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Using the paint bucket tool changes layer thumbnail preview into a square

New Here ,
Jul 11, 2023 Jul 11, 2023

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I'm drawing some pixel art.

Whenever I fill in a area in the canvas with the bucket tool the layer thumbnail preview turns into a weird square.

Here's a screenshot:

Capture d'écran 2023-07-11 211907.png


As you can see, on the canvas I have that little monster thing and on the layer thumbnail it's a square.

Here are the steps:

1. I drew the outline

2. Painted with the bucket tool to fill in the shape

3. Layer thumbnail turns into a square shape.


I have tried making the thumbnail bigger but nothing changes.

Capture d'écran 2023-07-11 212328.png


How can I fix this please?
Canvas size: 50x50px

I'm using Photoshop (Beta) 24.7.0 20230628.m.2223 0770f83 x64 on Windows 11






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