In the latest update to Photoshop CC 2018, character leading is broken. I cannot type into the box or manually adjust with the up down keys. This is a bit of a showstopper...
Pete.Green • Adobe Employee, Nov 14, 2017Nov 14, 2017
This should be resolved in the 19.0.1 update released last night. Please update Photoshop using the Creative Cloud desktop app, and let us know if it's fixed for you!
You're correct with this until you Free Transform the text. At this point you can change the Leading value in the properties panel - but the numbers you enter will be changed once you hit enter. In my case they increase by around 30% of the number you enter (so entering 10pt and pressing enter gets changed automatically to 12.95pt). This is also the case (once you have used the free transform tool) with the canned values in the drop down list. You can work around this by estimating and making allowances knowing Photoshop will automatically change the values - but its far from ideal.
Given you can and Adobe made it easy to install both - I'd still recommend re-installing PS2017 in tandem with 2018 and keep an eye on the Creative Cloud App for an update to the later.
Given the severity and annoyance of this bug - I'm hoping this will be in days rather than weeks.
Using Windows 10 here. It may not be a perfect workaround but I'd found that highlighting the text you want to adjust, even if transformed, and moving it by using the Alt+Up/Down (iirc Command instead of Alt on mac?) keys seems to at least give you some flexibility beyond it being completely broken.
It is definitely frustrating that I'm unable to use the input field but that shortcut has saved me from having to uninstall/reinstall PS and subsequently waste time on a typographic poster job.
It troubles me a lot since I just updated my Photoshop CC 2017 to 2018. Thank God I found this forum and realized I did not actually mess up with my Adobe products after updating them all. Guess I need to go back to 2017 until 2018 is completely bug free. (sigh) This what happens when I excitedly update apps without reading reviews about them first. I pray that AI doesn't have the same problem, or I'm dead.
This version of Photoshop feels almost completely unusable, a 250kb .PSD zooms in and out at a snails pace on a MBPR 2016. Reverting back to 2017 unfortunately.
Same here @Windows 7. And the editing of transformed text (i that means f. e. scaled ) worked without issues in former Versions, so the answer is a bit unsatisfactory.
We are actively working on a solution. That said, transforming the text is NOT the same thing as changing it's point size. Photoshop tries very hard to make it seem so, but under the hood, there's all sorts of math going on to make it work -- if you transform Myriad Pro 12pt by x450%, you've blown up the 12pt type by a 4.5:1 scale; it's NOT the same as Myriad Pro 54pt, though for many fonts it's hard to tell the difference.
It appears that at the 11th hour before shipping, a control that impacted that math was changed, triggering this problem. So a TEMPORARY workaround would be to simply avoid transforming type until we can get a fix out.
This bug specifically deals with transformed text; we've figured out the cause and are working on a solution. If you're encountering this problem with an existing file, then it was previously transformed. You won't see it if you create text from scratch without a transformation. Please try it and see for yourself.
Since updating Photoshop CC, when editing text so that the line spacing is set to a custom size rather than select a predefined value i the 'Character' panel, it jumps to a huge number and errors. I have tried multiple ways to set is manually but the only way I can get it to "work" is from selecting one of the drop down options which doesn't work for me.
I like how Adobe leaves comments like this here, even though personally I would find it very hard to believe, but Apple would simply delete this comment, so I think Adobe is getting better again.
I updated to Ps CC 2018, and now when I adjust the "leading line spacing", it jumps to extreme numbers when I try to drag the arrow to increase it. It goes up to like 15,000 px on its own and then gives me an error message that it's beyond the maximum spacing. I can't even type in a specific number without it doing the same. Please help me because this is beyond annoying... Thank you!
If you change the size of type by grabbing the handles of the text box and dragging (with or without SHIFT to constrain things), then you're transforming the text in the same way that you transform an image.
If you change the size of type by entering, selecting, or scrubbing the numeric value of the Font Size, then you are NOT transforming, but rather simply resizing the text.