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Lightroom CC mobile to Lightroom classic workflow

New Here ,
Oct 03, 2019 Oct 03, 2019

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I use Lightroom Classic on my Mac to import, edit and organize photos which are stored on an external hard drive. When I travel I use an iPad pro to import photos and sometimes start editing them in Lightroom mobile. When I get back to my mac, the original Raw images are downloaded to my Mac and Lightroom classic which is awesome! However, I would like to be able to move these photos on to my external hard drive into the folder structure I use (as if I had imported them from my SD card through Lightroom Classic as per my normal workflow) and remove the orignal raw files from Adobe cloud (to free up space). I have no been able to figure out how to do this, so I currently just keep the photos on my sd card after importing with my iPad and import a second time through Lightroom Classic onto my external hard drive. This makes the initial import with the iPad through lightroom mobile somewhat redundant and a waste of time. 


Is there a way to move the original raw photos which Lightroom classic has downloaded from the cloud onto my external hard drive?






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LEGEND , Oct 04, 2019 Oct 04, 2019

Keep sync paused in Classic until you return home. Then choose your nominated external drive folder in Classic preferences. Hover over the identity plate top-left to re-start sync and the originals will download exactly where you want them. No need to move folders.



Community Expert , Oct 04, 2019 Oct 04, 2019

By default the images are downloaded into 'Mobile Downloads.lrdata'. That is a special folder (package on a Mac), that will appear in the Lightroom folder panel as if it was a different drive. You can move images from this to any normal folder in the same way you would move any other image from one folder to another: by using drag & drop.


In the Lightroom preferences you can change this download location and select a normal folder. You can then also specify that Lightroom should create dated s




Community Expert ,
Oct 03, 2019 Oct 03, 2019

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As you rightly say, the photos are downloaded from the Cloud, to the designated download folder. Once downloaded they can be deleted from the Cloud.


I don’t really use Classic, but my understanding is (or was) that, within Classic, you just move the photos to the folder where you want them.


Maybe do a test on a photo of no importance, so you’re happy with the workflow.


There is no need to reimport again.









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Community Expert ,
Mar 17, 2022 Mar 17, 2022

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The Lightroom Queen just published a helpful little ebook about the LR Mobile to Classic workflow:




"Integrating the mobile apps into your Lightroom workflow doesn't mean giving up Lightroom Classic. Lightroom Classic can remain your primary photo archive."






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Oct 04, 2019 Oct 04, 2019

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Keep sync paused in Classic until you return home. Then choose your nominated external drive folder in Classic preferences. Hover over the identity plate top-left to re-start sync and the originals will download exactly where you want them. No need to move folders.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 04, 2019 Oct 04, 2019

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By default the images are downloaded into 'Mobile Downloads.lrdata'. That is a special folder (package on a Mac), that will appear in the Lightroom folder panel as if it was a different drive. You can move images from this to any normal folder in the same way you would move any other image from one folder to another: by using drag & drop.


In the Lightroom preferences you can change this download location and select a normal folder. You can then also specify that Lightroom should create dated subfolders. That should make it possible to let Lightroom download the images in the same folder hierarchy as your other images.

-- Johan W. Elzenga





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New Here ,
Apr 11, 2020 Apr 11, 2020

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Similar to you  I use  Macbook Ait with Lightroom CC when on my travels. I have developed the simple workfow that you can see at this link. Lightroom CC (On Location) to Lightroom Classic (Home) Workflow Diagram 

It works for me and avoids duplication of files. I end up with the original RAW on my NAS and the images imported into my LR Classic catalog. Happy for viewers to add comments if you spot any flaws in the workflow





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 28, 2020 Apr 28, 2020

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Wondering about this as well - what are the right methods/options/process/whatever to remove the synced files from the local travel device and adobes cloud after sync is complete?


Similar to everyone else, while traveling I want to upload through my ipad with CC mobile, then let that sync (original raw+jpeg included) back through Adobe cloud to my desktop at home running my classic catalog. Once all that is done and I am home, what are the steps to delete the original copies off the iPad AND remove the original copies from the cloud without messing anything up on the desktop classic instance and losing originals?


Also, assuming I could remote desktop in and verify that my stuff from say Monday had synced overnight and by Tuesday morning everyone had safely made it onto my desktop, is there a way to remove from the cloud while still remote on the iPad without again messing up the originals on the desktop? Reason being is I usually shoot a lot more than 20gb on a 1-3 week trip so being able to empty the Adobe storage every few days would be a good thing.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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See my response to Kevin above. The easiest way to delete the images from the cloud and the iPad when back at home is to remove them from the All Snced Photographs special collection in Classic.


If you want to do it while still on location, you can remove them from the cloud (and thus your iPad) by using remote desktop to access your Classic system to do the same removal from All Synced Photographs. If you can't remote into Classic you can remove them from the cloud by deleting the images from the LrMobile app on the iPad....but you'd have to KNOW that they are safely stored in your Classic catalog....but without some form of remote desktop I don't see how you could be sure that they're safe in Classic. I know there are people taking portable storage drives with them when travelling, but trying to work within that 20GB limit is not going to be easy for a volume shooter.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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Kevin, I like your workflow diagram and it's helpful to see it laid out this way. I'm wondering, though, if you or anyone else in this forum have any suggestions for my situation: i.e., when travelling, I will have NO internet connection at all, or at best, only a very sketchy and temporary one that I dare not use for syncing - so I can't get my new photos to the cloud. (We travel on our boat to areas not served by wifi or cell signal, and on the few occasions we go to marinas, wifi is very slow and minimal - no uploading or streaming allowed.)  I have purchased an external storage drive that has a built-in memory card (My Passport Wireless Pro, 4TB). My hope is to (1) put the original raw files on it, rather than on my iPad, (2) keep the memory cards intact as backup copies, (3) import Smart Previews into LR Mobile on the iPad to review, process etc,  and (4) when I'm eventually home - a month or two later - transfer the raw files to where I want them on my PC system and sync LR mobile with LR Classic on my PC. Is this feasible?  I am having trouble figuring out how to ensure that the raw originals don't get uploaded to the iPad. Thank you very much.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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1) and 2) are OK, but 3) is a problem as you cannot "import Smart Previews into LrMobile on the iPad".....you can only import the full resolution originals. Yes, it's possible to eventually swap out the original for a smart preview, but that's contingent on the original uploading to the cloud, after which it can be replaced by the SP on the local device. But that needs regular and reliable internet connectivity, which appears to be not possible in your situation.


In order to allow you to import a few at a time, work on them in LrMobile, then swap them out to allow a new set to be added, you really need the ability to export using "original + settings" (thus preserving the edits that you do). Sadly, that option isn't available in LrMobile, though ironically it IS available using the desktop version of Lightroom (do you take a laptop with you as well?). An alternative would be giving LrMobile users the ability to access files stored on the attached portable drives, rather than having to import them into the devices internal storage. I think both of those potential solutions are the subject of feature requests at the official Adobe feedback site, might be worth heading over there and adding your vote.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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Jim, I CAN take a laptop with me (and so could use Lightroom Classic instead of mobile) - but am really wanting not to take a laptop this year - it's proved cumbersome on our boat and is problematic in terms of keeping it charged. An iPad is much more suitable on both fronts so I was trying to cut the laptop out of the equation this year.


Is there no way, with the latest version of iOS, to get the raw files onto the external storage device (even if they go onto the iPad first, temporarily) and have Lightroom work with them? I know the new iOS versions can do more with file management and external devices than used to be the case. I don't mind having a day or two or three's pix on the iPad, but can't possibly have to store 8 weeks worth of pix on it.  Thanks.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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Kevin, I like your workflow diagram and it's helpful to see it laid out this way. I'm wondering, though, if you or anyone else in this forum have any suggestions for my situation: i.e., when travelling, I will have NO internet connection at all, or at best, only a very sketchy and temporary one that I dare not use for syncing - so I can't get my new photos to the cloud. (We travel on our boat to areas not served by wifi or cell signal, and on the few occasions we go to marinas, wifi is very slow and minimal - no uploading or streaming allowed.)


