Whenever I add a Pattern Fill layer and start scaling it down from 100%, the quality of the image changes drastically. Even 1 % makes a huge difference. I've been on remote assistance with Adobe 3 times now and every time the conclusion is that it must be my graphics card. It is indeed old and I have some problems with it, but I did try the pattern scaling feature on a gaming computer with a decent graphics card and the result is always the same. On 99% the image blurs visibly, while on 101% the change from 100 is not very visible. Let's say I have a pattern swatch I made in 2000x2000 px with 300ppi. I open a 5000x5000px document, apply the pattern and most of the time I don't need to do any scaling. However when I need to put the same pattern on a 1000x1000px canvas, I do need to scale it down quite a bit to get a good result. I took screenshots on the PC with great GPU to demonstrate the issue.
Hi Anna, Thank you for reporting this. We understand the quality change and have filed an internal ticket to fix this.
If I am correct, you should be seeing this issue when you set the scaling from 100% -> 99%, 50% -> 49%, or 25% -> 24%. And you do not see this for anything above 100%, for example 200% -> 199%. Correct?
It is how you described it. Quality changes a lot from 100% to 99%, from 50 to 49 and from 25 to 24. I cannot say it doesn't at all happen from 100% to 101%. It still gets blurrier but not as much as from 100 to 99 for example.