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P: Zoom and Pan performance is poor since a couple years.

Engaged ,
Dec 19, 2021 Dec 19, 2021

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I've been dealing with this problem, I think for years before I'm finally mentioning it.  Basically, a couple years ago, Photoshop developed a slight delay when I begin to zoom, or pan.  It's very slight.  Maybe most people wouldn't worry about it but here is the problem that it causes.  When doing things like digital painting, I'm working very quickly. I pan, paint, zoom, paint, rotate screen, paint, pan, erase, etc.  All of this with a great fluidity, as long as the system is keeping up.  In Photoshop, I paint, pan....it didn't actually pan but I went ahead and painted a stroke. There's a pause as Photoshop thinks, or tries to catch up then suddenly it makes a paint stroke, but it missed the pan movement.  I zoom then paint but it skipped the zoom and makes a paint stroke in the wrong place.  It missed the rotate and caught up with the erase so it erased in the wrong place.  The cure for all of this for me has been to actually work more slowly in Photoshop to allow it to keep up!  The other thing I began to do was to not use Photoshop for this work.  I instead began to use Clip Studio Paint which is just wonderfully responsive.  There's none of this kind of trouble in Clip Studio Paint or other software for that matter.  Also, Illustrator's zoom and pan are much more responsive.  Photoshop has a problem and I wonder if Adobe understands that it's a big enough problem to actually resolve it.

Bug Fixed






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

Hi all,  


We're happy to announce the release of Photoshop 23.2. This update includes the fix for this issue. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here


To update Photoshop to 23.2, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating  


Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected and share your feedback with us.  




Status Fixed



Adobe Employee ,
Dec 20, 2021 Dec 20, 2021

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If you go to Preferences > Tools... and uncheck "Enable Flick Panning" off, does the problem go away?





Engaged ,
Dec 20, 2021 Dec 20, 2021

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No.  I've never used flick panning since it was first introduced.  Also, I tried disabling scrubby zoom but that also does not resolve this performance issue.





Adobe Employee ,
Dec 20, 2021 Dec 20, 2021

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Ok. I'll probably have to loop in some colleagues after the holidays. They will want to see your Photoshop System Info. Launch Photoshop, and select Help >System Info...and copy/paste the text in a reply.





Engaged ,
Dec 20, 2021 Dec 20, 2021

Copy link to clipboard


Thank You.


Adobe Photoshop Version: 23.0.2 20211119.r.101 ace26c0 x64
Number of Launches: 107
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Version: 10 or greater 10.0.19043.1415
System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:1, Stepping:0 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 12
Logical processor count: 24
Processor speed: 3094 MHz
Built-in memory: 32696 MB
Free memory: 20959 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 25133 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
SAM SDK Version: 2.0.0-main.887.2
ACP.local Status:
- SDK Version: 1.50.2
- Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible
- Core Sync Running:
- Min Core Sync Required:
Live Edit Client SDK Version: 3.86.01
Manta Canvas: Enabled.
Alias Layers: Disabled.
Modifier Palette: Enabled.
Highbeam: Disabled.
Wintab Digitizer Services
Spec Version 1.4
Impl Version 1.39
Num Devices 2
Image tile size: 1028K
Image cache levels: 6
Font Preview: Medium
HarfBuzz Version: 2.8.1
TextEngine: Unifed Text Engine
======= GPU
Native API stable: True
OpenGL API stable: True
OpenCL API stable: True
GPUDeny: 0
GPUForce: 0
useGPU: 1
useOpenCL: 1
isGPUCapable: 1
GPUName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
IsNativeGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1
HasSufficientRAM: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 11,585 MB
Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB
UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1
UseOpenCLChecked: 1
Windows remote desktop: 0
Display: 1
Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1440, right=2560
------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
Launch GPUSnifferThread

[0 ms]
Start RunAllAPIs

[0 ms]
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=61871084 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 23.0.2 20211119.r.101 ace26c0 x64

[821 ms]
Start sniffer 2021-12-19 16:05:32
# Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 23.0.2 20211119.r.101 ace26c0 x64
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=61871084 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 23.0.2 20211119.r.101 ace26c0 x64

{42 ms}
Start platform native
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: ((0 0) -> (2,560 1,440), w=2,560, h=1,440)
Dimensions: (2,560 1,440)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti index=0 preferred=1)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 11,585 MB
VRAM: 11,585 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 17,142 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdd.inf_amd64_c494efcf061cb619\nvldumdx.dll
Driver date: 2021-07-12 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 5 months
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 7687
End platform native
{341 ms}

{341 ms}
Start platform OpenGL
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: ((0 0) -> (2,560 1,440), w=2,560, h=1,440)
Dimensions: (2,560 1,440)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 index=0 preferred=1)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 11,585 MB
VRAM: 11,585 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 17,142 MB
API version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 471.41)
Device version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 471.41)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdd.inf_amd64_c494efcf061cb619\nvldumdx.dll
Driver date: 2021-07-12 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 5 months
Driver version:
GLSL version: 1.20 (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler)
End platform OpenGL
{499 ms}

{500 ms}
Start platform OpenCL
# displays: 0

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: DISCRETE
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 11,811 MB
VRAM: 11,811 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA)
Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 500 GB / s
Compute score: 4,160.01
Device name string: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Device vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
Platform name string: NVIDIA CUDA
Platform vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
End platform OpenCL
{670 ms}

Exit code kExitNormal
End sniffer 2021-12-19 16:05:33
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[821 ms]
Finish RunAllAPIs

