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Does anyone know a way to bulk stack pairs of photos (raw and edited jpeg) so they can be auto aligned and then blended via opacity change in one? Prefer adobe based platform but don't think it's possible.
Was ideally looking at doing this from LR to PS, but honestly don't care how it's done. Pretty simple but only know how to do this for one pair of photos at a time.
You can try this first draft script. It's mostly there and should only require cosmetic tweaking, such as removing the manual save folder selection step if you want to save the merged files to the TIFF input folder or automatically create a new merged output folder alongside or within the TIFF input folder.
* Saves a layered TIFF file, change the boolean from true to false to save a flattened TIFF file [line 71]
* Layer opacity at 40% [line 108]
* Optional featur
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Please provide sample images or at least meaningful screenshots to illustrate the process, the imagery, the file structure and the naming convention.
It sounds like a case for Photoshop Scripting; several Scripts have been posted about combining X images.
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I have a couple of generic batch scripts posted here:
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I wonder, though, to what end one would need to align the RAW and the jpg – which makes me wonder whether I understood the OP’s intended process.
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I shoot in raw, multiple brackets. Want to blend in the base ambient bracket (can be saved as a different file with a basic preset) into an edit from outsourcing. Helps with producing a consistent product, with natural ambient light/shadows/etc to an otherwise commonly produced and over rendered style. Cost and time is major players in why this would be needed
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I shoot in raw, multiple brackets. Want to blend in the base ambient bracket (can be saved as a different file with a basic preset) into an edit from outsourcing. Helps with producing a consistent product, with natural ambient light/shadows/etc to an otherwise commonly produced and over rendered style. Cost and time is major players in why this would be needed
By jonathanb67250519
Strange, didn’t get a notification about the posts on this thread … Forum on the fritz again?
@jonathanb67250519 , I don’t quite follow your description.
Why align degraded, edited images to the original processed raw images? (»degraded« referring to the jpgs’ lossy compression.)
Please post screenshots to unequivocally clarify the file structure and the naming convention.
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I wonder, though, to what end one would need to align the RAW and the jpg – which makes me wonder whether I understood the OP’s intended process.
By c.pfaffenbichler
Yes, good point! My expectation is that they would match in document pixel dimensions and content wouldn't need alignment as this would naturally be the case.
2 or 3 sample file pairs and real examples of the naming is always helpful.
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edits have alignment adjustments so the auto align fixes this prior to the blending of the two images. after blend, overlap is cropped
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find examples of a dng and jpg. Tried to add the blended PSD but it's too large so I uploaded the final blend (as a jpg). It's simply aligned and the raw is blended in typically 30-40% (from opacity adjustment) to help bring in natural light to edit.
Not the perfect photo for axample purposes, but blend helps for a more naturalistic window view and the addition of some of the original ambient light/shadows/highlights.
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system won't allow me to upload dng or nef file, something about it fil extension not matching file type.
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As previously mentioned, I would need the raw files rendered to PSD or TIFF etc. I can do that for my tests from your samples.
What is a real example of the raw filename and the JPEG filename?
EDIT: Looking at your layered example –
There is no correlation in the naming of the raw and JPEG file.
How would an automated solution know which files to pair?
If the raw and JPEG files were in two separate folders and the first, second, third etc. alphabetical sorting file in each folder matched the order in the other folder, that would be workable for automation.
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I can change the jpg and raw (which will be saves as a Tiff) names to whatever is easiest for the script.
Typically I name the houses with letters A,B,C,D depending on how many homes are shot each day. That said, if it's best for them all to be A and I manually sort later that's fine, whatever is easiest.
They are typically kept in different folders, but can be combined into one if best for a script. Folder names can be names for whatever is best of the script.
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To keep it simple lets just go with file name A, so A-1.jpg and A-1.tiff from two different folders.
Tiff file would be top layer.
After the auto align and blend of 30% via opacity change, I save as so it imports back into LR as a new tiff file.
That should help with clarification, if not, let me know.
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To keep it simple lets just go with file name A, so A-1.jpg and A-1.tiff from two different folders.
Tiff file would be top layer.
After the auto align and blend of 30% via opacity change, I save as so it imports back into LR as a new tiff file.
That should help with clarification, if not, let me know.
By jonathanb67250519
OK, that is workable... What settings would you use for Edit > Auto-Align Layers...
I tested Auto and the result wasn't the same as per your PSD example.
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I do use auto align (auto). find the action below of the blending step used
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hopefully that action helped clarify the auto align step, if not, let me know. thanks
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The action download has been deleted, however, if you say that you use the Auto setting then that is all I need to know, a screenshot would suffice if that is the only thing that you do to auto-align the two layers.
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see auto align here
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Why not just use an HDR feature for blending? And I don't get why you would blend an edited and unedited shot.
I just use adjustment layers with masking and am able to get pretty much any effect. Its rare that I blend multiple exposures unless I'm doing a panorama.
