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Does anyone know a way to bulk stack pairs of photos (raw and edited jpeg) so they can be auto aligned and then blended via opacity change in one? Prefer adobe based platform but don't think it's possible.
Was ideally looking at doing this from LR to PS, but honestly don't care how it's done. Pretty simple but only know how to do this for one pair of photos at a time.
You can try this first draft script. It's mostly there and should only require cosmetic tweaking, such as removing the manual save folder selection step if you want to save the merged files to the TIFF input folder or automatically create a new merged output folder alongside or within the TIFF input folder.
* Saves a layered TIFF file, change the boolean from true to false to save a flattened TIFF file [line 71]
* Layer opacity at 40% [line 108]
* Optional featur
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After using the script a bit more, some of the blends aren't aligning properly and are blurry. Have tried to trouble shoot to see if there is a specific cause and can't figure it out. Any ideas why this maybe happening? Almost seems random as it maybe a few within a specific set for a house.
By @jonathanb67250519
The script should be doing the same thing as the action when set to "Auto", which is the same as what you would do manually.
If you do this manually for the image pairs that are failing, do you get the same poor result? If not, do you get the same poor result if using an action?
The script could call an action to do the auto, but in theory, this is the same as using the script code.
As others commented previously, although you seem to like this workflow, others would not do things this way.
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It is difficult to trouble shoot, when I manually blend step by step or via my action it blends fine. I haven't tried to repeat the script on the handful of images that were blurry, to see if I reran the script if it would work on a second run. Need to try that. As long as the script auto aligns on the auto option it should be identical to my action.
If anyone has a suggestion to easily blend in the ambient light/shadows/etc to an edited photo I'm open to suggestions. There is a movement back to a more naturalistic look for real estate photography so editors are starting to blend in more ambient light into their edits. That said, the ultra rendered look is still most popular and the naturalistic blend is going for nearly twice the cost. Calculate 1000s of photos a year and that adds up. Hence, my automated blend to keep costs down.
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I'm open to modifying the script to run your action rather than using the auto code, however there isn't much point if this is random or hard to troubleshoot.
I agree, I don't like the "HDR tone-mapping" unrealistic look, this is of course a user preference on how to process images, not the fault of the technology itself. I prefer natural-looking "exposure blending" or "exposure fusion" (bracketed exposures) over the more popular HDR over-processed rendering look that is favoured by so many.
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When I have time I'll rerun the script on the specific images that come out unaligned/blurry to see if there is a different result. Up to this point, have only manually run my blend action on these images and they have blended/aligned correctly.
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Because the images that are not auto aligning/blending correctly through the script are blending cleanly when I run my action or blend manually, it must be something based within the auto alignment in the script, just not sure what or why. The script action for auto align is 'auto align' and 'auto' projection.
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Because the images that are not auto aligning/blending correctly through the script are blending cleanly when I run my action or blend manually, it must be something based within the auto alignment in the script, just not sure what or why. The script action for auto align is 'auto align' and 'auto' projection.
By @jonathanb67250519
You can disable it by commenting out, adding double forward slashes in front of //autoAlign(); or deleting the following named function call:
Then you can replace this line with code to call your action, which should only have a single step to auto-align the layers selected by the script. The action and action set names are case-sensitive and need to match your action and set:
app.doAction("My Action Name", "My Action Set Folder Name");
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Been trying to troubleshoot why some images don't auto align correctly with script but do with my action, and still can't figure out why.
Via link are two photos (jpgs, tiffs and blends) and you can see what I mean, almost looks like some auto align twice which causes a similar effect. But if I run exact same blend with my action it is clean.
Was thinking if the stack and save paragraph was 100% my action, maybe that would correct issue. If it was called "Auto Blend 40%", what would the stacking and saving paragraph look like within the script?
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Sorry, I thought my previous post was clear on how to disable the scripted auto alignment and replace it with a named action set and action.
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You are correct, previous post was clear regarding replacement of auto align in script with my auto align action, however this still results in the same issue.
Only through my full auto blending action (from selection of all layers to saving them) works.
Was hoping to remove all actions within that part of the script that would overlap my full action, from the point of selecting all laters to saving with my one action.
Such as possibly app.doAction("Opacity 35%", "Auto Bending"); and selectAllLayers();
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Was hoping to remove all actions within that part of the script that would overlap my full action, from the point of selecting all laters to saving with my one action.
Such as possibly app.doAction("Opacity 35%", "Auto Bending"); and selectAllLayers();
By @jonathanb67250519
Comment out or remove the following three lines of code found in the "Perform the stacking and saving" code block and replace them with the code to run the action set/action:
app.activeDocument.activeLayer.opacity = 40; // Layer opacity
Edit: You will need to disable or remove the save TIFF step from your action as that will still be performed by the script.
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So how did you go with the action once you edited out the corresponding script steps?
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I'm not a coder but understand enough to know where I thought changed needed to be tried. No matter what I changed, certain images just don't align correctly. Makes no sense to me, seems so random. Just ran a batch on two houses, the first was perfect, second had about 50% misaligned. Same camera, same basic settings, same batch, really baffles me.
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I'll admit to being completely lost as to your workflow. The WHOLE REASON to retouch photos is to get the look you want. I would never ever ever finish a photo and then blend it with an unedited copy. I've never heard of anyone doing this, ever.
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The original image is not unedited, it does have a preset added to it. I'm just bringing back some of the natural ambient colors and shadows through the blend. If you are familar with real estate photography and what's common with outsourced editing, you would know what I mean.
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Yes but I don't get why you don't start with this blend.
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Because only using a auto based blending system (doesn't matter which one as they are all limited on what they can do) will not get the results I need, it's only possible from hand blending images/exposures and/or flash. I could pay twice as much to get the final result I want from outsourcing or introduce what I want myself, some of the natural elements from a pure ambient shot, which a script would do with minimal time and effort.
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:headdesk: ok but that didn't answer my question. I'm gonna exit this discussion because the whole thing makes no sense to me. Good luck.