[2770 ms]
Start GetSnifferResult

[2770 ms]
Finish GetSnifferResult

------- Sniffer output
======= GPU
License Type: Subscription
Serial number: 90970518785570811975
GUIDBucket:Composite Core (enable_composite_core): onComposite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): offComposite Core Threads (comp_core_threads): offComposite Core UI (comp_core_ui): offDocument Graph (enable_doc_graph): off
Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\
Temporary file path: C:\Users\LARRY2~1\AppData\Local\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
D:\, 1.82T, 82.0G free
C:\, 923.6G, 325.5G free
Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\Plug-ins\
Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Plug-ins\

Installed components:
A3DLIBS.dll A3DLIB Dynamic Link Library
ACE.dll ACE 2021/09/16-00:39:08 79.210a024 79.210a024
AdbePM.dll PatchMatch 2021/09/08:20:32:07 1.5c9d4d882447507e35ce742375a02bb2b8f1fafe 1.5c9d4d882447507e35ce742375a02bb2b8f1fafe
AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library 01cbe4a
AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0
AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2021/09/24-00:36:28 79.a094f69 79.a094f69
AdobePDFSettings.dll Adobe PDFSettings 1.07
AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program
AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.105dedb 79.105dedb
AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2021/09/09-00:37:38 79.a8731b9 79.a8731b9
AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2021/09/09-00:37:38 79.a8731b9 79.a8731b9
AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2021/09/09-00:37:38 79.a8731b9 79.a8731b9
adobe_caps.dll Adobe CAPS 10,0,0,6
AGM.dll AGM 2021/09/16-00:39:08 79.210a024 79.210a024
AIDE.dll AIDE 2021/09/01-00:40:52 79.644b6f3 79.644b6f3
aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434
AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2022 26.0.0
aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434
ARE.dll ARE 2021/09/16-00:39:08 79.210a024 79.210a024
AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2021/09/02-00:37:22 79.3a98998 79.3a98998
AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2021/09/02-00:37:22 79.3a98998 79.3a98998
Bib.dll BIB 2021/09/16-00:39:08 79.210a024 79.210a024
BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2021/09/16-00:39:08 79.210a024 79.210a024
boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
boost_program_options.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
boost_regex.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
boost_system.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
CoolType.dll CoolType 2021/09/16-00:39:08 79.210a024 79.210a024
CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL
DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.5.1+210429-0157.1.dml-1.5.adbd007
dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2
dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvacore.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0
dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvametadataui.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvanet.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvaui.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvaunittesting.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dvavulcansupport.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-5.5.4-1-60dbcb9
dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2019/07/29-10:07:31 82.2 82.2
filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O
icucnv69.dll International Components for Unicode Build 13.1.a82691a
icudt69.dll International Components for Unicode Build 13.1.a82691a
icuin69.dll International Components for Unicode Build 13.1.a82691a
icuuc69.dll International Components for Unicode Build 13.1.a82691a
igestep30.dll IGES Reader
ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)
JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2021/09/01-00:40:52 79.545e36d 79.545e36d
libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A)
libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0
libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
libzip.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
LogSession.dll LogSession
mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.8.20210602.2.d4106de
mkl_avx2.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_avx512.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_core.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_def.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_mc3.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_sequential.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_vml_avx2.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_vml_avx512.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_vml_def.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
mkl_vml_mc3.dll Intel® Math Kernel Library 2020.0
MPS.dll MPS 2021/09/11-00:41:28 79.6d286d5 79.6d286d5
onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.8.20210602.2.d4106de
opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2
pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377
Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2022 23.0
PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.2.0
PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)
PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2022 23.0
PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2022 23.0
ScCore.dll ScCore 2019/07/29-10:07:31 82.2 82.2
SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.8a94e6d 79.8a94e6d
svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
tbb.dll Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows 2020, 2, 2020, 0311
tbbmalloc.dll Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows 2020, 2, 2020, 0311
TfKernel.dll Kernel Geom
TFUGEOM.dll Adobe, UGeom©
utest.dll photoshopdva 14.0.0
VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library
VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library
WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support
WRServices.dll WRServices Build
wu3d.dll U3D Writer
Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-5.5.4-1-60dbcb9
UPIC 2.3.1

Required plugins:

Accented Edges 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Adaptive Wide Angle 23.0 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”
Angled Strokes 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Average 23.0 - from the file “Average.8bf”
Bas Relief 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
BMP 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Camera Raw 14.0.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Camera Raw Filter 14.0.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Chalk && Charcoal 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Charcoal 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Chrome 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Cineon 23.0 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”
Clouds 23.0 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Color Halftone 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Colored Pencil 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Conté Crayon 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Craquelure 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crop and Straighten Photos 23.0 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”
Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Crosshatch 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crystallize 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Cutout 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Dark Strokes 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
De-Interlace 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dicom 23.0 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”
Difference Clouds 23.0 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Diffuse Glow 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Displace 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dry Brush 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Entropy 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Export Color Lookup Tables 23.0 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Extrude 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Eye Candy 7 7.2.3 - from the file “Alien Skin Eye Candy 7 Photoshop x64.8bf”
Eye Candy 7 Autolayer 7.2.3 - from the file “Alien Skin Eye Candy 7 Autolayer x64.8li”
FastCore Routines 23.0 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”
Fibers 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Film Grain 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Filter Gallery 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Fresco 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glass 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glowing Edges 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Grain 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Graphic Pen 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halftone Pattern 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halide Bottlenecks 23.0 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”
HDRMergeUI 23.0 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”
HSB/HSL 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
IFF Format 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
IGES 23.0 - from the file “U3D.8bi”
Ink Outlines 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
JPEG 2000 23.0 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”
Kurtosis 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Lens Blur 23.0 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”
Lens Correction 23.0 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”
Lens Flare 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Liquify 23.0 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”
Matlab Operation 23.0 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Maximum 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mean 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Measurement Core 23.0 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”
Median 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mezzotint 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Minimum 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
MMXCore Routines 23.0 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”
Mosaic Tiles 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Multiprocessor Support 23.0 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”
Neon Glow 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Note Paper 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
NTSC Colors 23.0 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”
Ocean Ripple 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
OpenEXR 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Paint Daubs 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Palette Knife 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
ParticleShop NO VERSION - from the file “particleshop.8bf”
Patchwork 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Paths to Illustrator 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
PCX 23.0 - from the file “PCX.8bi”
Photocopy 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Picture Package Filter 23.0 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Pinch 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Pixar 23.0 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”
Plaster 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Plastic Wrap 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Pointillize 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Polar Coordinates 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Portable Bit Map 23.0 - from the file “PBM.8bi”
Poster Edges 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
PRC 23.0 - from the file “U3D.8bi”
Radial Blur 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Radiance 23.0 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”
Range 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Render Color Lookup Grid 23.0 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Reticulation 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Ripple 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Rough Pastels 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Save for Web 23.0 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”
ScriptingSupport 23.0 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”
Shake Reduction 23.0 - from the file “Shake Reduction.8bf”
Shear 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Skewness 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Smart Blur 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Smudge Stick 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Solarize 23.0 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”
Spaces 23.0 - from the file “Spaces.8li”
Spatter 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Spherize 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Sponge 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Sprayed Strokes 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stained Glass 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stamp 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Standard Deviation 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Sumi-e 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Summation 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Targa 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Texturizer 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Tiles 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Torn Edges 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Twirl 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
U3D 23.0 - from the file “U3D.8bi”
Underpainting 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Vanishing Point 23.0 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”
Variance 23.0 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Water Paper 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Watercolor 23.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Wave 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
WIA Support 23.0 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”
Wind 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Wireless Bitmap 23.0 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”
ZigZag 23.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

