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P: Fit Image "do not enlarge" - still enlarges picture size

Community Beginner ,
Jun 06, 2012 Jun 06, 2012

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I have a problem with the 'fit image' via file automate which seems to be a bug as you can reproduce this with any image:

Take a file e.g.. 5758x3728 pixels width/heigh.
Go via 'file - Automate -> fit image

Give e.g.. pixelssize 6000x6000 + tick Do NOT enlarge.

The image still enlarges the file to 6000 pixels.
Even though I have selected do NOT enlarge.

This happens with every image I try and which should NOT be enlarged.

Bug Fixed
macOS , Windows




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Feb 03, 2015 Feb 03, 2015
Fixed in Photoshop CC (2014.x)


Community Beginner ,
Jun 06, 2012 Jun 06, 2012

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Addition: Using CS 6 Photoshop Extended




Valorous Hero ,
Jun 06, 2012 Jun 06, 2012

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This could be an outstanding problem when Fit Image was amended for CS5 to add this functionality.
The fix waas to change the script for the one here....




Valorous Hero ,
Jun 06, 2012 Jun 06, 2012

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Edit: yes it does need this replacement script, Adobe didn't update the faulty script.




Community Beginner ,
Mar 21, 2013 Mar 21, 2013

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Photoshop CS6 is ignoring the Don't Enlarge instruction in the Fit Image menu option. Small images are still enlarged to fit the selected image size.

I'm running 64 Bit Photoshop on Windows 7 64 Bit PC, but it also happens when I revert to using 32 Bit Photoshop on the 64 Bit Windows 7. Never had this problem with my old 32 bit PC (also running CS6).

Please can you help? Thanks.




Adobe Employee ,
Mar 21, 2013 Mar 21, 2013

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Hi William,

There is a link to a fixed script in the previous comment. I have also logged this bug in our database.




Community Beginner ,
Mar 21, 2013 Mar 21, 2013

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Many thanks, Jeanne. The new script works perfectly. And thank you for responding so quickly - much appreciated.




Community Beginner ,
Feb 27, 2014 Feb 27, 2014

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Unfortunately this bug is back in Photoshop CC 14.2.

Could you please take a look at this problem and solve it in a future update?




Apr 12, 2014 Apr 12, 2014

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I have this same problem. How is it resolved?




Apr 12, 2014 Apr 12, 2014

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sorry, cs6 photoshop extended.




Adobe Employee ,
Feb 03, 2015 Feb 03, 2015

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Fixed in Photoshop CC (2014.x)




Explorer ,
Dec 16, 2015 Dec 16, 2015

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I'm in CC 2015 and still having this problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O46xe...




Jan 19, 2016 Jan 19, 2016

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Had the same problem in CS5 (on Mac) and just fixed it! The problem has to do with a bug in the script that runs "Fit Image". Here's how I did it (and I'm not techy by any means...I didn't even know what a script was until I googled the heck out of this topic!):

- Go to Finder>Applications>Adobe Photoshop CS5>Presets>Scripts>find the file named "Fit Image.jsx">copy it to your desktop as a backup in case something goes wrong
- Open the original file (Fit Image.jsx)--not the copy on your desktop--and answer "no" when you're asked if you're sure you want to run the script (you're not running it, you're fixing it!)
- When the file opens, highlight/select all of the coding text you see in front of you, starting with row 1 and working your way to the bottom of the document.
- Delete all of the coding language!
- Now, copy/paste the script below starting with "// c2008". All of it...don't miss a single line!
- Save this new script over the original Fit Image.jsx file in your Presets>Scripts folder. Close the document.
- Now to test! Open an image in Photoshop and go to File>Automate>Fit Image and make sure the "Don't Enlarge" box is checked. Make sure the sizing you enter is larger than the size of the image you have open in Photoshop. Click ok.
- With the new script, the image should not resize/enlarge--all fixed!
- Now when you run Fit Image or Scripts>Image Processor, you should no longer have this enlarging problem.
- Hope this helps some of you! I find myself in threads like this all the time looking for answers and it can be hit or miss so trying to do my part!

