could be grabbing the photos from Apple Photos App on my Mac. As I said, it is probably happening on my iPhone
To stop this, on my iPhone, I went into settings and removed LR CC's permissions to read and write to App Photos. Is there another way to stop this?
Check the LRmobile settings on the iPhone. Chances are that you have "Auto Import Photos" enabled, which means any picture added to the Camera Roll will automatically be imported into LRmobile, and from there they are automatically uploaded into your Adobe cloud ecosystem, and from there automatically downloaded into LRCC on your desktop. That's the way it's meant to work, but if you don't want your phone pictures to end up on your desktop, turn off that setting.
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Check the LRmobile settings on the iPhone. Chances are that you have "Auto Import Photos" enabled, which means any picture added to the Camera Roll will automatically be imported into LRmobile, and from there they are automatically uploaded into your Adobe cloud ecosystem, and from there automatically downloaded into LRCC on your desktop. That's the way it's meant to work, but if you don't want your phone pictures to end up on your desktop, turn off that setting.
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You are so right! Thanks
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Dang, my photos taken on my iPhone are still Auto Importing into LR CC
I believe I have the switches in the correct place....
Any suggestions?
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Which camera app are you using? The iPhone's own, or are you using the Lightroom camera? If the latter, then you can't stop them syncing....the "Auto Add" option only controls what happens with new photos added to the Camera Roll, but the LR camera doesn't do that. Instead it adds them directly into the LR app space, and from there they will automatically upload to the cloud, and thus down to your desktop (LRCC and/or Classic). No way around that that I can think of, other than not using that LR camera.
But if you're NOT using the LR camera, then I'm stumped. I have no explanation as to why they would sync if that setting is disabled.
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I am using the Apple Camera app. I am not shooting from within LR CC.
I take the picture using the Apple Camera App, the photos go into Apple Photos then LR CC imports them....
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In which case I don't know why that's happening. Last thing to try would be to close the app completely, then restart, then check the settings again to make sure that auto add is still disabled. Then take another picture to see what happens. If it still gets added to Lightroom on the phone, then I think you'll need to report it as a potential bug on the official Adobe feedback site.
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It just imported 486 pictures dating back to September. Where do I report bugs?
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Just make sure these are newly-imported AFTER you changed that setting, and not from before. Assuming that's the case, try posting here:
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I'm experiencing the same issue as Monty Montgomery. Just stared happening recently. Have adjusted the auto import settings, but the problem persists. Any other suggested solutions would be appreciated.
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Did I get it right that with the Auto-Setting Off you are still getting new created iOS camera roll photos imported to Lr CC on your mobile device? - Guido/ Lr Mobile QE
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That is the ultimate question in this discussion. And a VERY good one.
With Auto Add Photos Enabled shots taken with either the device's native camera or the Lc camera will go into the device Camera Roll and into the Lc system and be synced to cloud.
With Auto Add Photos Disabled only those shot with the Lc camera will go into the Lr system for syncing.
If you use the Lr camera and want the photos to also be in the device's Camera Roll: Tap the Send Icon then Save to Camera Roll.
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After one week of NOT importing photos taken on my iPhone using the Apple Camera App, today LRCC imported photos taken yesterday
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Did you come across a solution for this? I am having the same issue even after turning off the auto add slider
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Do you have an iPad as well with the same app on ? I turned off my app on the phone to stop imports, but when I opened my iPAd app, it synced all my cloud photos from the Apple Cloud to the Adobe Cloud, hence why they appear
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Thank you!!! I have been going crazy trying to figure this out. My phone was not set to sync but because unknowingly my iPad was, photos from my iPhone kept popping into my LR catalogue. I disabled auto import from my iPad and now everything is working properly.
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Thank you very much, I was going nuts.
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This was so annoying. I can't believe someone thought it was a good idea to add this feature and have it on by default.
Thank you for the post.
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Old thread now, but no-one has mentioned changing the Phone settings (not the in app settings):
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I hope it is okay to ask a question on an older thread.
I discovered that I had the toggle set to ON on my iPhone and my iPad for Photos "Auto Add from Camera Roll". So thank you for this post for solving that issue for me. I have since set the toggle to OFF on both devices.
Now the question is, for those images that did sync over to my Lightroom on the iPad and the iPhone. Let's say I start to delete them off the iPad, I understand they will be deleted as well off the iPhone however will they be deleted out of the camera roll? I supposed I can test this with one image that I don't wish to keep. But thought I would ask here first. Thank you!
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Did you find a solution?
So LOOONG story short I was actually complaining about my internet being so slow in my new office and turns out I installed LR on my new phone. Updated pictures. Took a picture with it. 48,683 photos have now imported to my LR folder.
Any solutions on getting rid of these? Can sort by import because for some reason they show having imported by the date of the picture being taken NOT the day they all imported.
I am soooo ungodly angry right now I actually am looking at alternatives to Adobe. After all this time they seriously cant be the ONLY game in town
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On your mobile device select the LR app. Tap the three dots in the upper right. Tap Settings. Tap Import. Under the Auto Add from Camera Roll make sure the toggle is grayed out / off. I toggled off Photos, Screenshots, Videos as well. Hope this helps!
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I am sorry, I reread your message. Looks as if you are looking for a solution to remove these images from Lightroom. That is a good question. I think if you select them and then select remove from catalog they will go away but still be in your cloud library. I would get a 2nd confirmation on that before going ahead.
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Hi, I just ran into the same issue. Several thousand photos imported into LR. Did you find a way to delete these from LR?
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Yes come on man Lightroom you make these changes for marketing etc. and it messes with people's setting you get duplication etc. that's not the role of software.