Optional and third party plugins: NONE

Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE

Plugins that failed to load: NONE

Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:

Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/UXP/Extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-5.2.0\"
CDO: 1.107.0
CmdN: 1.10.5
CDP: 1.132.0
Projects: 1.1.3
Discover Panel (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.unifiedpanel\"

ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.ccx.timeline\"

CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview\"

CCX Sharesheet UXP (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.ccx.sharesheet\"

CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_14_242\"
CAPTURE: 1.2.18 STOCK: 2.0.30
Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.photoshop.cloudValueDialog\"

Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.photoshop.exportAs\"

Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.photoshop.inAppMessaging\"

Photoshop Personalization (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.photoshop.personalization\"

Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.photoshop.selectionFeedback\"

Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.pluginspanel\"

IC popup message (Loaded)

Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\UXP/\com.adobe.nfp.gallery\"


Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.DesignLibraryPanel.html\index.html”
New Document 3.5.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.ccx.fnft-3.5.0\fnft.html?v=”
Home 2.16.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-2.16.0\index.html?v=”
com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.DesignLibraryPanel.html\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”
com.adobe.capture.extension 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.DesignLibraryPanel.html\extensions\capture\capture.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.DesignLibraryPanel.html\manager.html”

Installed TWAIN devices: NONE





Adobe Employee ,
Dec 22, 2021 Dec 22, 2021

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There's been a number of significant infrastructure changes over the past couple of releases which might be affecting you. We're still chasing issues as we discover them.


Some questions: What sort of documents does the delay happen in? Typical dimensions in pixels, how many layers, what kinds of layers. etc. If a multilayer document, does your current layer selection seem to affect things? e.g. Selected layer is bottom of layer stack vs. top of layer stack? Anything you can correlate with things being worse, e.g. current tool, specific panels being open, etc?





Engaged ,
Dec 22, 2021 Dec 22, 2021

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"Some questions: What sort of documents does the delay happen in? Typical dimensions in pixels, how many layers, what kinds of layers. etc. If a multilayer document, does your current layer selection seem to affect things? e.g. Selected layer is bottom of layer stack vs. top of layer stack? Anything you can correlate with things being worse, e.g. current tool, specific panels being open, etc?"


Any kind of document.  I'm testing some things now.  Anything from 5 x 5 inches, 72ppi, 1 layer. to a document which may be 15 x 15 inches, 300ppi and 30 layers, mostly simple layers.  The performance with panning and zooming is identical with both of those documents.


It makes no difference whether I'm currently on the top layer or the bottom layer of the stack.


In terms of which panels being open or not, I hit the tab and closed all panels and there's no difference.  One thing I did notice now while testing is that, when the rulers are visible, performance decreases further.





Adobe Employee ,
Dec 23, 2021 Dec 23, 2021

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What options are checked in this Preferences > Panel? 






Adobe Employee ,
Dec 23, 2021 Dec 23, 2021

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Thanks - In addition to Jeff's questions (above), Let's make some assumptions then.


Let's focus on the behavior using a default single layer document.


  • 7" x 5"
  • 300 ppi
  • RGB color using the sRGB color space


I notice you are using 23.0.2. There have been changes I know of with respect to Ruler performance, Painting and GPU that happened in 23.1. It would be helpful if you could upgrade to that version so that you are more closely aligned with our latest code when we try to reproduce.


Are you using a tablet? WinTab version? WinInk? Do the problems also happen with a Mouse?


From your initial description, are these accurate?


  1. You paint, quickly execute a Pan gesture, quickly followed by another Paint stroke, but the Pan gesture happens too late and the Paint Stroke happens in the wrong location.
  2. You paint, quickly execute a Zoom gesture, quickly followed by another Paint stroke, but the paint stroke falls in the wrong location.


Now let's get a good description of the exact gestures you are using when you see the lag:

  • Where is the mouse when you start the gesture? (I presume over the canvas)
  • When does mouse-down occur? (we enter a tracking state at that point)
  • What keyboard modifiers or accelerators you are using and when? (mouse-down? Mouse-up?)
  • When do you mouse-up? (we leave the tracking state)
  • When do you see a screen update?


Since there are a number of ways to do what you are describing, a description of your exact gestures and the specific controls you are using is important. I know you are doing things quickly, but this can help us chart where we are in the code as PS executes. And please describe exactly when you perceive the lag or out-of-order behavior


I'll get this information entered into a bug report. Once I have a good description and can reproduce, we'll want to profile your precise sequence of steps to see if we can spot anything that is misbehaving. Please note that this can take a while, as it has to get juggled with our other bug reports. From your description, I'd classify this as something we call "User Friction" - things work, but they impede the creative process. We take them seriously.


I'll also suggest you verify you can access the Beta version of Photoshop. It has our very latest changes. It can live side-by-side with the shipping Photoshop; we do that all the time. When we have something for you to try, we can let you know.


But first we need to make the behavior you are seeing happen on one of our machines so that we can take the next steps.







Engaged ,
Dec 23, 2021 Dec 23, 2021

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Engaged ,
Dec 23, 2021 Dec 23, 2021

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I'm using 23.1.0 at this moment because I've just updated a couple days ago.  So, that hasn't made any difference.


The problems are happening when using the mouse, and also when using stylus.  I'm using a Wacom Cintiq 27QHD which had been set to use Windows Ink.  I disabled Windows Ink in the Wacom settings, and restarted Photoshop but there's no difference in performance.


"From your initial description, are these accurate?


  1. You paint, quickly execute a Pan gesture, quickly followed by another Paint stroke, but the Pan gesture happens too late and the Paint Stroke happens in the wrong location.
  2. You paint, quickly execute a Zoom gesture, quickly followed by another Paint stroke, but the paint stroke falls in the wrong location."


All of that is correct, and the problem also happens with screen rotation, and sometimes, very often, it simply does not register the gesture at all.



  • Where is the mouse when you start the gesture? (I presume over the canvas) -  YES, OVER THE CANVAS
  • When does mouse-down occur? (we enter a tracking state at that point)  -  I HOVER OVER THE SCREEN. I HOLD CONTROL AND SPACEBAR, THEN MOUSE DOWN, THEN GESTURE.
  • What keyboard modifiers or accelerators you are using and when? (mouse-down? Mouse-up?)    -   CONTROL/SPACEBAR


"User Friction" is perfect description for this problem.  Thanks for your help!





Adobe Employee ,
Dec 23, 2021 Dec 23, 2021

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 -- "the problem also happens with screen rotation, and sometimes, very often, it simply does not register the gesture at all."

Thanks. What gestures / controls are you using for screen rotation?


(And just to clarify, when I use the word "gesture", it means any control or sequence of controls you are using, keyboard chording, mouse-down, dragging, mouse-up, shortcuts, clicking on panel buttons, and so on. I consider those all "gestures". It's not just the mouse-movement; it's everything you are using to control the application. Sorry for the lingo thing.)


Sorry to appear pedantic, but I'm trying to gather steps precise enough to have confidence we're following in the same footsteps as you.


So to clarify - Is the following accurate?


  • Paint a stroke: Paint tool selected, simple brush (soft-circular) selected, mouse-down, drag, mouse-up. Paint stroke appears during mouse-down while dragging. No keyboard modifiers while painting the stroke.
  • Then Zoom: Control-spacebar held down, then mouse-down, then move the mouse left or right to control zoom, then mouse-up.
  • Or Pan: Spacebar held down, then mouse-down, then move the mouse up, down, left or right to control panning, then mouse up.
  • Then quickly Paint a stroke again: (same settings) Mouse-down, drag (stroke appears), mouse-up (painting stops).


When you release the keyboard keys after zoom or panning and do an immediate mouse-down with the intention of painting, painting does not happen? Or painting occurs in the wrong place?


I'm just trying to get a sense of when and where things are going sideways out for you. I'm currently trying to reproduce on my Windows machine, but probably my brushing and keyboard finger-play is not as fast as yours. 🙂





Engaged ,
Dec 23, 2021 Dec 23, 2021

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For screen rotation, I use the Wacom EK Remote.  A button on the remote is bound to the R key on the keyboard.  So I press and hold the button which is the same as holding R key on keyboard.  Same for Control, Shift, Alt, etc.  That's how I'm controling everything when I'm drawing.  When I'm doing production work I'm often just using mouse and keyboard.  All the same problems are there regardless of using keyboard or EK Remote.


Regarding gestures, I hold the key(s) press the mouse button and move it in one direction or another.  If using EK Remote, I'll hold button on EK Remote which is bound to the key(s).  Nothing special.  No flick panning, anything other than the old fashioned way.


  • Paint a stroke: Paint tool selected, simple brush (soft-circular) selected, mouse-down, drag, mouse-up. Paint stroke appears during mouse-down while dragging. No keyboard modifiers while painting the stroke.  -  CORRECT
  • Then Zoom: Control-spacebar held down, then mouse-down, then move the mouse left or right to control zoom, then mouse-up.  -  CORRECT
  • Or Pan: Spacebar held down, then mouse-down, then move the mouse up, down, left or right to control panning, then mouse up.  -  CORRECT
  • Then quickly Paint a stroke again: (same settings) Mouse-down, drag (stroke appears), mouse-up (painting stops).  -  CORRECT


When you release the keyboard keys after zoom or panning and do an immediate mouse-down with the intention of painting, painting does not happen? Or painting occurs in the wrong place?


