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I have been working in 2018 that came out today and have noticed the alt-right click-drag function that changes the size and hardness of the brush no longer works.
anyone else having this problem?
Hey, I had the same problem and searching in the forums I found this. Now is working again. Hope it helps you too.
1. Create a file that contains instructions to revert to the WinTab functionality.
2. Create a text file in a text editor such as Notepad.
Type in the following lines:
# Use WinTab
UseSystemStylus 0
3. Save the file as a plain text file named PSUserConfig.txt
4. Put (copy) the file into the Photoshop settings folder: C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Adobe
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Wow you are the solution! After 6 hours to finally realize my pen pressure problem was needing to use WinTab to another hour dramatizing over being unable to adjust my brush size. I finally can just get on photoshop and draw to my hearth's content. Thanks, btw that solution is 200 IQ:D
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i had the same issue, my tablet just crashed when i tried to use [RMB] mapped to the buttons.
today's update ver. 6.3.29-4 however fixed everything for me!
i am using Win7 64bit, PS CS5, WACOM INTUOS PRO L.
my recommendation is mapping [SHIFT] + (select + interchange brush tools) to one button and [ALT] + [RMB] (brush hardness + size) to another.
when pressed together you can toggle the colour palette on the fly. that's 2 buttons for 3 features.
best regards
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[cursing removed] Same problem i am facing right now.
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What is WinTab and how do I use it?
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I love you man
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I love you!!!
It works!!!! I can continue ^^
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Hi !
Since the latest Windows 10 update I'm encountering the Alt Right Click issue again. I previously used the PSUserconfig txt file solution that worked for me. But it doesn't work anymore with this new Windows update.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
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I had to do a clean install of my system a few days ago and used the PSUconfig solution to get all to work again. So for me it still works.
Make sure you dont add .txt at the end of the file name if you dont have show filename extentions on(i have it on swedish so not sure what its called in english) I did that mistake and wasted a few hours on problem solving.
And could try switching windows ink on or off in the wacom settings.
I hope it helps!
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Hi Rickard !
I checked the file name and I confirm I did not add .txt at the end of the file name. So looks like it doesn't work unfortunately...
The issue appeared this morning and I did the Windows update yesterday evening when turning off my computer.
What do you mean by "switching windows ink on or off in the wacom settings"? Not sure to understand.
Thanks for the help!
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I use a Wacom 13HD with Photoshop CC 2018. Today, after I installed the latest Wacom Driver Update, the problem with Alt-RightClick Drag on the pen, appeared again. So logically, I suspected the Wacom Driver to be the problem so I reverted back to the old driver and everything was back to normal.
For more details, these are the driver versions.
I updated from 6.3.29-6 to the new one 6.3.30-4.
Then reverted back to 6.3.29-6 and it worked. Also, note that I had done in the past the "PSUserConfig.txt" fix.
You can try and see if this will work out for you as well.
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Thanks for the help Wardclock! I am going to try this.
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It worked for me ! Thanks a lot again for the help !
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Thank you, you just saved my life!
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Thank you very much!!!)
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I tried all solutions but alt-right click still not working...
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did you delete your Wacom preference using their utility then create a new set of preferences . Make sure Wacom and Photoshop are both configured to use WinTab or INK API for pen mapping. By default Both should use Windows 10 INK there should be not PSUserConfig.txt in your CC 2018 User ID Preferences folder.
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I've reinstall everything but it is not working.
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The question is did you delete all Wacom preferences using Wacom utility?????
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It's either pen pressure sensitivity or quick brushsize adjustment possible, depending on Windows Ink on or off.
This is a problem since a quite long time, and there is no really solution! Please Adobe, do something!!!
I spent many of hours with this problem and so did others - without succes.
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So this fixed the issue for me, but now the pen stroke is lagging a lot, anyone else having this issue ?
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In your Brush options, Reduce Smoothing to 0%. You'll get the same performance you're used to.
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Make sure to create the Textfile without ".txt" in the end. In the folder the destination folder the file should be copied to, that you will just find when enabling "show hidden/system files" are already Textfiles of the same type - none of those shows the txt ending. Yours should just look the same(ANSI decoding worked for me on a WACOM mobile studio and PS 2018).
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GREAT!!! It worked!!!!!!!!
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None of the "solutions" work on Photoshop 2020, it's a broken mess and an expensive one at that.