// c2008 Adobe Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Written by Ed Rose
// based on the ADM Fit Image by Charles A. McBrian from 1997
// edited by Mike Hale added option to avoid resize on images already smaller than target size
// 3527219, Don't Enlarge option in Fit Image command ignored if image is not 72ppi fixed by Mike Hale

@@@BUILDINFO@@@ Fit Image.jsx

/* Special properties for a JavaScript to enable it to behave like an automation plug-in, the variable name must be exactly
as the following example and the variables must be defined in the top 1000 characters of the file

$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/Name=Fit Image...
<![CDATA[<< /Version 1
/Events <<
/3caa3434-cb67-11d1-bc43-0060b0a13dc4 [($$$/AdobePlugin/FitImage/Name=Fit Image) /imageReference <<
/width [($$$/AdobePlugin/FitImage/Width=width) /pixelsUnit]
/height [($$$/AdobePlugin/FitImage/Height=height) /pixelsUnit]
/limit [($$$/AdobePlugin/FitImage/limit=Don't Enlarge) /boolean]
>> ]]>


// enable double clicking from the Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
#target photoshop

// debug level: 0-2 (0:disable, 1:break on error, 2:break at beginning)
// $.level = 2;
// debugger; // launch debugger on next line

// on localized builds we pull the $$$/Strings from a .dat file, see documentation for more details
$.localize = true;

var isCancelled = true; // assume cancelled until actual resize occurs

// the main routine
// the FitImage object does most of the work
try {

// create our default params
var sizeInfo = new SizeInfo();


var gIP = new FitImage();

if ( DialogModes.ALL == app.playbackDisplayDialogs ) {
else {
ResizeTheImage(sizeInfo.width.value, sizeInfo.height.value);

if (!isCancelled) {


// Lot's of things can go wrong
// Give a generic alert and see if they want the details
catch( e ) {
if ( DialogModes.NO != app.playbackDisplayDialogs ) {
alert( e + " : " + e.line );

// restore the dialog modes
app.displayDialogs = gSaveDialogMode;

isCancelled ? 'cancel' : undefined;


function ResizeTheImage(width, height) {
var oldPref = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
var docWidth;
var docHeight;
var docRatio;
var newWidth;
var newHeight;
var resolution = app.activeDocument.resolution;
var limit = sizeInfo.limit;

app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; // save old preferences

// original width, height
docWidth = (1.0 * app.activeDocument.width * resolution) / 72.0; // decimal inches assuming 72 dpi (used in docRatio)
docHeight = (1.0 * app.activeDocument.height * resolution) / 72.0; // ditto

if (docWidth < 1.0 || docHeight < 1.0)
return true; // error

if (width < 1 || height < 1)
return true; // error

if ( limit && ( app.activeDocument.width.as('px') height) {
newWidth = docRatio * height; // decimal calc
newHeight = height;

// resize the image using a good conversion method while keeping the pixel resolution
// and the aspect ratio the same
app.activeDocument.resizeImage(newWidth, newHeight, resolution, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC);
app.preferences.rulerUnits = oldPref; // restore old prefs
isCancelled = false; // if get here, definitely executed
return false; // no error

// created in
function SaveOffParameters(sizeInfo) {

// save off our last run parameters
var d = objectToDescriptor(sizeInfo, strMessage);
app.putCustomOptions("3caa3434-cb67-11d1-bc43-0060b0a13dc4", d);
app.playbackDisplayDialogs = DialogModes.ALL;

// save off another copy so Photoshop can track them corectly
var dd = objectToDescriptor(sizeInfo, strMessage);
app.playbackParameters = dd;

function GlobalVariables() {

// a version for possible expansion issues
gVersion = 1.1;

gMaxResize = 300000;

// remember the dialog modes
gSaveDialogMode = app.displayDialogs;
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
gInAlert = false;

// all the strings that need to be localized
strTitle = localize( "$$$/JavaScript/FitImage/Title=Fit Image" );
strConstrainWithin = localize( "$$$/JavaScript/FitImage/ConstrainWithin=Constrain Within" );
strTextWidth = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/Width=&Width:");
strTextHeight = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/Height=&Height:");
strTextPixels = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/Pixels=pixels");
strButtonOK = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/OK=OK");
strButtonCancel = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/Cancel=Cancel");
strTextSorry = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/Sorry=Sorry, Dialog failed");
strTextInvalidType = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/InvalidType=Invalid numeric value");
strTextInvalidNum = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/InvalidNum=A number between 1 and 300000 is required. Closest value inserted.");
strTextNeedFile = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/NeedFile=You must have a file selected before using Fit Image");
strMessage = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/Message=Fit Image action settings");
strMustUse = localize( "$$$/JavaScripts/ImageProcessor/MustUse=You must use Photoshop CS 2 or later to run this script!" );
strLimitResize = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/FitImage/Limit=Don^}t Enlarge");

