working on Catalina OS. saving file extension works now but does not save over jpg when saving it creates a copy which is annoying and time consuming to fix
Photoshop warns me that it's going to overwrite a file because there's one fo the same name. Great, I hit 'replace'. Then it doesn't - it creates a copy, so I have to delete the original, and delete the word copy from the new one.
Repeated Tweets until this problem is addressed beyond a "Workaround".
Enough parlor tricks... when did Photoshop decide to turn into Snapchat?? Good lord... Make someone Smile??? Replace Sky??? Now... Cramp Workflow... Is this a Bug or a Feature Adobe?
THE WORST. How about this fix in the interim, Adobe: DON'T GIVE US A DIALOG BOX THAT ASKS IF WE WANT TO REPLACE! Just have the dialog say "filename.jpg already exists. Do you want to save a copy?" - Makes ZERO sense to give us the option to REPLACE something, and then when we select that option, NOT to do it! Horrible.