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Seit dem letzten Updaten kann man mit dem Pinsel im Maskierungsmodus nicht mehr malen, um eine Auswahl zu erstellen
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Try resetting Prefs for the Beta:
/Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/ Photoshop Beta Settings (Mac Ventura)
/Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ \(Beta\)\ Settings (Mac)

C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings )Win)
Launch BETA Photoshop While Pressing The Keyboard Shortcut
With Photoshop closed, press and hold Shift+Ctrl+Alt (Win) / Shift+Command+Option (Mac) on your keyboard and then Launch Photoshop the way you normally would. 
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager