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P: Text input cursor disappeared in File Info

Explorer ,
Mar 31, 2020 Mar 31, 2020

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The text input cursor is not visible in Photoshop CC File Info IPTC boxes when using dark mode on MacOS. This change happened around the Jan/Feb CC 2020 update and has not been fixed yet.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Sep 20, 2021 Sep 20, 2021

Still an issue when you set the Photoshop color theme to lightest shade. It was fixed in the case where macOS set to Dark Mode and Photoshop color them is set to one of the dark modes.


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New Here ,
Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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Thank you, Ranjisha, for your reply. I just now updated Photoshop to version 23.1 and the problem remains. FYI, I have been using Photoshop 2022 for only 3 weeks or so; Adobe tech support had helped me install 2022 after finding that the 2018 verison I'd been using on my older iMac didn't open on the new iMac I purchased having the M1 chip and running Monterey. Photoshop 2022 seemed to be just fine, and the curor was appearing in the Get Info window as expected for a few days. Then all of a sudden when I was working on a file I realized the cursor had disappeared, even though it had just been there. I am unaware of any keyboard command or other action I might have taken inadvertently to cause it to disappear. (By accident I once had hit Command-L in Apple's Mail program, which causes read e-mail messages to disappear until I hit Command-L again to reverse it - something I didn't know would happen - and it tooks weeks to figure that out since it is a little-known fact that even most Apple tech support staff doesn't seem to know. I wondered it something similar had happened with Photoshop.) Nothing I tried brought the cursor back. I have not tried to reinstall Photoshop, though I could. The first screenshot shows what I am seeing when I place the cursor in the Description box between the "c" and "y" in "Acylic" so that I can correct the spelling by adding an "r". The cursor is invisible even though it is there. The second screenshot shows that I get a gray background when I select a word, so at least that shows up. Curious that the cursor isn't appearing, though. Other than this issue, I currently am not experiencing any other problems with Photoshop. -Lynette




