Mixer Brush start white or black, not clean.
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I usually use a mixer brush to remove wrinkles from clothes.
Then set the mixer brush to a clean brush. Reset every stroke
like this.
But, when after update
Each stroke starts in black or white.
And when you start painting the brush, it changes back to "empty" like the picture above, and when you finish painting the brush, solid color (black or white) is designated again.
And not every time, but sometimes the clean brush is maintained. However, if you change the brush size there, it changes to black or white again.
It's a very strange bug. Please correct it.
I've been posting a few times on the Adobe Forum, and I've done things that I can check and try when there's a bug.
1. reset pref.
2. maually reset pref folder
3. check GPU driver for Latest current.
4. Turn on/off Multi thread
5. Deactive native canvas.
6. Reinstall Photoshop.
My pc is window10.
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There is a bug in 23.4.2 unconditionally, and I am not sure about 23.4.1 yet. 23.4 has not been tested because it can no longer be installed.
I think it's a problem only with the 23.4.2 version.
Each stroke or Change Mixer Brush Size <<< These are the things that are reproduced, related.
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This is what I'm going through, too. We reset the tool, reset the configuration, and reinstall Photoshop, but it is the same bug. The bug in Photoshop....
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The mixer brush is broken. Cleaning is not done properly. It doesn't blend smoothly and messes up the image.
If you look at this link, it's a bug that's been going on since a few months ago (March). Are you investigating this?
There is a huge difference between Photoshop 2021 and Photoshop 2022 (currently 23.4.2) just a few strokes of the mixer brush.
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mixer brush is not working as expected.
The clean brush is turned on, but it automatically loads the foreground color.
also, Changing the size of the mixer brush does not load and clean properly.
change fore color - chage brush size
= mixer not clean, load fore color.
The reason why the foreground color is automatically loaded is because it is often mixed with the color and brightness of the image with a clean brush. Literally, the color and brightness that the image has, but I automatically load the foreground color while ignoring my settings, so the image is ruined.
I searched for a solution to this, but there seems to be no proper solution. I reset the tool, reset the configuration, and reinstall Photoshop, but it was the same result and it seems to have already been reported by the Adobe community.
main thread < The thread says it's fixed, but it hasn't actually been fixed since the beginning of the 2022 version until now. Now it's 23.4.2.
This thread appears to have been written more recently.
Viedo of another user reproducing the problem.
This issue has not been resolved. Because it adversely affects the actual workflow, you can't use the mixer brush the way you used it until it's resolved. When is the next update? I really hope this is fixed. The main thread appears to have been posted in March. It's August now. It looks like it needs to be fixed now.
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This problem has been around for a long time. So when I need a mixer brush, I use Photoshop 2021.
You can also use brush(for pick any color value), and paint lightly.
Of course, I know not to use any tools doesn't help. But after months of realizing that the mixer brush wasn't helping me to improve my image, but started to ruin it, I had to find my own temporary solution.
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I think I said it irresponsibly to you after writing. I'm sorry. I'm one of the people who wants Adobe's quick fix update. Thank you for your reporting thread.
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La pincella non funziona. Io lavoro molto sulle immagini di vestiti. Invece di mescolare delicatamente, la bruscia di miscelazione attuale produce solo macchie indesiderate.
Ho usato sia la mia compressa Wacom che il topo, e produce la stessa macchia. Non è il mio problema, è Photoshop. Il motore della palude di miscelazione è rotto? Ho riinstallato Photoshop, ma non è stato risolto.
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I wasn't the only one who felt something weird about the mixer brush. It's definitely broken............
It doesn't feel good to not be able to use any tools.
I adjust the size of the mixer brush very often and mix colors, but strangely, Photoshop 2022 doesn't mix colors, it seems to reflect my foreground color, but I'm sure it was a problem when I saw the YouTube video of Link.
btw, I hope this bug will be fixed soon. I think this bug has occurred since the early version of Photoshop 2022, then we have to roll back to 2021, and there have been many other bugs in 2021 (which have been fixed in 2022). In order to avoid that bug, we have to roll back... Let's move on to the 2020 version. But 2020 is not perfect either. Then, in 2019 version...?
I can optionally roll back to avoid bugs in tools or functions I'm trying to use, but I don't know... In that case, it's hard for us to choose the version that we can actually use. It takes too long to install and test all versions one by one, and rather, this version doesn't have any functionality in Adobe's official release. Or this function will crash. Or please note that the mixer brush is not working for this version..........
I don't know. It's hard. I want to have a good experience with Photoshop. Anyway, I hope this mixer brush issue will be resolved soon. I like to mix.
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This mixer brush bug was already widely known in the Reddit and Facebook communities. But what I don't understand is that it says it's fixed in 23.4, but it's not at all.
It is a very unusual experience to not be able to use a tool(mixerbrush) properly for about 5-6 months.
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Photoshop 2021 version is fine. Roll back to last year's version.
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Did you see this link? They say they fixed it. But nothing has changed. I don't know why it says it's fixed something that hasn't been fixed.
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Is there any amendment to this? Since the beginning of this year, Photoshop 2022's mixer brush has been broken.
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钱曼老师讲授了搅拌刷。 但是因为不像他的视频那样启动,所以询问了这个问题,他建议使用2021版本。 已经告知2022版本存在不柔和混合、颜色被污染的严重错误。
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Check out older threads. I think it's been a long time since this bug occurred.
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The advantage of the mixer brush is that I can load and blend "specific colors of the image" smoothly every time I stroke. However, there is no timely loading and cleaning, so we report this bug. I don't know what's wrong with this problem, there might be people who think the mixer brush was originally like that. There is a difference even if you simply stroke and compare it with Photoshop 2020.
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Hi. my mixer brush is something wrong.
my mixer brush setting is clean brush(empty) and load clean each storke.
I usually work on making my underwear image clean. (Base Frequency Separation)
And as everyone knows, if you rub the mixer brush on the color layer, you can clean it very comfortably.
But not too long ago, it became difficult to work on my mixer brush. Is the brush broken? I use Wacom.
I am a Windows 10 21h1 user, and I use 23.4.2 for the Photoshop version.
And even if you change the size of the mixer brush, it naturally loads black or white solid colors. I want to work with the existing clean(empty) mixer brush!
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mixer brush is not working properly.
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It has not been modified in the thread of the link below, but there has been no response since it was announced that it has been modified.
Are you going to leave the mixer brush broken?
It is 23.4.2 and I have updated every release and have never had a bug fixed until now.
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23.5 not fixed.
x x and chage size brush. Bug again
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Adobe is aware of this but seems to be missing every time. 23.5 is the same.