Before I updated to CC2019 I created a workflow where I create versions of different templates in PS using artboards. Then I'd exports the artboards as separate .psd files for people in a different department to use. It worked wonderfully until I updated to the latest version of PS.
Now I get the error in the attached image below when I try to do this.
I've also attached screen grabs to get an idea of exactly what I'm trying to do.
I've tried flattening library elements and smart objects. I've tried all the different options in the export options panel. Nothing changes.
(was sent here by Adobe Customer Care on Twitter)RackMultipart20181113352311dt9-5dbba398-450d-4057-a829-c59ebf3cd517-998547449.jpg
I have had a very similar problem except instead of "Delete" not being available I get the error "Make" is not currently available. This happens when trying to export Artboards as JPGs and PSDs (I didn't try the other options). I'm running 20.0.3.