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Hi Guys,
I'm currently designing "template" social posts. Getting the dimensions ready, putting in the branding and then the text areas/text boxes. Keeping well within the text to design ratio.
I love Adobe, so much better and I have been using Canva. Now, in Canva the text automatically resizes to fit the text box and middle aligns them to the text box. I'm sure that Photoshop can do this as well, but I don't know how.
Can you guys help me out here? Would you have used another Adobe app or is there a better way? Always open to learning new things, so let me have it!
Thanks in advance.
1 Correct answer
That thread is locked, melissapiccone.
Eddy, use Photoshop Family Customer Community​ > Ideas to leave a feature request.
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Editable text does not "fit the text box" until you apply appropriate font sizes. See screenshot.
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Hi Nancy,
Thank you for the answer, I would just like to clarify my intention.
Let's say for instance I create a "text box" and in this text box I make the words "Hello World" fit perfectly with 36 pt. Use it as a template for the next one and write "Hello World, it's Monday". Is it not possible to set it so that it can shrink the font automatically so that it stays:
1. On the same line, shrinking the font to accommodate (not that important)
2. Shrink the font to remain within the width and height of the box?
Does your comment still apply, or is there a way?
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Depends on what you need.
1) If you want to maintain editable type, no.
2) If editing type is not important, you can right click on the type layer in your Layers panel and select Rasterize type. This will turn editable type into a non-editable image layer which you can resize or Edit > Transform the same as any other image layer.
In this example, the Rasterized Type layer has been Transformed to change it's Perspective.
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I think I know what you are talking about - Adobe Spark does the same thing with text - it automatically resizes and reflows text to fit in the box. Photoshop doesn't do that, neither do Illustrator or InDesign. It's a cool feature in Spark and it would be cool in PS. You can make a feature request: Photoshop Feature Requests (Locked)
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That thread is locked, melissapiccone.
Eddy, use Photoshop Family Customer Community​ > Ideas to leave a feature request.
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Oops... Barb to the rescue!
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Any update?
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You can type text then transform it and have it then fit into a space you want, using guides would be easiest, but not type in a predefined box and have it size automatically. If your text is all on the same line, you can use a script to resize it to fit within a predefined space. I did this for images at my work. It would pull info from the metadata, and place it in the border of the images, but I had a limit that if the text exceeded a percentage of the image, it would resize the text.
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Hey Chuck, for lack of a better set of words: how do you do what you just described?
I'm trying to automate the process of making a quiz essentially, and i've gotten everything sorted aside from the fact that the questions being all of differing lengths means the text doesn't always fit wholly into any given space. I've gotten so far as to making it fit within the side constraints of the text box but when there's too much text it just stays the same size and cuts off any excess text.
I'm fairly unfamiliar with scripting and am starting to look into it but if you could let me know how exactly you do what you described in the above response that would be amazing and would complete the last step of an automation process that would save me literal hours each week.
Much appreciated if you can explain 🙂
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Unfortunately, I can't tell you what works, but I can tell you what I've tried and maybe that will give you an idea for something that works. I've tried defining a font size as a fraction of the image height, i.e. "myTextRef.size = (docRef.height/70 )". I've had some success using a similar term to define the location of the text box on the basis of image width, but it doesn't work for my font size. Changing the number will change font size, but it doesn't scale to image size. At one point I was under the impression that something like this worked in older versions of PS, but it's been so long that I can't tell you where I got that idea. If you figure it out, please let me know.
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Any update?
I just found out this cool feature in Spark. Deeply wish to see it in Photoshop as well.
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// Abdul karim mia
var currentLayer = activeDocument.activeLayer;
if (currentLayer.visible && currentLayer.kind == LayerKind.TEXT && currentLayer.textItem.contents && currentLayer.textItem.kind == TextType.PARAGRAPHTEXT) {
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.POINTS;
var doc = activeDocument;
var alay = doc.activeLayer;
var cnt = alay.textItem.contents;
var txs = Number(alay.textItem.size)
for (s = txs; s > 0; s--) {
doc.activeLayer.textItem.size = s;
doc.activeLayer.textItem.kind = TextType.POINTTEXT;
if (cnt.length == doc.activeLayer.textItem.contents.length) {
doc.activeLayer.textItem.size = s + 1;
doc.activeLayer.textItem.kind = TextType.POINTTEXT;
if (cnt.length == doc.activeLayer.textItem.contents.length) { Undo(); break; } else { Undo(); break; }
} else { Undo(); }
function Undo() {
// Select
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID('HstS'), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Prvs'));
desc1.putReference(charIDToTypeID('null'), ref1);
executeAction(charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc1, DialogModes.NO);