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Photoshop Beta now natively supports OpenColorIO (OCIO). In addition to OCIO support, we have expanded the tools available for editing in 32-bit mode.
Tools with new 32-bit functionality:
About OCIO:
OCIO is an open-source color management system that allows teams and productions to define a single set of color spaces and Color transforms for consistency across vendors and artists for a single project. Native OCIO implementation in Photoshop has been a long-time request from our customers in the VFX and Film industries. It is essential to their workflows and allows easy interoperability with their OCIO workflows. OCIO also provides built-in support for the ACES color management system.
Learn more about OCIO here:
Learn more about ACES here: Academy Color Encoding System (ACES)
Setting up OCIO:
Note: OCIO must be explicitly enabled in the Photoshop Beta preferences under “Technology Previews.” The GPU should also be enabled in the “Performance” preferences.
❶ Ensure Preferences > Technology Previews > Precise Color Management for HDR Display and OpenColorIO Color Management are checked. If you have an HDR display, it is enabled in the OS, and you will use HDR output with OCIO.
❷ Select “Ok” to exit out of preferences and then restart Photoshop Beta
❸ Upon relaunch, you can now edit your OCIO settings in Edit > OpenColorIO Settings.
❹ In the File menu, documents can now be opened as an OCIO document, or created as New documents:
❺ When OCIO is enabled, you will see the following new UI items:
❻ When you create a new document, you are presented with the legacy “New document” dialog. This dialog has a checkbox for enabling OCIO on the new document.
❼ Color transforms for files placed into an OCIO document can be set via the Properties panel when the placed layer is selected.
Photoshop will locate OCIO configuration from the following locations:
MacOS location: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop (Beta)/Presets/OCIO/Configurations
Windows location: C:\Users\some-user\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) \Presets
These configurations are displayed in the “Configuration” popup controls in the Open Color IO Settings dialog and the “Open Color IO panel.
The Open Color IO Settings dialog sets the default configuration and working space.
The Open Color IO panel is used to manage the settings for the current document.
Placed Layer Content
Files placed into smart object layers can have their own OCIO source color space individually assigned to them.
Upon placement a file into an OCIO color-managed document, the layer will initially be assigned a color space based on the file rules found in the document’s OCIO configuration. If a suitable rule is not found, the default source space will be chosen based on any embedded color management the placed file may have (such as an embedded ICC color profile).
The source color space for a placed layer can be changed anytime by opening the OCIO Input Color Space popup menu in the Properties panel.
There are three standard items at the top of the menu, followed by a list of common roles-based color spaces. Following that, at the bottom of the menu are additional submenus with more color spaces grouped by category. When converting them to the document's working space, these spaces determine what colors are assigned to the placed file’s pixels.
The first three standard items have specific functionality.
Duplicate To Profile
This command is available from the Edit menu when the active document uses OCIO.
This command creates an ICC-based document from the current OCIO document. The new document is flattened and contains one layer.
The command allows the user to specify the display/view transform to use on the source document and determine the created document's bit depth and ICC profile.
If the chosen source display is a non-virtual display, the display/view transform result is used directly as the pixel data in the target document. These pixels are tagged with the selected profile, which should match the selected display to ensure an accurate result.
If the chosen display is a virtual display, the OCIO transformation will create pixels matching the selected target profile. Regardless of the selected target profile, you will get an accurate result.
Log files
OCIO-related log entries are written in the general Photoshop log file.
You can search for entries beginning with “OCIO:”
The OCIO log level can be set in the following way:
Create a text file called PSUserConfig.txt and place it into the Photoshop settings folder:
Add this line of text to the file:
OCIOLogLevel "warning"
The following options are supported “debug,” “info,” “warning.”
Known issues
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Great work!
I love how well-balanced OCIO tools look already.
Some feedback:
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Thanks for the feedback, in the future we might consider fleshing out a bigger Photoshop config, but as of today, we just ship the built-in ACES configs as they are defined by the OCIO/ACES teams.