// the main class
function FitImage() {

this.CreateDialog = function() {

// I will keep most of the important dialog items at the same level
// and use auto layout
// use overriding group so OK/Cancel buttons placed to right of panel

var res =
"dialog { \
pAndB: Group { orientation: 'row', \
info: Panel { orientation: 'column', borderStyle: 'sunken', \
text: '" + strConstrainWithin +"', \
w: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment: 'right',\
s: StaticText { text:'" + strTextWidth +"' }, \
e: EditText { preferredSize: [70, 20] }, \
p: StaticText { text:'" + strTextPixels + "'} \
}, \
h: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment: 'right', \
s: StaticText { text:'" + strTextHeight + "' }, \
e: EditText { preferredSize: [70, 20] }, \
p: StaticText { text:'" + strTextPixels + "'} \
}, \
l: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment: 'left', \
c:Checkbox { text: '" + strLimitResize + "', value: false }, \
} \
}, \
buttons: Group { orientation: 'column', alignment: 'top', \
okBtn: Button { text:'" + strButtonOK +"', properties:{name:'ok'} }, \
cancelBtn: Button { text:'" + strButtonCancel + "', properties:{name:'cancel'} } \
} \
} \

// the following, when placed after e: in w and h doesn't show up
// this seems to be OK since px is put inside the dialog box
//p: StaticText { text:'" + strTextPixels + "'}

// create the main dialog window, this holds all our data
this.dlgMain = new Window(res,strTitle);

// create a shortcut for easier typing
var d = this.dlgMain;

// match our dialog background color to the host application
d.graphics.backgroundColor = d.graphics.newBrush (d.graphics.BrushType.THEME_COLOR, "appDialogBackground");
d.defaultElement = d.pAndB.buttons.okBtn;
d.cancelElement = d.pAndB.buttons.cancelBtn;
} // end of CreateDialog

// initialize variables of dialog
this.InitVariables = function() {

var oldPref = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;

// look for last used params via Photoshop registry, getCustomOptions will throw if none exist
try {
var desc = app.getCustomOptions("3caa3434-cb67-11d1-bc43-0060b0a13dc4");
descriptorToObject(sizeInfo, desc, strMessage);

catch(e) {
// it's ok if we don't have any options, continue with defaults

// see if I am getting descriptor parameters
var fromAction = !!app.playbackParameters.count;
if( fromAction ){
// reset sizeInfo to defaults
SizeInfo = new SizeInfo();
// set the playback options to sizeInfo
descriptorToObject(sizeInfo, app.playbackParameters, strMessage);

// make sure got parameters before this
if (app.documents.length < 1 || w > gMaxResize || h < 1 || h > gMaxResize) {
if ( DialogModes.NO != app.playbackDisplayDialogs ) {
gInAlert = true;
alert( strTextInvalidNum );

if ( w < 1) {
inputErr = true;
sizeInfo.width = new UnitValue( 1, "px" );
d.pAndB.info.w.e.text = 1;

if ( w > gMaxResize) {
inputErr = true;
sizeInfo.width = new UnitValue( gMaxResize, "px" );
d.pAndB.info.w.e.text = gMaxResize;

if ( h < 1) {
inputErr = true;
sizeInfo.height = new UnitValue( 1, "px" );
d.pAndB.info.h.e.text = 1;

if ( h > gMaxResize) {
inputErr = true;
sizeInfo.height = new UnitValue( gMaxResize, "px" );
d.pAndB.info.h.e.text = gMaxResize;

if (inputErr == false) {
sizeInfo.width = new UnitValue( w, "px" );
sizeInfo.height = new UnitValue( h, "px" );
if (ResizeTheImage(w, h)) { // the whole point
// error, input or output size too small

if (!this.InitVariables())
return true; // handled it

// give the hosting app the focus before showing the dialog

return d.show();

function CheckVersion() {
var numberArray = version.split(".");
if ( numberArray[0] < 9 ) {
if ( DialogModes.NO != app.playbackDisplayDialogs ) {
alert( strMustUse );
throw( strMustUse );

function FindDialog( inItem ) {
var w = inItem;
while ( 'dialog' != w.type ) {
if ( undefined == w.parent ) {
w = null;
w = w.parent;
return w;