After some more testing today, I have some better details on this.  Because I opened a document and simply attempted to pan or zoom over and over, what I find is simply that Photoshop just does not always respond. So, I pan, pan, pan, pan, pan.  Photoshop simply misses quite a few of those panning attempts, or zoom attempts.  When I pan, paint, pan, paint, there's another issue.  Immediately after attempting to paint, or erase, I attempt a pan followed quickly by another brush stroke. Here the pan doesn't happen and the brush stroke doesn't happen.  Photoshop pauses for about 3/4 second. Then the brush stroke or eraser mark appears, but the pan or zoom action never happened.  So, it froze, skipped the pan/zoom, then presented the brush stroke.  So, there's a performance issue when simply panning or zooming over and over.  Many times it misses the action completely, and other times the zoom or pan result is only half the movement distance that it should be.  There's both an initial lag from the start of the panning/zooming action, and it only registers half of the intended pan or zoom, or nothing at all.


I understand that you're trying to reproduce the problem.  I'm guessing that you would not have any problem at all if for example you're simply quickly panning over and over.  Or zooming over and over.  If you don't have trouble doing that, then you're probably not going to see the additional issue when panning and painting or erasing.  I believe the initial lag the real issue. It simply causes me the most trouble when painting or editing because that is what I'm always doing with my work.  But it seems that Photoshop is lagging with just trying to pan, zoom, or rotate screen.  Even if I do one zoom, I can see that it is lagging.  If I do a bunch of zooms or pans, it will miss many of them, or only partially reflect some of them with half the distance movements.





Adobe Employee ,
Dec 26, 2021 Dec 26, 2021

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I spent some time trying to reproduce on my system. Unfortunately, I am not seeing what you describe. I tried the alternate paint-pan-paint-pan-paint as you described on the simple test document you indicated should expose the issue. I also tried these steps on some larger 100 MP images. When things open up at Adobe on January 4, I'll see if I can get some other folks to try as well.


One of your comments in your last post caught my attention: you indicated the delay you were seeing appeared to be about 3/4 second. In computing terms, that's enormous. It's a bit of a long shot, but can you describe the various external devices you have attached to your computer? USB devices, peripherals, etc. Use your Device Manager to see them all. (The reason I ask is that Device drivers, particularly USB drivers, can be bad citizens, especially if they are doing some kind of error handling. They operate at high priority, and they can cause brief lockups as they retry whatever operation they are doing. Graphics cards too. Those delays can be 0.5-1.0 seconds fairly easily.)





Engaged ,
Dec 26, 2021 Dec 26, 2021

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The only peripheral of any interest attached to my PC is my Wacom Cintiq 27QHD monitor.  Other than that, I have a mouse and keyboard, and basic speakers.  That's it.  The printer is Wifi.  There's nothing else.  But I think this is really just the normal performance of Photoshop.  I've just updated the graphics card drivers yesterday and that didn't help.  I'm out of ideas.  It really seems like it's just poor performance from Photoshop.  I'm going to reinstall Photoshop CS3 and just see if it it responds more quickly to panning.  Zooming is different now so I can't really compare that.





Engaged ,
Dec 26, 2021 Dec 26, 2021

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Messing around right now for a few minutes, I believe I have found the problem.  It's the rulers. I knew the rulers caused a performance hit, but I didn't focus on it too intently until now.  With the rulers visible, it misses possibly 5 out of 10 attempts at zooming and when it does respond, it may only zoom half way. When I turn off the rulers, it doesn't miss a single zoom attempt and panning appears to be perfectly responsive.  This seems to be the whole problem.  Photoshop has a performance problem when the rulers are visible.





Engaged ,
Dec 26, 2021 Dec 26, 2021

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One more thing.  Zooming and panning are much worse with the stylus than with the mouse.  So, All together this is presenting me with the problems I'm seeing.  With rulers on, and using stylus, zooming, panning, and rotating the screen are all suffering.  Without rulers, and just using a mouse, it appears to be fine.





Engaged ,
Dec 26, 2021 Dec 26, 2021

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Sorry, one more thing.  I'd turned Windows Ink off in the Wacom settings when we last spoke about it.  Now I've turned Windows Ink back on and that resolved the performance issue related to the use of the stylus.  The performance hit from the rulers is still there though, so the problem is just the rulers.





Adobe Employee ,
Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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Thanks for the details on your peripherals. As I said, a long shot. And also, thanks for your additional help localizing and narrowing the conditions.  That’s good data and very helpful. There has been some recent work on Ruler Performance issues, but only between 23.0 and 23.1.


I spent some more time today using your information. Sadly, I still cannot reproduce. I do have a Cintiq attached to my Windows system. I am using a simple 50 pixels soft round brush; Are you using the same?


I’m going to write this all up on a bug and get some other folks on the team to try in their systems. It will reference this support thread.





Engaged ,
Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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With regard to using the Wacom Cintiq, the brush that I'm using doesn't matter.  I'm using the pencil tool and the eraser in pencil mode often with a size of just 5 or 5 pixels or less.  Those being more simple than the simplest soft round brush. But as I said, the problem seems to be the rulers. And with the Cintiq, Its OK when using Windows Ink in the Wacom settings.  So at this point, the problem is just the rulers in Photoshop.  Hopefully they'll get this resolved.





Adobe Employee ,
Jan 11, 2022 Jan 11, 2022

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Hi there, Kuttyjoe...

I've made some changes that should improve the responsiveness of the operations you're performing. The slowdown was indeed due to some work the rulers were doing.


The change should be available in the next Beta-Prime build, so you can take a peek at that build and see if the situation is improved. 


The caveat is that you must be using native rulers. They are enabled by default so you shouldn't have to do anything. But just in case, they can be toggled from the Tech Preview preferences.


From the screen shots that you've posted of your preferences before, you seem good to go when the new build lands.


I hope this helps.






Explorer ,
Feb 16, 2022 Feb 16, 2022

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Is it possible that the recent changes to ruler/zoom interaction have let some other lagginess creep in?