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This version is not working for me! 😞
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So for me after testing few things, I've noticed that there's no way to import OCIO image already in 32bit float mode - so after changing working space to ACEScg from ACEScct, because file is opening in 16bit, it's clamped. It can be imported as ACEScct in 16bit, converted to 32bit, and working space changed to ACEScg but there's no way to do that while importing - there should be a way to set bit depth before importing.
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Thanks for the feedback! Bit depth selection when opening an OCIO document will be available in a new Beta build very soon!
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Great to hear that - it would be beneficial to somehow tie those bits on creation of OCIO document to whether someone chooses ACEScct or ACEScg as a working space - so that it wouldn't be technicaly possible to clamp an image. So I imagine that if someone chooses to work in ACEScg then it should automatically switch to 32bit float and if user goes back to 16bit then back to ACEScct.
Otherwise I'm afraid a lot of people will not notice that they have clamped an image until it's too late.
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So I've checked latest beta and I'm very pleased for you to introduce my feedback so quickly - just one thing I should point out. I don't think there should be an option to work in 8 bit while working in OCIO really. I don't in any other application I use in my daily VFX work there's even posibility to work in anything less than 16bit float while working in OCIO/ACES. I think this might introduce a lot of erronous work done by less colormanagement savvy people.
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Installing EXR.IO (open source plugin) allows you to open 32-float & 16 half exr's similar to most vfx compositing packages (AE for sure), with a variety of layer/alpha/cryptomatte import options to name just a few. It launches automatically whenever an exr file is opened or imported, and works complimentary to Ps Beta's OCIO features & setup. Also, Fnord's free OCIO plugin for photoshop (and AE) does a great job for applying non destructive IDT / ODT transforms to smart layers. You can even export the transforms as LUT's from within the plugin UI to use with color lookup adjustment layers, which can be added above other adjustment layers or fx comps as output transforms for LookDev or production exporting.
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@Rdanielsdesign The Fnord plugin should no longer be necessary as OCIO documents support IDT transforms on smart objects natviely in the properties panel for the selected layer. As of today, we also natively support four of the OCIO transforms as first-class OCIO adjustment layers including ColorSpace, Display, CDL and Named transforms.
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Im not seeing the OCIOLookTransform option as one of the transform type. We heavily rely on named looks within our OCIO config pipeline. Can this be added?
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Off to a good start, nice work!
There is a lot of things still missing and also some things not working as intended.
1. Open as OpenColorIO...
Does not work when importing an EXR (or any image?) sequence. Only single files.
2. OpenColorIO panel
3. Mismatch/Duplicate Adjustment Layers
The upgrade/addition of adjustment layers to work for 32bit/linear images is fantastic. But they are separate entities from those seen in the Adjustment Layer panel and need to be accessed via the menu or layers panel. I actually had to find out that Exposure is also one of them but the ones from Adjustment Layer panel add the 'standard' 8bit style ones instead. This is confusing. I would either give them different names and add them all to the panel for faster access. Or make the existing ones available and auto pick the 32bit version in a 32bit or OpenColorIO document.
4. Video is not compatible yet
Importing video as OpenColorIO document does present the config window to define the config file and input space but after confirming the image is wrong.
5. Clear OCIO language
This is very important. Please do not change the given names. The same was also done in After Effects and it's not practical to deviate from them. It only creates unnecessary confusion. OpenColorIO Transform is not the right name and it feels like it was done to shorten the name 'OpenColorIO Color Space Transform' but the names are actually shorter.
Here is the list you ideally inherit just like most other software does. (including the lack of spaces)
OCIOColorSpace <--- that's your OpenColorIO Transform
6. Missing OCIO effects
In line with the above, all of the other listed OCIO effects are missing as option for Adjustment Layer. We will need them all. Even OCIODisplay counter intuitive as it may sound. It's more about flexibility and user based control over what to do within the pipeline rather than being locked in. Highest priority is OCIOLookTransform (to allow ACES Reference Gamut Compression or custom integrated looks from config) and OCIOFileTransform (to allow use of external LUTs in OCIO supported formats).
