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Shared album does not show any photos

Community Beginner ,
Oct 18, 2023 Oct 18, 2023

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A friend of mine shared an album of photos to me and my collagues. Other people in my company who have the link see all the images. I see only name of the folder but no images on my pc. Tried several browsers, no luck. The link works fine on my iPhone, though.  What  could be the problem.

iOS: iPhone , Web , Windows






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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 20, 2023 Oct 20, 2023

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Hello @Steeldrake 


I cannot reproduce any trouble.  Can you ask your fried a couple things:

1) is the shared album set as Anyone Can VIew, or Invite Only?  If it's Anyone Can View, you should be able to see it by opening the link your friend shared, with no Lightroom login required.  If the album is Invite Only, have your friend remove and re-add you.  Your friend might send the link to your work email, and you might want to sign in with your personal/different email address and then click the invitation acceptance -- and that's fine.  Whatever mail address you use to sign into lightroom.adobe.com to accept the link will work even if it's not the same email they used to message you.


2) if you still can't join for some reason, could your friend try setting up and sharing another album with you?  If that works, then we'd simply need to understand what's different about the setup of the first album.





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