🔎 Quick Tip #1: Make your photo Remixable
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Did you know that members of the in-app Lightroom community can designate their edited photos as Remixables? Remixables enable anyone within the community to further edit shared photos and create Remixes.
What you'll need: Lightroom (Mac, Windows), iOS, Android, or Lightroom Web
➊ Start by selecting an edited image from your library.
Note: You will get an error message if you try to share an unedited image.
➋ Click on the share icon in the upper right > Community > Share to Discover
➌ Give your edit a title & description of how you edited the image you're about to share. Choose 1 – 3 categories that reflect the subject matter of the image. Turn on Remixing.
Note: If you don't want your edits to be available as a preset, make sure to disable that option.
➍ Once you click on share, your image will be submitted and you'll receive a link you can use to invite others to Remix your image. Ex: shareable link
Do you want to share your remix, post your link in the comments below!
Pro Tip: If you've already shared an image to Discover and would like to make it Remixable, go to Discover > Click on your profile Photo > Click on the three dots of the image > Update Info > Turn on Remix (Only on Desktop)
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Here a remixable night view of Graz
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Here is the remix of a vignette: