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I can't find my imported photos anymore on Lightroom mobile

New Here ,
Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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Version: Lightroom Mobile 8.4.1
OS: Android 12

I just updated Lightroom Mobile to version 8.4.1, in this version they got rid of the importing process and streamlined the gallery but almost all of my photos are gone now.
To explain: I mainly use Lightroom Mobile to shoot RAW photos with my phone and I've set it to store pictures shot on my SD Card but since I've done that the pictures do take storage space but are nowhere present on the SD Card, not in the app's files, and not in DCIM, but Lightroom still sees them. I've never bothered changing this because it worked and I didn't need the files out of my phone. If I ever needed it I would export them via the app.
Now with this update, Lightroom doesn't show all the photos present in the app data but instead shows what finds in the phone's storage, and of my photos, it shows only the edited ones in the Edits tab. How can I get all of the photos back without uninstalling and downgrading the app which would result in probably losing all of them?
I will attach some photos to show what I mean



This is the storage taken on the SD Card by photos shot and imported on Lightroom Mobile
















There are the photos shot and then edited shown in the Edits section
















This is the only photo visible in the gallery tab with the RAW filter on, this is an actual photo stored and visible on the device





This is the SD Card storage and how it's used, DCIM is not used by Lightroom. Lightroom should store photos under Android/data/com.adobe.lrmobile/... this is how it worked when it stored photos on the device's storage and as you can see the Android folder is very small and nowhere near what Lightroom Mobile states on the app





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jun 21, 2023 Jun 21, 2023

Hey @volo34. Welcome to the Lightroom Community. I'll help you get started with the new interface. In the new view, your previous edits, albums, deleted, people and shared albums are part of the Lightroom tab.


You can click on the 'My Edits' dropdown to get to the 'All Photos' or desired albums.




Check here to learn more & get started: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-cc/using/work-with-lightroom-mobile-android.html#lightroom
Let me know if this helps. Thanks!
Sameer K


Adobe Employee ,
Jun 21, 2023 Jun 21, 2023

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Hey @volo34. Welcome to the Lightroom Community. I'll help you get started with the new interface. In the new view, your previous edits, albums, deleted, people and shared albums are part of the Lightroom tab.


You can click on the 'My Edits' dropdown to get to the 'All Photos' or desired albums.




Check here to learn more & get started: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-cc/using/work-with-lightroom-mobile-android.html#lightroom
Let me know if this helps. Thanks!
Sameer K




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New Here ,
Jun 22, 2023 Jun 22, 2023

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Oh, I didn't see that! Many thanks! Is the storage problem common?




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Enthusiast ,
Jun 21, 2023 Jun 21, 2023

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I found that it put photos taken on the 21st of this month under 16th of this month in the "all photos view", Exif shows the correct date. Also on a different device the order is shown correctly.




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