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Hi there, I have created an action that takes a photoshop file, selects it then defines it as a pattern. Then the action proceeds to open a number of photoshop files and applies the pattern to the file. The problem I'm having is it isn't necessarily taking the latest generated pattern. Is there a way to do this? Where when it goes to apply the pattern on the new files just opened it uses the one I just created in the first step?
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I have discovered if I delete the pattern in the library that was used when creating the original action it defaults to the most current pattern. but it would be great to just signify the most current so I'm sure to not have problems if that doc is in the library.
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Ok I actually added a step before everything resetting the pattern library and now it takes the latest pattern. It's not perfect but it works.
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Try this generic Pattern Fill action.
This should use the last defined pattern, since there is no pattern name or id recorded in this action.
You'll have to copy the actual action step of Fill to your existing action.
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I got an error when tried to use it. I also need not a generic fill but a set current fill layer function. Is there a way to edit the text of an action to make it more generic?
this is what I did to test the fill by creating a short action that opens one of the files then tries to fill it.
but after looking at it I realized my command for fill is different
if there was a way to delete the pattern name and pattern id maybe it would default to the last.
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The action uses Edit>Fill>Pattern
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yep that won't work as in the file i'm editing it has a layer with a pattern fill that I am just updating. So far resetting the pattern library is the only way I seem to get it to work.
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Hello Ajahadi!
I'm facing the same issue as you and I hoped I found an answer with your comment, but even by deleting the pattern library it seems like it's not working.
Could you give more details and the steps to follow ?
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I do not know what you mean by deleting pattern library and I do not believe doing that would have any effect on your problem. Your problem is you most like have duplicate pattern names in your Patterns Palette. Patters seem to be applied just by pattern name in Actions and scripts that names can be in any group and can be duplicated in all can cause problems. The Actual problems is Adobe does not require all items in palettes to have unique names. You can have duplicate layer names, shape names, pattern names. This can cause problem when selection is done by name. The Path palette requires path to have unique names. Even in the Action palette where action are selected via Set name, Action name. You can have duplicate set names and action names. When you automate processes in Photoshop you need to be very careful how you access/address things in Photoshop. If you can select something in a relative fashion instead of by name use the relative method. If you can not try to use unique names. If you add a work layer or pattern delete the same so the action or script can be run more than once on a document clean up you droppings.
If you deleted the pattern first did you delete the one you wanted to or some others pattern with the name, Did you loop deleting the name till delete failed to make sure all duplicate names were deleted.
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Thanks for your reply!
I managed to do it without script, just by using by hands "Actions" but it is a very unstable way of doing it.
The name doesn't change that much on my "Actions". I have the same result in the end.
I try to be most carefully as possible, I understand it has some connections that we don't see at the first sight.
First of all, it's working for Photoshop CC 2019 but may not work for 2020 or newer version. Why? Because you need to able to reset your patterns with the button given by Photoshop in the options of the patterns. In the 2020 version, until now, the reset button is not working the same way: it is reloading the patterns, but not deleting the current ones. Being able to delete the current ones is mandatory for this.
You also need to be ready to delete the patterns that are not given by Photoshop. If you have yours, you can save them, so do it.
Also, in all that process, be sure to use the same color mode between your document (RGB, etc.) otherwise you could have some issues at the moment of the export. (Mine were exported in black and white, I spent a long time to understand why...)
This is what I do, following the steps of Ajahadi:
And that's it.
By using the Image Processor with this action, it creates me all my variations.
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I cannot get this to work. No matter what I do, it will always apply the pattern of the time the action was recorded. It will always apply that one even if I delete all of my patterns. No Luck at all. This is silly. I want to automate the creation of pattern tiles in batch! Any other ideas?
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I am testing and everything works fine. Download action using link provided by @Jeff Arola and incorporate that step into action. Below is example with steps from my working action. Action is allowing you to select which file to open (arrow is pointing to enabled modal for Open step in my screenshot) then creates pattern from that file, closes file then creates new document and fills it with most recent pattern. Here is link to download action, it will allow you to select image at the beginning and to change document size when creating new document. If you have any problem please report problem and version of Photoshop. I am testing using latest version of Photoshop 24.3.0
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Let me give this a shot as soon as I get back to my desk. I have tried everything I could think of. It would always use the pattern which where the action was first recorded. Even if I delete all the patterns. The pattern panel still show a horizontal list of previous patterns. I tried edit>fill and it still shows deleted patterns. Very frustrated!
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If you want to record the Define Pattern step without the name being recorded, use Insert Menu Item, then Define Pattern.
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Thanks. It works anyway even if you do not delete created pattern, step fill will use last pattern not first with defined name.
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Just tested this out. It partly works. But the action pauses at the prompt asking me to apply the pattern (It IS the most recently pattern now). But then it is not fully automated. Am I missing anything?
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If it can automatically apply the pattern according to the action you uploaded then the whole problem is solved. Otherwise it is not fully automated if it prompts me to ask if I want to apply the pattern.
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Please disregard my above replies. Sorry I was unaware of modal control. Now it IS WORKING!
I would: Open the tile pattern file>Run that action>Get a tiled patterned image (Whatever I want it to be 3x3 or etc.)
Thank You!
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Re-download newest version if you want and disable modal again, modal is there for those who can not make it work as it should to use most recent pattern.
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Click on modal on the left side to disable it, it is intentional dialogue. It is automated with input dialogues, thats how I treat this because sometimes in needed as on first step when you select image to import. I saw that new document is preset Clipboard what is ridiculous, I will change that and upload new version.
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Have you tried to enable modal control for Fill step to ensure that proper pattern will be used? I have no problem with images 2100x1500px. What are dimensions that Ps is failing to save as pattern?