I've just upgraded from v22.x.x (can't remember exact version) to v23.2, and zooming with rulers enabled is noticeably worse than before. When I zoom by quickly flicking the mouse wheel, it will pause every few zoom increments. Sometimes this will be the initial zoom increment (resulting in a pause at the start of zooming, similar to OP's experience). Sometimes it will successfully do a few increments of zoom, then will pause on one of them for ~1sec, then will do a few more quick increments, then will do another pause. To get from maximum to minimum zoom, or vice versea, typically will invove about 3 such pauses, at seemingly random intervals. 


These pauses only occur with rulers on. With rulers off, zooming with the mouse wheel is butter smooth. Zooming is also butter smooth - even with rulers on - if I use the zoom using the space+ctrl+LMB-dragging (instead of using mouse wheel).


Adobe Photoshop Version: 23.2.0 20220210.r.277 189394e  x64
Number of Launches: 214
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Version: 10 10.0.19043.1526
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:14, Stepping:12 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2
Physical processor count: 8
Processor speed: 3600 MHz
Built-in memory: 65452 MB
Free memory: 41977 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 51337 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
SAM SDK Version: 2.0.0-main.1010
ACP.local Status:
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 - Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible
 - Core Sync Running:
 - Min Core Sync Required:
Live Edit Client SDK Version: 3.89.01
Manta Canvas: Enabled.
Alias Layers: Disabled.
Modifier Palette: Disabled.
Highbeam: Enabled.
Image tile size: 128K
Image cache levels: 2
Font Preview: Medium
HarfBuzz Version: 2.8.1
TextEngine: Unified Text Engine
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Native API stable: True
OpenGL API stable: True
OpenCL API stable: True
GPUDeny:               0
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useOpenCL:             1
isGPUCapable:          1
GPUName:               NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
GPUVendor:             NVIDIA
IsNativeGPUCapable:    1
IsOpenGLGPUCapable:    1
IsOpenCLGPUCapable:    1
HasSufficientRAM:      1
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UseGraphicsProcessorChecked:   1
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 ------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
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[0 ms]
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[0 ms]
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[662 ms]
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      Potential dynamic range:      (0 1)
      Reference dynamic range:      (0 0)
      Attached Device:              (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 index=0 preferred=1)
    Display 3
      Display:                      \\.\DISPLAY4
      Main:                         FALSE
      Built in:                     FALSE
      Stereo:                       FALSE
      Bounds:                       ((2,560 0) -> (3,640 1,920), w=1,080, h=1,920)
      Dimensions:                   (1,080 1,920)
      Physical size:                (0 0)
      Pixel size:                   (0 0)
      Dynamic range:                (0 1)
      Potential dynamic range:      (0 1)
      Reference dynamic range:      (0 0)
      Attached Device:              (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 index=0 preferred=1)
    # devices:                    1
    Device 0
      Name:                         NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
      Preferred:                    TRUE
      Power Envelope:               INTEGRATED
      Attachment:                   UNKNOWN
      # attached displays:          4
      GPU accessible RAM:                6,394 MB
      VRAM:                              6,394 MB
      Dedicated System RAM:                  0 MB
      Shared System RAM:                34,315 MB
      API version:                  2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 497.09)
      Device version:               2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 497.09)
      Vendor name:                  NVIDIA
      Driver:                       C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_642e50d7b66aa2a4\nvldumdx.dll
      Driver date:                  2021-11-26 000000.000000-000
      Driver age:                   3 months
      Driver version:     
      GLSL version:                 1.20 (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler)
  End platform OpenGL
  {368 ms}
  {368 ms}
  Start platform OpenCL
    # displays:                   0
    # devices:                    1
    Device 0
      Name:                         NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
      Preferred:                    TRUE
      Power Envelope:               DISCRETE
      Attachment:                   UNKNOWN
      # attached displays:          0
      GPU accessible RAM:                6,442 MB
      VRAM:                              6,442 MB
      Dedicated System RAM:                  0 MB
      Shared System RAM:                     0 MB
      API version:                  3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA)
      Device version:               3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA)
      Vendor name:                  NVIDIA
      Driver:                       UNKNOWN
      Driver date:                  UNKNOWN
      Driver age:                   UNKNOWN
      Driver version:               UNKNOWN
      Bandwidth:                    260 GB / s
      Compute score:                2,563
      Device name string:           NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
      Device vendor string:         NVIDIA Corporation
      Platform name string:         NVIDIA CUDA 
      Platform vendor string:       NVIDIA Corporation
  End platform OpenCL
  {478 ms}
  Exit code kExitNormal
  End sniffer 2022-02-17 09:30:09
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[662 ms]
  Finish RunAllAPIs

[2956 ms]
  Start GetSnifferResult

[2956 ms]
  Finish GetSnifferResult

 ------- Sniffer output
 ======= GPU
License Type: Subscription
Serial number: 90970944347700178053
Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on 
Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): off 
Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): off 
Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off 
Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off 
Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off 

Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\
Temporary file path: C:\Users\dblej\AppData\Local\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
  G:\, 447.0G, 415.1G free
Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\Plug-ins\
Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Plug-ins\

