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I recently changed my adobe account, and i'm looking for a solution to migrate all data from old account lightroom CC (not classic) to new account lightroom CC (Not classic).
So far, i tried exporting all of my photos + parameters, but of course you don't conserve the folders/albums structures.
I found several topics talking about this but i was wondering if there was nnew/better solutions to such a migration process :
Thanks in advance.
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Thank you for your answer !
I'm using Last version of Lightroom CC.
I already exported all my photos + parameters, but i'll use this method only if there's no other way !
Appreciate your help
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There isn't a simple way to migrate from one account to another but alternatively you can:
This will transfer photos over including edits without having to export the photos.
You could transfer all photos to that Album and sort them from there, however it maybe easier to mirror your Albums in the new account and share each one (although you will have to accept an email for each album).
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Thank you for your answer !
I'll try that to see if it could be the most efficient way to do it.
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One idea is maybe to just Keyword all the images in your Albums with the Album name they are in.
Then you maybe could share the one Album and when all the photos are copied over, filter by keyword and create a new Album from those photos.
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I'm currently trying this method.
I'll let you know if it was easier this way !
thanks again.
But anyway, the fact that you can't migrate from one account to another easily is questionnable.
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So i tagged every album, i can retrieve it by Keywords easily, but, how do i "download" them in the album.
Actually if i drag n drop photos in albums, it link them, meaning they're still on the old account but accessible from the new one.
How can i litteraly Transfer them ?
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Yes, if you dragged them into the Shared Album on the new account, they should start populating the new account.
Assuming you are using Lightroom Desktop, you can check by signing in to the new account on Lightroom Mobile or at
One thing I would say it that if you are using the 'one album method' with keywords, then it may be best to use Lightroom Mobile (on phone or tablet) to organise into folders once they have copied.
Lightroom Mobile allows you to 'Move' photos between Albums whereas this function was inexplicably never added to Lightroom Desktop.
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Sorry, to answer your other question... there isn't a way to transfer them.
I'm only aware of
two ways..... using the Downloader Tool and reimporting all the photos, or the Shared Album method.
Once all the photos are safely on the new account (check your cloud storage quota... it should be the same as the old account) then you should be able to clear the photos in the old account (it's probably worth keeping a back up though).