// Function: objectToDescriptor
// Usage: create an ActionDescriptor from a JavaScript Object
// Input: JavaScript Object (o)
// object unique string (s)
// Pre process converter (f)
// Return: ActionDescriptor
// NOTE: Only boolean, string, number and UnitValue are supported, use a pre processor
// to convert (f) other types to one of these forms.
// REUSE: This routine is used in other scripts. Please update those if you
// modify. I am not using include or eval statements as I want these
// scripts self contained.
function objectToDescriptor (o, s, f) {
if (undefined != f) {
o = f(o);

var d = new ActionDescriptor;
var l = o.reflect.properties.length;
d.putString( app.charIDToTypeID( 'Msge' ), s );
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
var k = o.reflect.properties[i].toString();
if (k == "__proto__" || k == "__count__" || k == "__class__" || k == "reflect")
var v = o[ k ];
k = app.stringIDToTypeID(k);
switch ( typeof(v) ) {
case "boolean":
d.putBoolean(k, v);
case "string":
d.putString(k, v);
case "number":
d.putDouble(k, v);
if ( v instanceof UnitValue ) {
var uc = new Object;
uc["px"] = charIDToTypeID("#Pxl"); // pixelsUnit
uc["%"] = charIDToTypeID("#Prc"); // unitPercent
d.putUnitDouble(k, uc[v.type], v.value);
} else {
throw( new Error("Unsupported type in objectToDescriptor " + typeof(v) ) );
return d;

// Function: descriptorToObject
// Usage: update a JavaScript Object from an ActionDescriptor
// Input: JavaScript Object (o), current object to update (output)
// Photoshop ActionDescriptor (d), descriptor to pull new params for object from
// object unique string (s)
// JavaScript Function (f), post process converter utility to convert
// Return: Nothing, update is applied to passed in JavaScript Object (o)
// NOTE: Only boolean, string, number and UnitValue are supported, use a post processor
// to convert (f) other types to one of these forms.
// REUSE: This routine is used in other scripts. Please update those if you
// modify. I am not using include or eval statements as I want these
// scripts self contained.

function descriptorToObject (o, d, s, f) {
var l = d.count;
if (l) {
var keyMessage = app.charIDToTypeID( 'Msge' );
if ( d.hasKey(keyMessage) && ( s != d.getString(keyMessage) )) return;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
var k = d.getKey(i); // i + 1 ?
var t = d.getType(k);
strk = app.typeIDToStringID(k);
switch (t) {
case DescValueType.BOOLEANTYPE:
o[strk] = d.getBoolean(k);
case DescValueType.STRINGTYPE:
o[strk] = d.getString(k);
case DescValueType.DOUBLETYPE:
o[strk] = d.getDouble(k);
case DescValueType.UNITDOUBLE:
var uc = new Object;
uc[charIDToTypeID("#Rlt")] = "px"; // unitDistance
uc[charIDToTypeID("#Prc")] = "%"; // unitPercent
uc[charIDToTypeID("#Pxl")] = "px"; // unitPixels
var ut = d.getUnitDoubleType(k);
var uv = d.getUnitDoubleValue(k);
o[strk] = new UnitValue( uv, uc[ut] );
case DescValueType.INTEGERTYPE:
case DescValueType.ALIASTYPE:
case DescValueType.CLASSTYPE:
case DescValueType.ENUMERATEDTYPE:
case DescValueType.LISTTYPE:
case DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE:
case DescValueType.RAWTYPE:
case DescValueType.REFERENCETYPE:
throw( new Error("Unsupported type in descriptorToObject " + t ) );
if (undefined != f) {
o = f(o);

// Function: SizeInfo
// Usage: object for holding the dialog parameters
// Input:
// Return: object holding the size info
function SizeInfo() {
this.height = new UnitValue( 0, "px" );
this.width = new UnitValue( 0, "px" );
this.limit = false;

// Function: NumericEditKeyboardHandler
// Usage: Do not allow anything except for numbers 0-9
// Input: ScriptUI keydown event
// Return: key is rejected and beep is sounded if invalid
function NumericEditKeyboardHandler (event) {

try {

var keyIsOK = KeyIsNumeric (event) ||
KeyIsDelete (event) ||
KeyIsLRArrow (event) ||
KeyIsTabEnterEscape (event);

if (! keyIsOK) {
// Bad input: tell ScriptUI not to accept the keydown event

/* Notify user of invalid input: make sure NOT
to put up an alert dialog or do anything which
requires user interaction, because that
interferes with preventing the 'default'
action for the keydown event */
catch (e) {
; // alert ("Ack! bug in NumericEditKeyboardHandler: " + e);

// key identifier functions
function KeyHasModifier (event) {
return event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey;

function KeyIsNumeric (event) {
return (event.keyName >= '0') && (event.keyName