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You can try this first draft script. It's mostly there and should only require cosmetic tweaking, such as removing the manual save folder selection step if you want to save the merged files to the TIFF input folder or automatically create a new merged output folder alongside or within the TIFF input folder.
* Saves a layered TIFF file, change the boolean from true to false to save a flattened TIFF file [line 71]
* Layer opacity at 40% [line 108]
* Optional feature to crop to transparency, remove the leading double-forward slash // comments to enable [line 111]
* Adds a '_Merged' filename suffix to the saved TIFF file, you could change this name or remove the content inside the single quotes '' [line 112]
I'm happy to make other modifications if required.
Stack and Blend 2 Input Folder Files to TIFF.jsx
v1.0, 17th July 2024 - Stephen Marsh
#target photoshop
(function () {
if (app.documents.length === 0) {
try {
// JPEG Input folder
var folder1 = Folder.selectDialog("Select the JPEG image folder:");
if (folder1 === null) {
alert('Script cancelled!');
// TIFF Input folder
var folder2 = Folder.selectDialog("Select the TIFF image folder:");
if (folder2 === null) {
alert('Script cancelled!');
// Validate input folder selection
var validateInputDir = (folder1.fsName === folder2.fsName);
if (validateInputDir === true) {
alert("Script cancelled as both the input folders are the same!");
// Limit the file input to jpg/jpeg
var list1 = folder1.getFiles(/\.(jpg|jpeg)$/i);
var list2 = folder2.getFiles(/\.(tif|tiff)$/i);
// Alpha-numeric sort
// Validate that folder 1 & 2 lists are not empty
var validateEmptyList = (list1.length > 0 && list2.length > 0);
if (validateEmptyList === false) {
alert("Script cancelled as one of the input folders is empty!");
// Validate that the item count in folder 1 & 2 matches
var validateListLength = (list1.length === list2.length);
if (validateListLength === false) {
alert("Script cancelled as the input folders don't have equal quantities of images!");
// Output folder
var saveFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select the folder to save to...");
// Save and set the dialog display settings
var savedDisplayDialogs = app.displayDialogs;
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
// TIFF save options
var tiffSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions();
tiffSaveOptions.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.NONE; // TIFFLZW | TIFFZIP | JPEG
tiffSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
tiffSaveOptions.byteOrder = ByteOrder.IBM;
tiffSaveOptions.transparency = true;
tiffSaveOptions.layers = true;
tiffSaveOptions.layerCompression = LayerCompression.ZIP;
tiffSaveOptions.interleaveChannels = true;
tiffSaveOptions.alphaChannels = true;
tiffSaveOptions.annotations = true;
tiffSaveOptions.spotColors = true;
tiffSaveOptions.saveImagePyramid = false;
// Hide the Photoshop panels
// Script running notification window - courtesy of William Campbell
/* */
var working;
working = new Window("palette");
working.preferredSize = [300, 80];
working.t = working.add("statictext");
working.display = function (message) {
this.t.text = message || "Script running, please wait...";;
// Set the file processing counter
var counter = 0;
// Perform the stacking and saving
for (var i = 0; i < list1.length; i++) {
var doc = open(list1[i]);
var docName =\.[^\.]+$/, '');
placeFile(list2[i], 100);
app.activeDocument.activeLayer.opacity = 40; // Layer opacity
cropTransparency(); // Optional crop
app.activeDocument.saveAs(new File(saveFolder + '/' + docName + '_Merged' + '.tif'), tiffSaveOptions);
counter++; // Increment the counter
// Ensure Photoshop has focus before closing the running script notification window
// End of script notification
app.displayDialogs = savedDisplayDialogs;
alert('Script completed!' + '\r' + counter + ' merged TIFF files saved to:' + '\r' + saveFolder.fsName);
// Restore the Photoshop panels
} catch (err) {
while (app.documents.length > 0) {
alert("Error!" + "\r" + err + ' ' + err.line);
} else {
alert('Please close all open documents before running this script!');
///// Functions /////
function placeFile(file, scale) {
try {
var idPlc = charIDToTypeID("Plc ");
var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = charIDToTypeID("null");
desc2.putPath(idnull, new File(file));
var idFTcs = charIDToTypeID("FTcs");
var idQCSt = charIDToTypeID("QCSt");
var idQcsa = charIDToTypeID("Qcsa");
desc2.putEnumerated(idFTcs, idQCSt, idQcsa);
var idOfst = charIDToTypeID("Ofst");
var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID("Hrzn");
var idPxl = charIDToTypeID("#Pxl");
desc3.putUnitDouble(idHrzn, idPxl, 0.000000);
var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID("Vrtc");
var idPxl = charIDToTypeID("#Pxl");
desc3.putUnitDouble(idVrtc, idPxl, 0.000000);
var idOfst = charIDToTypeID("Ofst");
desc2.putObject(idOfst, idOfst, desc3);
var idWdth = charIDToTypeID("Wdth");
var idPrc = charIDToTypeID("#Prc");
desc2.putUnitDouble(idWdth, idPrc, scale);
var idHght = charIDToTypeID("Hght");
