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Olá pessoal,
Ontem a noite acabei um projeto no Photoshop e salvei normalmente, hoje pela manhã fui abrir o arquivo e o mesmo se encontrava todo preto, todas as camadas tinham sumido do arquivo, porém o arquivo continua com o mesmo tamanho.
Nunca aconteceu nada parecido comigo em alguns anos que utilizo a plataforma..
Se alguém souber como ajudar agradeço, pois é um projeto muito importante.
Hi Gustavo,
That shouldn't be happening, as it's not a typical experience. Let's make ti right.
As the psd opens up as black, could you please let us know the verison of Photoshop and the Operating System you're working with?
Also, where did you save the file? On an external drive or a local drive?
The file might have gone corrupt, please check this article to know baout some recovery steps:
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Hi Gustavo,
That shouldn't be happening, as it's not a typical experience. Let's make ti right.
As the psd opens up as black, could you please let us know the verison of Photoshop and the Operating System you're working with?
Also, where did you save the file? On an external drive or a local drive?
The file might have gone corrupt, please check this article to know baout some recovery steps:
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did you resolve? I'm having the same problem, the only difference is that my screen is like this
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Estou tendo o mesmo problema! Me sinto tão frustrada porque era um trabalho de dias... 😞
não encontro como resolver