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4x6 images smaller on 8x11 canvas?

New Here ,
Feb 10, 2017 Feb 10, 2017

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Hello everyone,

I do apologize if this is a question asked often, but I couldn't find anything about my specific problem on the forums (I found a lot about people having difficulty printing 4x6 images on designated 4x6 printer paper).

I'm very much a beginner at photoshop. I help with the business I work at to create signs and stuff using it, so it's all very simple work and I haven't had to delve very far into the program so there is a lot I don't know. I find that when I create a piece of work on an 8 x 11 sheet that it works fine. Prints out wonderfully when we save it as a .jpg file and send it to staples for printing. Recently, however, I've had some difficulty trying to figure out how to print out my current images.

I made a series of signs for the business, all of which are sized 4'' x 6'' for the size frames we want to put them in. I saved them, they look good, so we're ready to send them to Staples to print them on a sheet of paper that we can then cut and put in the frames.

The problem is is that when I try to put 2 of those 4x6 signs on a 8.5 x 11 canvas, the 4x6 signs are smaller. When we print them out they don't print out as true to 4x6 size. They're smaller than 4x6. We've tried printing these out at the printer at work to test and make sure they're the same size. They never are. Even when I only print out 1 of the signs just using the print option, not fussing with the size or margins in Windows 10 Printing, it still prints out smaller than 4x6.

This is becoming frustrating for me, as I've looked up videos and support and can't seem to find anything on my problem.

I just don't understand why a 4x6 image would be smaller than a 4x6 when placed on an 8.5 x 11 canvas. It's all in inches, so why would it shrink? I just want to place two 4x6 signs next to each other on the 8x11 canvas so we can print them like that and save paper.

Thank you to anyone who can help me!!







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Guide , Feb 10, 2017 Feb 10, 2017


Make sure both documents (the 8.5 x 11 and the 4 x6) have the same resolution (ppi).

A document can only have one resolution. So if you bring in a document with a different resolution it will adapt to the resolution of the master document, so it will become bigger/smaller in size.



Guide ,
Feb 10, 2017 Feb 10, 2017

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Make sure both documents (the 8.5 x 11 and the 4 x6) have the same resolution (ppi).

A document can only have one resolution. So if you bring in a document with a different resolution it will adapt to the resolution of the master document, so it will become bigger/smaller in size.





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