The "automatically create new snapshot when saving" function in the Document History in Photoshop CC 2019 is not working at the moment, the snapshot is not created.
It's working just fine here. I'm on High Sierra, and if I enable the preference in History Options, I have no problem with it.
What's your OS, so others can test and help troubleshoot, and have you tried deleting your Preferences and starting fresh? Sometimes they get farkled when installing a new version over an older one. — Be sure first that you don't have any presets you haven't already saved to disk or they'll be gone.
Thank you for the quick reply Cirsten 🙂 I tried it on a second machine (both run Windows 10) and unfortunately it's not working on either one. I attached a screenshot: 4 saves, snapshots where enabled the whole time, but just 1 was created. Also, I reset all preferences and tried it again with the same result.
Ouch. If deleting and getting fresh prefs doesn't work, and it's both computers, I wonder if you've found another OS 10 bug. I'm afraid I can't begin to help, but Adobe staff read here daily, as do some very knowledgeable customers, so with a bit of luck, someone will know where to go next.
I did wonder if possibly the newest change to Undo would have an effect, so I just tested it — I use Legacy Undo normally. I also wondered if there were something up with Brush in history. Tested that, too. Nothing here on High Sierra is making what you see happen here.
Thank you for trying eartho! I reset everything using the ctrl+alt+shift shortcut on startup again, it's still not working. But I noticed one thing in your screenshot: it shows the exact time of the save. Compare that with my screenshot, where a date ist shown Oo It might have something to do with that!
Thanks again for the effort Cristen 🙂 I compared the screenshots of eartho and mine. Oddly enough, his version displays the time the image was saved (nothing surprising here), but mine is named after the date. Now my guess is that another snapshot could be created on the next day. Also, when I rename the snapshot, photoshop creates a third one just normally after saving- but again, named after the date instead of the time.
I hadn't looked that closely, but yes, mine saves time as well. Something definitely is amiss if the Snapshot isn't saying the same thing. I think I read some other Win10 users talking about trouble with dates/times when they're editing images in LR. IIRC, they're seeing the date, but the times are all the same, which means they can't sort their files properly.
I have no idea if it's the same issue. Do you know if it's overwriting the seconds older snapshot? Or just not adding a new one because it's already there?
yes same exactly with me (WIN 10 Photoshop CC 2019) / no probs when I use the previous Photoshop Version (CC 2018) I have also noticed that sometimes after saving a document when I exit Photoshop CC 2019, Phothoshop asks me if I want save the document (that I just saved!) (even this problem seems to be an issue with the date / time)
I have the same issue, Win 10, only date showing. 😞 I wish it will be fixed quickly, I love this function and use it a lot to track my time and analyse my painting process so I can reverse some choice I made. I use a personal action instead (save+create snapshot) shorcut on F5, but I miss the hour tag.
me too (save + snapshot all the time) to revert to previous version is painful because the new way to call the DO & UNDO commands! now I don't know anymore how to do that so confusing!