Installed components:
   A3DLIBS.dll   A3DLIB Dynamic Link Library   
   ACE.dll   ACE 2021/12/09-10:11:11   79.c5c71c0   79.c5c71c0
   AdbePM.dll   PatchMatch 2022/01/12:10:59:07   1.15de769dc03f392205cdd45bcd7674c35694bb52   1.15de769dc03f392205cdd45bcd7674c35694bb52
   AdobeLinguistic.dll   Adobe Linguisitc Library   e047f0a   
   AdobeOwl.dll   Adobe Owl   5.5.0   
   AdobePDFL.dll   PDFL 2022/01/18-15:23:23   79.6968712   79.6968712
   AdobePDFSettings.dll   Adobe PDFSettings   1.07   
   AdobePIP.dll   Adobe Product Improvement Program   
   AdobeSVGAGM.dll   AdobeSVGAGM   79.e954fe6   79.e954fe6
   AdobeXMP.dll   Adobe XMP Core 2021/12/08-19:11:22   79.b0f8be9   79.b0f8be9
   AdobeXMPFiles.dll   Adobe XMP Files 2021/12/08-19:11:22   79.b0f8be9   79.b0f8be9
   AdobeXMPScript.dll   Adobe XMP Script 2021/12/08-19:11:22   79.b0f8be9   79.b0f8be9
   adobe_caps.dll   Adobe CAPS   10,0,0,6   
   AGM.dll   AGM 2021/12/09-10:11:11   79.c5c71c0   79.c5c71c0
   AID.dll   AID DLL   
   AIDE.dll   AIDE 2021/12/08-17:42:20   79.f1d2aac   79.f1d2aac
   aifm.dll   AIFM   1.0   23.68434
   AILib.dll   Adobe Illustrator 2022   26.0.0   
   aiport.dll   AIPort   1.0   23.68434
   ARE.dll   ARE 2021/12/09-10:11:11   79.c5c71c0   79.c5c71c0
   AXE8SharedExpat.dll   AXE8SharedExpat 2021/11/30-00:40:44   79.d4c2289   79.d4c2289
   AXEDOMCore.dll   AXEDOMCore 2021/11/30-00:40:44   79.d4c2289   79.d4c2289
   Bib.dll   BIB 2021/12/09-10:11:11   79.c5c71c0   79.c5c71c0
   BIBUtils.dll   BIBUtils 2021/12/09-10:11:11   79.c5c71c0   79.c5c71c0
   boost_chrono.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   boost_date_time.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   boost_filesystem.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   boost_program_options.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   boost_regex.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   boost_system.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   boost_threads.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   CoolType.dll   CoolType 2021/12/09-10:11:11   79.c5c71c0   79.c5c71c0
   CRClient.dll   Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL   
   DirectML.dll   DirectML Redistributable Library   1.5.1+210429-0157.1.dml-1.5.adbd007   
   dnssd.dll   Bonjour   3,0,0,2   
   dvaaccelerate.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvaappsupport.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvaaudiodevice.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvacore.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvacrashhandler.dll   Adobe Audition CC 2017   10.0.0   
   dvamarshal.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvamediatypes.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvametadata.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvametadataapi.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvametadataUI.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvanet.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvaplayer.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvascripting.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvatransport.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvaui.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dvavulcansupport.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   dynamic-torqnative.dll   Unified Extensibility Platform   uxp-5.6.1-2-a74472e   
   dynamiclink.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   ExtendScript.dll   ExtendScript 2022/01/04-10:07:31   82.3   82.3
   filterport.dll   FilterPort   1.1   O
   icucnv69.dll   International Components for Unicode    Build 13.1.a82691a   
   icudt69.dll   International Components for Unicode    Build 13.1.a82691a   
   icuin69.dll   International Components for Unicode    Build 13.1.a82691a   
   icuuc69.dll   International Components for Unicode    Build 13.1.a82691a   
   igestep30.dll   IGES Reader   
   ippcc.dll   ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippcck0.dll   ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippccl9.dll   ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippccy8.dll   ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippcore.dll   core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippcv.dll   ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippcvk0.dll   ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippcvl9.dll   ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippcvy8.dll   ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippi.dll   ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippik0.dll   ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippil9.dll   ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippiy8.dll   ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ipps.dll   ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippsk0.dll   ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippsl9.dll   ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippsy8.dll   ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippvm.dll   ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippvmk0.dll   ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippvml9.dll   ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   ippvmy8.dll   ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math.   2020.0.1 (r0x35c5ec66)   
   JP2KLib.dll   JP2KLib 2021/12/07-19:50:35   79.b3b99f7   79.b3b99f7
   libifcoremd.dll   Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler   10.0 (Update A)   
   libiomp5md.dll   Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library   5.0   
   libmmd.dll   Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler   Mainline   
   libzip.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   LogSession.dll   LogSession   
   mediacoreif.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll   Microsoft® Windows® Operating System   1.8.20210602.2.d4106de   
   mkl_avx2.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_avx512.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_core.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_def.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_mc3.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_sequential.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_vml_avx2.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_vml_avx512.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_vml_def.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   mkl_vml_mc3.dll   Intel® Math Kernel Library   2020.0   
   MPS.dll   MPS 2021/12/03-00:36:58   79.5449bfb   79.5449bfb
   onnxruntime.dll   Microsoft® Windows® Operating System   1.8.20210602.2.d4106de   
   opencv_world452.dll   OpenCV library   4.5.2   
   pdfport.dll   PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27   79.625377   79.625377
   Plugin.dll   Adobe Photoshop 2022   23.2   
   PlugPlugExternalObject.dll   Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit)   11.2.0   
   PlugPlugOwl.dll   Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)   
   PSRes.dll   Adobe Photoshop 2022   23.2   
   PSViews.dll   Adobe Photoshop 2022   23.2   
   ScCore.dll   ScCore 2022/01/04-10:07:31   82.3   82.3
   SVGRE.dll   SVGRE   79.1f1e1ff   79.1f1e1ff
   svml_dispmd.dll   Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler   Mainline   
   tbb.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   2020, 2, 2020, 0311   
   tbbmalloc.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   2020, 2, 2020, 0311   
   TfKernel.dll   Kernel Geom   
   TFUGEOM.dll   Adobe, UGeom©   
   utest.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   
   VulcanControl.dll   Vulcan Application Control Library   
   VulcanMessage5.dll   Vulcan Message Library   
   WinRTSupport.dll   Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support   
   WRServices.dll   WRServices    Build
   wu3d.dll   U3D Writer   
   Unified Extensibility Platform  uxp-5.6.1-2-a74472e
   UPIC  2.3.1

