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We get so many questions about this I decided that an authoritative post would be helpful.
If you've purchased a subscription from a mobile app store, (e.g. Apple's App Store, the Google Play Store or the Samsung Store), the subscription is for mobile devices only. Running Lightroom Desktop on a PC or a Mac requires a specific subscription purchased for desktop computers.
The Desktop subscription includes access to the Mobile product but not vice-versa.
Lightroom Web is included in all subscriptions.
If you've purchased the incorrect subscription for your needs, or your needs have changed, please login here to update your plan:
After subscribing to the Ecosystem plan, you can decide whether to cancel your mobile-only plan.
Hopefully this helps.
If you purchased the wrong plan for what you want to do, that's hardly Adobe's fault.
The basic Photography Plan is only $10/month for 12 months.
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I have a subscription Lightroom, i have just purchased a MACBOOK for Photography Editing however it says the 'restore is not available without a purchase'. I am signed in on my iphone and it is working so how do i fix this issue ?
Kind Regards
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What a greedy move by Adobe. No reason why I should have to pay double to access on my PC occasionally.
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If you purchased the wrong plan for what you want to do, that's hardly Adobe's fault.
The basic Photography Plan is only $10/month for 12 months.
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First off, subscribing through iOS, it makes no mention of it being the mobile only version. Second, I don't want or having any use for all those extras. I just want Lightroom access through my iPhone and occasionally on my desktop when I have a bigger collection of photos to go through. Have to pay double for that is hardly worth another $60 a year.
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First off, subscribing through iOS, it makes no mention of it being the mobile only version.
By @Mark38851019w4hz
It's assumed you know the difference between iOS (mobile) and macOS (computers).
If you don't believe me, feel free to consult an Apple rep who can explain the differences to you.
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Of course I know the difference. Let me try and make things basic for you so YOU can understand. When subscribing to things, it usually tells you what kind of subscription you're making. There's numerous subscriptions I can make through an iOS app that work anywhere. Nowhere does it mention, when buying the Lightroom subscription, that it is mobile only. Got it now?
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Hallo. Ich bin neu mit dem ganzen hier. Ich benötige zum begradigen meiner Objektivverzerrung leider das Abomodell auf dem iPad mit Lightroom. Wenn ich solches abschliese, kann ich dieses Abo dann auch am Windows PC Lightroom nutzen, oder ist das wieder ein anderes Abo Modell?
Danke schon mal.
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Hey, @rumblejunkie. Welcome to the Lightroom community. I've reviewed your account you've used for the community & could not find any active subscription, or transaction for Lightroom.
Subscriptions from mobile app store won't work with Lightroom on desktop. The Desktop subscription includes access to the Mobile product but not vice-versa. Lightroom Web is included in all subscriptions.
Please log in here to get the Lightroom plan:;
Let me know if this helps. Thanks!
Sameer K
(Use '@mention' to tag me when you reply)
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Caso precise de outra assinatura, é possível incluir o Lightroom Mobile na mesma assinatura do notebook?
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Olá, Paulo!
Obrigado pela sua pergunta! A assinatura do Lightroom Mobile é válida apenas para dispositivos móveis. Para usar o Lightroom Desktop no seu notebook, você precisará de uma assinatura específica para desktop.
A assinatura de desktop é mais completa e oferece acesso a todo o ecossistema Lightroom (incluindo acesso ao Lightroom Mobile), mas não o contrário.
Se agora você precisa usar o Lightroom no seu notebook, seria ideal atualizar sua assinatura para o plano de desktop.
Você pode atualizar seu plano acessando este link:
Após assinar o plano desktop, você pode cancelar sua assinatura somente para mobile.
Espero que isso ajude!
Carlos Padoveze - Social & Especialista de Engajamento