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Bug workarounds

Participant ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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When the bug first appeared, I downgraded my Photoshop Beta 25.0 to 24.7 which worked. By the way, Adobe go out of their way to hide the option to download the beta. Anyway, I missed features AI in ver 25 and also saving files back to LR  was excruciatingly slow.


So instead I downgraded LR to v24.2.1 Again, finding the link took half an hour. Adobe are dreadful at so many things that it is a shame they came up with such beauties as Lightroom and Photoshop. Their website, Acrobat and other software are deliberately non-human friendly it seems. Adobe developers are arrogant and think their way is better.


Sorry, I ranted. I finally reinstalled Beta v25.0


Anyway downgrading LR to 24.2.1 meant loosing any edits unique to process v6, but these, if any, were inconsequential. Now, LR works properly with PS Beta and PS saves files in a flash.


A beta is a beta so we must expect these issues. What I can't understand is folk still reporting this bug as if it weren't three weeks old! The forum is full of repetitive bug reports!







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