移动工具 + Ctrl键 + 智能参考线 = 卡顿
例如新建一个画布,画几个矩形,选择移动工具然后按住Ctrl键再用鼠标指向这些矩形,当智能参考线显示时整个Photoshop都变得卡顿,这个问题从Photoshop 2020开始出现,直到最新的 Photoshop 2022 V23.2.1也没有修复,能不能修复一下啊Adobe?
Google translate:
Move Tool + Ctrl + Smart Guides = Slow and laggy. For example, create a new canvas, draw a few rectangles, select the Move Tool and then hold down the Ctrl key and point to these rectangles with the mouse. When the Smart Guides are displayed, the whole Photoshop becomes laggy. this problem has appeared since Photoshop 2020, and it has not been fixed until the latest Photoshop 2022 V23.2.1. Could you please fix it, Adobe ?!