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Batch Processing 1 file to another

New Here ,
Jun 08, 2019 Jun 08, 2019

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Hi, I am getting myself in a real pickle trying to work this out

I sell military lapel pins and I am trying to batch process all of my regiments logos onto the single picture of the pin

I have 1 picture of the top of the lapel pin that I want to superimpose the regiments over it

In my test file I have 4 regimental logos and in another file just one picture of the pin head and a final folder to where the finished pictures should go

Sounds really easy but I cannot make t work on the regimental file folder

I have the action works perfectly but when I try and batch process it all goes horribly wrong

The 1st picture I have the lapel pin open and run the action and it works great (well near enough)

Pin1 after.JPG




When I run the batch it seems to go thru the process but actually just opens up the 4 test regimental files and the process does not work

I hope I have made myself clear

Thank you in advance for any replies and assistance

Kind regards







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 08, 2019 Jun 08, 2019

If the logos are all the same size, you may consider a Photoshop feature called Variables. You will create a template that includes the pin and companion list of the logo files (usually Excel). Variables will position each logo, and save each as a psd file.  Variables can handle hundreds of the completed pins automatically.

(You may even add a type line (price, perhaps) that changes with each completed file and since it is a psd file later editing of selected images and type will be easy.)



Community Expert ,
Jun 08, 2019 Jun 08, 2019

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You have resize you screen captures  so small I do not even want to try to read them. Do not resize screen captures let this site do the scaling. You are not going to be able to create an action to do what to do easily.  Actions can not use logic the deal with varying sizes.  Even a script may have problems doing what you want with what you are showing.   You have varying Aspect ratio logo  being fitted to a 1:1 aspect ratio pin.  That helps simplify the problem foe the Action can know the actual final size.  So It just need to get the logo and fit them to that known fixed size area.  You seem to show your logo are image files with a transparent background. A png or a layered files that supports transparency. Additionally the are no transparent borders. The logo bounds are the same as the image file canvas bounds.  This also good news you are not counting transparent borders in you logo files.

The problem I see is you state your logo are all in one layered document not separate files that could be batched. An action can not be batched to  process these logos an action that know how many layer there  may be able to process the logos however it would run into a problem saving  pins actions can not use logic to dynamically name files.  The Action could open the Pin template and stick a logo on it but can not generate a name to the save the pin with the action must have a hared coded save as for ever pin name file it is going to create.

If logo, regiments  and pin were separate files. You could most likely create a template.  Use Photoshop data driven graphics or some  user written script to  create the Pin file you want. Or you may be able to create a action that can be batched.






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Community Expert ,
Jun 08, 2019 Jun 08, 2019

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If the logos are all the same size, you may consider a Photoshop feature called Variables. You will create a template that includes the pin and companion list of the logo files (usually Excel). Variables will position each logo, and save each as a psd file.  Variables can handle hundreds of the completed pins automatically.

(You may even add a type line (price, perhaps) that changes with each completed file and since it is a psd file later editing of selected images and type will be easy.)





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New Here ,
Jun 09, 2019 Jun 09, 2019

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Thank you so much Norman, it worked an absolute treat

If anybody else needs to know how to do this here is a video I watched

Working with Variables in Photoshop - YouTube

And here is another one that will show you how to capture all of the names of the pictures and how to store them (really easy)

How to copy multiple filenames to folder, How to get folder file names to excel - YouTube

So thank you again 1 and all this has saved me loads and loads of time






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