7. OCIO Entries section
It would be tidier if in the menu they have their own section once the others are added.
8. Info Panel color values
I have two issues in the context of working with 32bit and OCIO in Photoshop
That's all I can find for now. Hope this is helpful.
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This is great feedback, glad you're enjoying it so far!
1. Currently, we do not support image sequences or video sequences in OCIO documents.
2. Thanks for catching these bugs, we will look into it. Oddly, I can only reproduce the exposure bug, the gamma toggle works fine. Thanks for the ideas on improving the panels UI/UX.
6/7. When you add OCIOTransform Adjustment layer, the various OCIO conversion types are sub-menus of this, selectable with the first dropdown. We don't support every single one yet, but we do support four so far.
For the other items, we can investigate, thanks for all the feedback!
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Thanks @cody_cuellar, also for adding the new operators quite quickly!
I'm not fully confident that having the OCIO operators grouped into a single OpenColorIO filter is the best idea. This causes the layer to not reflect which of these is chosen, reducing document readability. Sure we can rename the layers but it would be more practical if they are named by type by default. I also hope you will change the names of the operators at least to OCIO rather than OpenColorIO as that reads a lot faster and cleaner. But ideally change the names according to my initial feedback.
Here an example to illustrate a possible scenario.
Current layers:
Updated to separate operators with matching names:
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Thanks, I'm not sure we'll be able to separate out the transforms into independent adjustment layers, but we may be able to use dynamic naming techniques that key off the transform type. I know this is done for other layer types, where it auto-renames the layer as long as you don't manually rename it. Text layers, for example, do this, so maybe there's ways we can improveme the naming issue. Naming the adjustment layer transform types to match the OCIO transform names in their documentation does make sense to me, so we can look into that.
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That's an acceptable alternative. Would be a wonderful if that is possible at least.
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It works!
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it works....tested with client LUT today.....painted on ACES CG and saved out Layered Nuke.....
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Well this is pretty weak. What about proper Support for multilayer exr and decent tone mapping controls for 32 bit workflow.
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Multi-layer EXR is definitely on our radar, but requires a bit more work as our current EXR implementation wasn't designed to support mult-layers, so it's not part of the intial release, but is something we are looking into. As for tone-mapping, OCIO uses 'views' as pre-defined tone-mappers defined in the config. Since this thread is for OCIO, we do fully support the OCIO way of tone-mapping, but that does not extend to regular ICC based documents at this time.
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sure, well its good that you finally acknowledge multilayer exr, its only been 12++ years. Orignially i thought it was abobes view that this wasnt not the correct use exr or its intended use so never looked any further, so its progress i guess.
In regards to tone mapping, at the begining of the tread you list a whole suit of tools that have been updated to support 32 bit images, how about some unique tools that actually make the most of hte massive range in these images, like a propper tonemapping suite of tools like most other 2D comp packages.
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Since this feature was specifically integrating OCIO, we were able to fire up and improve some of the 32b tooling to support OCIO specifically, but also allowed us to fire them up for ICC 32b documents as an added bonus. Further ICC 32b/HDR tooling will hopefully be something we can improve in the near future, but was not the goal of this specific feature. We appreciate the feedback, though, and hope to be able to make further improvements in non-OCIO areas in the near future!
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Okay cool but what about this feature that relates to it that windows users haven't gotten for over TWO years now >:/
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This is so great that Adobe has been working on this.
I work in the Film / VFX industry and its really nice to finally get some more 32 bit / OCIO love from yall.
Please, please, PLEASE keep it up... as most of our work in VFX is a 32 bit linear workflow. When working with photoshop in the past we needed to do all kinds of workarounds for 32bit, but this is incredibly helpful!
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Great news - finally OCIO support! Please keep up the work! This is or will be a great help for our daily work.