I have purchased an external storage drive that has a built-in memory card (My Passport Wireless Pro, 4TB). My hope is to (1) put the original raw files on it, rather than on my iPad, (2) keep the memory cards intact as backup copies, (3) import Smart Previews into LR Mobile on the iPad to review, process etc, and (4) when I'm eventually home - a month or two later - transfer the raw files to where I want them on my PC system and sync LR mobile with LR Classic on my PC. Is this feasible? I am having trouble figuring out how to ensure that the raw originals don't get uploaded to the iPad. Thank you very much.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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A couple of comments on your workflow diagram:

1. On Location, you suggest making adjustments if required in Lightroom (to give it its correct name, not LRCC) using a virtual copy. The Lightroom system of apps does not support virtual copies, so that's not possible. But even if it were, I'd still wonder why you'd think it necessary.


2. At Home: why bother going to the trouble of setting up a "Location for LR Ecosystem Pictures" in Classic, only then to move them from that location to a different location? Why not save a step by setting the location in Classic's preferences to be the actual final destination (which is what I do). 


3. "Once Certain Originals are in the New Location.....", for this step I would recommend that they are deleted from the cloud by removing them from the All Synced Photographs special collection in Classic (which automatically deletes them from the cloud). That way you can be certain that the deletion can only be done after the images have securely synced into Classic. It just feels slightly safer doing it that way.


4. Why is it best NOT to use Lightroom and Classic on the same device? I agree that it's often not necessary to run them both on the same system (there are times when I've found it distinctly useful), but it can't really do any harm, as they don't directly communicate or interact with each other.





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New Here ,
Dec 08, 2020 Dec 08, 2020

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Hi Jim

Thanks for your comments. It looks from your 'tag' that you are much more of an expert on LR than I am so I am happy to defer to your wisdom. My diagram was put together quite some time ago and to be honest I can't remember how I came to each step - trial and error probably. However I''ll go through your questions just in case there is anything to be learned.

1) No idea why I said to use Virtaul Copies - Maybe I was thinking that the original would not end up on the Adobe Cloud if the image was edited.

2) This was to allow distribution to various different locations when back at home. All the downloads end up in the 'Location for LR Ecosystem Pictures' and then can be moved as required. I move each shoot to a diferent location.


4) Again I forget why I added this  - maybe to keep things simople on the laptop





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Explorer ,
Mar 17, 2022 Mar 17, 2022

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I am in the same boat, and I feel it could be simple for Adobe to address a mobile workflow when fast internet is not available. 
just allow to export original raw files with the metadata of adjustments, ratings, captions to a folder on an external SSD. 
I write this elsewhere, but it is relevant to this thread:


Please Adobe enable Lightroom for iPad pasting a caption and keywords to multiple photos at once, like in the Android version.

Please Adobe allow the export of RAW files to a folder on the iPad or SSD to include the ratings, captions, adjustment metadata via an XMP file. 
Expanded below. 
the workflow for Lightroom on my iPad mini could be simpler.
some issues:
- I like to copy the images from the SD card to an external SSD.
Import in Lightroom, edit, caption, rate. Export back to the SD drive the RAW files, and at home connect the SSD to my iMac. Import the photos in LR Classic. But no metadata with edits, rating captions are in the exported images.
This method would be a lot faster than relying on the cloud when in a rush. Also would be good for when I travel to areas with slow or limited internet. Workaround, but not very acceptable could be converting and exporting as DNG.

- I can not paste captions from a photo to multiple photos at once. I can do that on the Android phone version. Can this essential feature be implemented in the Apple ecosystem?
if I have 20 images from the same shoot I need to submit captioned, it is time-consuming to do copy/paste one at a time.

These are dealbreakers for a working photographer. I have LumaFusion and FinalCut Pro X, and those 2 allow editing on the iPad on an external SSD and finish on the Mac at home.

I would expect Adobe would allow its software to have a similar integration.
The lack of copy-paste of captions and keywords to multiple photos at once is puzzling, as it is allowed on the Android version. I wrote about this to Adobe 2 - 3 years ago, but the simple issue has not been addressed.

I love Lightroom Classic, but I am looking forward to some competitive alternative to Lightroom for the iPad.






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