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This evening I shared a handful of photos to the web. These were shared as a group of photos, not a shared album. It defaulted to the date as the name of the group. I later decided to give this photo group a name and made the edit.
The name change is reflected on the apps and web (if I am viewing from the main Lightroom Web view), but never seemed to propagate to the link.
If I view the photos through the link it retains the original name, which is the date. I have tried several things to get the change to propagate, but it doesn't seem to want to. I have added and removed photos and changed the name several times. Photos add and remove fine, its just the name that is stuck.
This is the group of photos in question:
Probably a dumb question, but have you refreshed the browser window when viewing the link?
Assuming you have, in the LrWeb app select the shared photos group then in the resulting grid click on the Display icon bottom left (looks like an artist's palette). A small panel appears bottom centre of the grid, click on the up arrow to show the expanded panel. Make sure the "Show Title" box is checked, and check the name that is displayed, changing it if necessary.
Then refresh the browser in the lin
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That's odd. I've tried a couple of times and I can't reproduce the issue (renaming in the LrWeb app). How exactly are you renaming the group?
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I've tried renaming in both the web and app versions of Lightroom. As shown in the screenshots the change propagates just fine through Lightroom on my side. It's the public link that isn't getting the update.
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Probably a dumb question, but have you refreshed the browser window when viewing the link?
Assuming you have, in the LrWeb app select the shared photos group then in the resulting grid click on the Display icon bottom left (looks like an artist's palette). A small panel appears bottom centre of the grid, click on the up arrow to show the expanded panel. Make sure the "Show Title" box is checked, and check the name that is displayed, changing it if necessary.
Then refresh the browser in the link tab.
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You solved it! Show title was checked, but it had retained the original name, which was the date. I wonder if this is intended behavior. It's buried pretty deep.
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Glad it's solved, but it still feels as though something isn't quite right. In my test, after creating the shared photos group and accepting the initial default date name, I renamed it via the edit button next to the "album" name top left corner of the grid. After doing the rename, I then checked via the display tab, and the rename had propogated to that "hidden" panel, which is what I would have expected. So if you initially renamed in the same way (and not sure there is any other way in LrWeb), then you shouldn't have experienced the problem.
Perhaps you renamed first in the Lightroom desktop app, and that didn't update the name in that Display panel.
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Yes, I agree it still seems off. I just created a trial album and changed the name around and it worked just as you explained your experience.
I'm not sure what caused my issue last night. I tried tweaking the name in several clients, and nothing succeeded in getting the web album to update.