P: Subscriptions from Mobile App Stores don't work with Desktop Software
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We get so many questions about this I decided that an authoritative post would be helpful.
If you've purchased a subscription from a mobile app store, (e.g. Apple's App Store, the Google Play Store or the Samsung Store), the subscription is for mobile devices only. Running Lightroom Desktop on a PC or a Mac requires a specific subscription purchased for desktop computers.
The Desktop subscription includes access to the Mobile product but not vice-versa.
Lightroom Web is included in all subscriptions.
If you've purchased the incorrect subscription for your needs, or your needs have changed, please login here to update your plan: https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-lightroom.html
After subscribing to the Ecosystem plan, you can decide whether to cancel your mobile-only plan.
Hopefully this helps.
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Hallo Zusammen,
kann mir jemand sagen, ob man das auf dem iPhone abgeschlossene Lightroom Abo auch auf seinem Mac anwenden kann oder ist dafür ein weiteres Abo nötig?
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iPhone subscription to Lightroom does not provide any benefit when running on a Mac. You need the proper subscription from Adobe that includes software that runs on a Mac or Windows computer.
Hi! I've subscribed for Lightroom premium plan in my Iphone but I can't use the Lightroom on my MAC. It's asking to buy a new subscription. Can I use one subscription for both devices?
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A subscription for Lightroom Mobile is just for the iPhone. It does not include Lightroom for desktop.
A subscription to Lightroom for desktop is separate. It includes Lightroom Mobile.
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Here is more info about our plans that provide Lightroom for desktop + mobile: https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-lightroom/compare-plans.html
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So does it means that if I purchase Photography Plan which includes LR Mobile, LR Desktop and PS, I can cancel my LR Mobile subscription on my phone?
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Yes. The plan that includes the desktop PS and LR apps also includes LR Mobile. Cancel the mobile plan if you subscribe to the more Photography plan than includes every platform.
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I'm super new to Lightroom. I recently purchased the yearly subscription on my iphone hoping it would be both for the desktop and phone version. A friend purchased the desktop version and got it for her phone included but it doesn't seem to be the other way around. Am I missing something? When I sign into my account on the laptop it wants me to pay for a subscription again!
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you're correct. purchasing via an app store is for the mobile app. purchasing from adobe includes desktop and mobile.
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You should be able to install and use LR on your desktop - Anywhere means ipad / tablet, phone and computer - both local and in a browser. Have you downloaded and logged into Creative Cloud and installed from there?
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tengo una suscripción paga de Lr que active a través de mi celular. En la app de mi iPhone puedo usarla sin problemas, pero cuando ingreso con el mismo usuario a la app que tengo en mi laptop, no me reconoce la suscripción. Por ende, no puedo sincronizar las fotos. Por qué sucede esto? Cómo lo resuelvo?
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Hello @AlanSerebrisky
I merged your question to an existing post with the samee question/answer. Your subscription is for only mobilee devices. If you also need Lightroom on your computer, please cancel your mobile subscription. Then subscribe using the desktop app instead. Subscribing using the desktop app or from one of the plan options listed here: https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-lightroom/compare-plans.html
For more help, please contact Adobe Support directly. Visit https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html, sign in, and then select the chat option.
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have a fully paid up subscription for light room and cn access LR on my ipad howevere when I launch LR on my macbook air, with the same mail IDm it says my subscription has expired. Please help
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start here - https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/kb/stop-creative-cloud-trial-mode-after-purchase.html
if that fails, proceed to these steps - https://helpx.adobe.com/enterprise/kb/resolve-trial-and-license-expired-errors.html
if that fails, https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/kb/adobe-license-issues-keychain-credential-mgr.html
if those all fail, change your cc language. eg, try international english
if that fails, change the install location
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Ensure your subscription plan is active below.
Sign-out and sign-in:
1. Open CC Desktop App.
2. Click your Avatar (top right image) > Preferences > General tab > Settings. Select "Always keep Creative Cloud up to date."
3. Click on your Avatar again.
4. Sign-out of Creative Cloud.
5. Close all apps.
6. Restart your computer.
7. Open CC Desktop app.
8. Click your Avatar.
9. Sign-in with your paid ID and password.
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I've purchesed Lightroom, yet when ı install it to my pc, it doesn't restore my purchase and even says "Restore is not available without a purchase". However, ı don't have this problem when ı open it from my phone or from internet, it only happens when ı download the application and try to restore it. Could you please tell me how to solve this problem?
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Hi, Sorry for the confusion. Your subscription is for Lightroom Mobile only. You would need to choose one of the options here:
These plans include Lightroom for the desktop and Lightroom Mobile. The best way would be to purchase the new plan, make sure everything syncs, then cancel the old one.
I hope that helps.
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 I understand, thank you. I open it from internet when I am with pc and it works, but I still couldn't get that when I check my plan it says it also contains lightroom Web as you can see, too. This is really interesting. Thank you for the help and care, though..
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I have a Lightroom paid subscription. I can use it on my phone, but when I connect my lightroom program to my adobe account on my computer, it appears as a trial subscription, how can I solve it?
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Subscribing to Lightroom on your phone gives you access on all iOS and Android devices, but not on your desktop computer. If you need LR on your desktop too, please cancel your iOS subscription, and subscribe via the desktop app instead. LR desktop plans do cost more but come with much more storage and do include Lightroom Mobile access.
LR desktop plan options info: https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-lightroom/compare-plans.html
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I started a free trial of lightroom on my phone and forgot to cancel before the first payment like I intended. I figured I would make the most of it and in learning how to use it I went to download it on my PC but it says I have to pay again to download the app. I can use the browser version just fine. Is there any difference? Any ideas on how to download it?
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Hi there,
Welcome to the Lightroom community. I'd love to help you figure this out.
I have reviewed your account & your subscription for Lightroom mobile from the AppStore is currently active.
Subscriptions purchased in the mobile app give you access to features only on mobile devices and will not work with Lightroom desktop. Check this article to learn more: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-cc/kb/manage-subscription-ios.html
You can subscribe to Adobe Lightroom from this page: https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/plans.html
A new plan from the above-shared page will allow access to the Lightroom ecosystem on mobile, desktop & web surfaces.
Let me know how it goes from here,
Sameer K
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Hola! Tengo la versión Premium Mobile. ¿Puedo sincronizar mis trabajos en mi PC si me instalo LR Destokp, sin tener que pagar nada más?