Liquify algorithm acting strange. I am reshaping one layer. Then I press ok. After that I want to reshape underlying layer at the exact way. Until PS CC 2018, I just press CTRL+L and that layer deforms exactly as previous layer (they blend as they were). In PS CC 2018, when I do that, it deforms strangely, not even close to the first liquifyed layer.
Sorry for the frustration. The default behavior for Ctrl+L is to bring up the Levels dialog. It was in CC 2017 too. Is it possible that you had a custom action that executed those steps (apply the last filter to the underlying layer)?
If it helps, the Windows keyboard shortcut for the last used filter is Ctrl+Alt+F. If you select another layer and use that shortcut it will apply the same deformation to the other layer.
My bad, I just wrote the bad command. I meant CTRL+F. In Photoshop CC 2018 is now CTRL+ALT+F to repeat the liquify. I didn't use any action. I will show you one more example. If I'm deforming an object beyond area of underlying layer (in this case, sleeves and bottom part of the shirt) (but I also deformed upper part of the shirt, around neck), then when I repeat liquify on that underlying layer it will deform totally strange.
is this possibly related to screen resolution? Could you try setting your display pref to 100%, relaunching Ps and trying again? Or try on another monitor that is at 100%?
I tried to reproduce the issue on normal layers and it's working as expected for me. Are you applying the liquify to either or group or a smart object?
Hi Hannah, My topics name is changed to> Photoshop CC 2018: Missing Keyboard Shortcut for Applying the Same Filter to Underlying Layer That is not correct topic nor that is my problem. I just wrongly entered the letter of keyboard when I was posting. I screen captured my problem in form of a video. It is liquify behaviour problem. How can we change back the topic name?
Thanks - would you mind checking the spelling on my email? I'm not seeing an email from you. The reason I asked for the psd is so I can see the layers. The YouTube video is really small on my screen so it's hard to see exactly what you're doing.
After rewatching your video it looks like you're applying the liquify filter that you just used on the body of the shirt to the part at the neck with the tag. Wouldn't it make sense that it would deform that part differently since you're invoking the filter that you used on the body of the shirt on the neck? Can you help me better understand how the behavior changed from the 2015.5 version?