RackMultipart20170130668511beo-23844e4f-1377-4048-9661-e9025624fd3b-33886084.png Setting "svgomg-enabled":false in the Generator config produces the correct output: RackMultipart2017013085194gnzl-aea14582-2393-44af-ac2e-cd966bd7678d-1078393114.png
I realize that merging the shapes fixes the output, but that is not an acceptable solution.
Philip- Does it look the same when you open the .svg file in Chrome (not all SVG parsers are created equal). Also, you say regression, do you mean it used to work differently?
There is a (sort of) work around. Use Copy SVG from the layer's contextual menu. This copies the SVG code of the current layer to the clipboard, where it can be pasted to your SVG text file. I realize this isn't quite as convenient and I'm a little mystified as to why they don't use the same code, but that's where we're at at the moment. The second image is the Chrome rendering of the Copy SVG code.