Required plugins:

   Accented Edges 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Adaptive Wide Angle 23.2 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”
   Angled Strokes 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Average 23.2 - from the file “Average.8bf”
   Bas Relief 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   BMP 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Camera Raw 14.2 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
   Camera Raw Filter 14.2 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
   Chalk && Charcoal 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Charcoal 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Chrome 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Cineon 23.2 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”
   Clouds 23.2 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
   Color Halftone 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Colored Pencil 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Conté Crayon 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Craquelure 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Crop and Straighten Photos 23.2 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”
   Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Crosshatch 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Crystallize 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Cutout 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Dark Strokes 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   De-Interlace 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Dicom 23.2 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”
   Difference Clouds 23.2 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
   Diffuse Glow 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Displace 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Dry Brush 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Entropy 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Export Color Lookup Tables 23.2 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
   Extrude 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   FastCore Routines 23.2 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”
   Fibers 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Film Grain 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Filter Gallery 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Fresco 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Glass 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Glowing Edges 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Grain 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Graphic Pen 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Halftone Pattern 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Halide Bottlenecks 23.2 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”
   HDRMergeUI 23.2 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”
   HSB/HSL 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   IFF Format 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   IGES 23.2 - from the file “U3D.8bi”
   Ink Outlines 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   JPEG 2000 23.2 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”
   Kurtosis 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Lens Blur 23.2 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”
   Lens Correction 23.2 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”
   Lens Flare 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Liquify 23.2 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”
   Material Filter NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf”
   Matlab Operation 23.2 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
   Maximum 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Mean 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Measurement Core 23.2 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”
   Median 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Mezzotint 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Minimum 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   MMXCore Routines 23.2 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”
   Mosaic Tiles 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Multiprocessor Support 23.2 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”
   Neon Glow 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Note Paper 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   NTSC Colors 23.2 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”
   Ocean Ripple 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   OpenEXR 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Paint Daubs 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Palette Knife 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Patchwork 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Paths to Illustrator 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   PCX 23.2 - from the file “PCX.8bi”
   Photocopy 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Picture Package Filter 23.2 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
   Pinch 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Pixar 23.2 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”
   Plaster 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Plastic Wrap 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Pointillize 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Polar Coordinates 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Portable Bit Map 23.2 - from the file “PBM.8bi”
   Poster Edges 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   PRC 23.2 - from the file “U3D.8bi”
   Radial Blur 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Radiance 23.2 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”
   Range 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Render Color Lookup Grid 23.2 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
   Reticulation 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Ripple 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Rough Pastels 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Save for Web 23.2 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”
   ScriptingSupport 23.2 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”
   Shake Reduction 23.2 - from the file “Shake Reduction.8bf”
   Shear 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Skewness 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Smart Blur 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Smudge Stick 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Solarize 23.2 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”
   Spatter 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Spherize 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Sponge 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Sprayed Strokes 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Stained Glass 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Stamp 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Standard Deviation 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li”
   Sumi-e 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Summation 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Targa 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Texturizer 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Tiles 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Torn Edges 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Twirl 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   U3D 23.2 - from the file “U3D.8bi”
   Underpainting 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Vanishing Point 23.2 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”
   Variance 23.2 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
   Water Paper 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Watercolor 23.2 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
   Wave 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   WIA Support 23.2 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”
   Wind 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
   Wireless Bitmap 23.2 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”
   ZigZag 23.2 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

Optional and third party plugins: NONE

Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE

Plugins that failed to load: NONE

Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:

   Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
   CDO: 1.110.0
        CmdN: 1.10.4
        CDP: 1.135.0
        Projects: 1.2.3
      Loaded at: 74 ms - launch time impact: 29 ms
   ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
   CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
      Loaded at: 10943 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
   CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
   CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_18_149\"
   CAPTURE: 2.0.22  STOCK: 2.0.32
   Neural Filters (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
   Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
   Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
   Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
      Loaded at: 10943 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
   Photoshop Personalization (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
      Loaded at: 10943 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
   Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
   Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
   IC popup message (Loaded)
      Loaded at: 9529 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
   Discover Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
      Loaded at: 10944 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms


   Libraries  1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_18_149\index.html”
   New Document  3.5.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.ccx.fnft-3.5.0\fnft.html?v=”
   Home  2.16.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-2.16.0\index.html?v=”
   com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded  1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_18_149\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”
   com.adobe.capture.extension  1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_18_149\extensions\capture\capture.html”
   Export As  4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
   Export As  4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
   com.adobe.cclibraries.manager  1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_18_149\manager.html”

Installed TWAIN devices: NONE






Adobe Employee ,
Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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Hi all,  


We're happy to announce the release of Photoshop 23.2. This update includes the fix for this issue. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here


To update Photoshop to 23.2, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating  


Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected and share your feedback with us.  




Status Fixed





Community Beginner ,
Mar 04, 2022 Mar 04, 2022

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Doesn't fix anything for me. Maybe in some cases but I'm really not sure since there is a lot of new lags with these last releases 
Also, I've seen that you're getting rid of openGL and use DirectX now (?). Could we get more informations on that and on how to optimize/ check if all's good on our side?





Adobe Employee ,
Mar 13, 2022 Mar 13, 2022

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If you go to Preferences > Technology Previews... and uncheck "Enable Native Canvas Rulers" and restart Photoshop, does the problem persist?





Explorer ,
Apr 18, 2022 Apr 18, 2022

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I have this issue exactly as Kuttyjoe is describing since updating today to 23.3.

Also, the lag happens when I change the screen mode (pressing F key)