var idPrc = charIDToTypeID("#Prc");
desc2.putUnitDouble(idHght, idPrc, scale);
var idAntA = charIDToTypeID("AntA");
desc2.putBoolean(idAntA, true);
executeAction(idPlc, desc2, DialogModes.NO);
} catch (e) { }
function resetTransforms() {
try {
var idplacedLayerResetTransforms = stringIDToTypeID("placedLayerResetTransforms");
executeAction(idplacedLayerResetTransforms, undefined, DialogModes.NO);
} catch (e) {
//alert("Error!" + "\r" + e + ' ' + e.line); // Errors in 2019 version
function selectAllLayers() {
try {
var c2t = function (s) {
return app.charIDToTypeID(s);
var s2t = function (s) {
return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);
var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();
var descriptor2 = new ActionDescriptor();
var reference = new ActionReference();
var reference2 = new ActionReference();
reference2.putEnumerated(s2t("layer"), s2t("ordinal"), s2t("targetEnum"));
descriptor.putReference(c2t("null"), reference2);
executeAction(s2t("selectAllLayers"), descriptor, DialogModes.NO);
// Add the Background layer if it exists
reference.putProperty(s2t("layer"), s2t("background"));
descriptor2.putReference(c2t("null"), reference);
descriptor2.putEnumerated(s2t("selectionModifier"), s2t("selectionModifierType"), s2t("addToSelection"));
descriptor2.putBoolean(s2t("makeVisible"), false);
executeAction(s2t("select"), descriptor2, DialogModes.NO);
} catch (e) {
alert("Error!" + "\r" + e + ' ' + e.line);
function autoAlign() {
try {
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt'));
desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID('null'), ref);
desc.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID('Usng'), charIDToTypeID('ADSt'), stringIDToTypeID('ADSContent'));
desc.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID('Aply'), stringIDToTypeID('projection'), charIDToTypeID('Auto'));
desc.putBoolean(stringIDToTypeID('vignette'), false);
desc.putBoolean(stringIDToTypeID('radialDistort'), false);
executeAction(charIDToTypeID('Algn'), desc, DialogModes.NO);
} catch (e) {
alert("Error!" + "\r" + e + ' ' + e.line);
function cropTransparency() {
try {
var s2t = function (s) {
return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);
var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();
var descriptor2 = new ActionDescriptor();
var descriptor3 = new ActionDescriptor();
var descriptor4 = new ActionDescriptor();
var descriptor5 = new ActionDescriptor();
var descriptor6 = new ActionDescriptor();
var reference = new ActionReference();
var reference2 = new ActionReference();
var reference3 = new ActionReference();
var reference4 = new ActionReference();
// Dupe layers to temp merged layer
descriptor.putBoolean(s2t("duplicate"), true);
executeAction(s2t("mergeLayersNew"), descriptor, DialogModes.NO);
// Load selection from layer transparency
reference.putProperty(s2t("channel"), s2t("selection"));
descriptor2.putReference(s2t("null"), reference);
reference2.putEnumerated(s2t("channel"), s2t("channel"), s2t("transparencyEnum"));
descriptor2.putReference(s2t("to"), reference2);
executeAction(s2t("set"), descriptor2, DialogModes.NO);
// Enter quick mask mode
reference3.putProperty(s2t("property"), s2t("quickMask"));
reference3.putEnumerated(s2t("document"), s2t("ordinal"), s2t("targetEnum"));
descriptor3.putReference(s2t("null"), reference3);
// Threshold to 255 levels
executeAction(s2t("set"), descriptor3, DialogModes.NO);
descriptor4.putInteger(s2t("level"), 255);
executeAction(s2t("thresholdClassEvent"), descriptor4, DialogModes.NO);
// Exit quick mask mode
reference4.putProperty(s2t("property"), s2t("quickMask"));
reference4.putEnumerated(s2t("document"), s2t("ordinal"), s2t("targetEnum"));
descriptor5.putReference(s2t("null"), reference4);
// Crop selection
executeAction(s2t("clearEvent"), descriptor5, DialogModes.NO);
descriptor6.putBoolean(s2t("delete"), true);
executeAction(s2t("crop"), descriptor6, DialogModes.NO);
// Clean up
} catch (e) {
alert("Error!" + "\r" + e + ' ' + e.line);
Instructions for saving and use:
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Awesome, appreciate that very much. Let me give it a shot and see how it does. Should be a huge time saver.
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It works! I never knew an automated process like this was possible, it's a huge time saver. Thank you very much! Now that I know this is possible, will try to think of additional ways to streamline my editing process.
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It works! I never knew an automated process like this was possible, it's a huge time saver. Thank you very much!
By jonathanb67250519
You're welcome! Please mark my previous reply with the script code as a correct answer.
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After using the script a bit more, some of the blends aren't aligning properly and are blurry. Have tried to trouble shoot to see if there is a specific cause and can't figure it out. Any ideas why this maybe happening? Almost seems random as it maybe a few within a specific set for a house.